A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



It was a great day for me. I sat still, looking at the mirror, as I watched the omega perform great magic on my hair.

“A few more pins, and we would be done, your majesty.”

“Of course.” I nodded with a small smile. “Take your time, love.”

She continued fixing pins around my hair and humming in satisfaction. Just then, the door burst open and Layla stepped in, looking so lost in her preparations.

“Put it there.” She instructed another omega, who stepped into the room with her.

“The dress?” I asked, and she literally jumped around, clapping her hands excitedly.

“Yes, the dress! Audrey you need to see the altercations Lilian made. It’s sooo fucking beautiful.”

“Oh? Great! I just hope she still maintained the accurate fittings.”

“Of course, she did.” Layla grinned. “Ana, please do it quickly with her hair. The officials are already trooping in.”

“They are here already?” I asked in surprise.

“Audrey, it’s past 12 noon! The joining ceremony was slated for 10 am, remember?”

“Ohhh, shit!” My legs began shaking impatiently. “And Logan?”

“He has finished getting ready a while ago. He’s kept himself busy with Blaze.”

Blaze was our cute little bundle of joy. She was everything we had asked of the goddess, and more. She was a physical representation of our love. Ahhh!! I would always smile to myself, whenever I remember Logan’s first reaction of meeting our daughter. He had cried!

I used to think Logan was kind and softhearted, but wait until you see him around our pup, who can’t even comprehend things yet.

Little Logan literally adored her as well. When she was born, he kept asking if she had come out of my big belly, like Brienne had done to his mother! Every single hour, he remains at Blaze’s side, finding it fun just looking at her. He particularly loved her fire red hair, and would talk about how hot she was. That was why we named her Blaze. It meant ‘Fire’.

It was now I understood what he really meant, when he’d say that he saw me in his dreams, and I was hot.

Everyone of us had thought he meant ‘hot’ in the sense of ‘sexy’. Now I really understood what he meant. Little Logan had seen that the Flaming Wolf was within me, but just didn’t understand it.

I felt someone tug against my mindlink, and I opened up.

‘Hey, cousin’. That was…. Denver!!

“Denver is here!” I stood up abruptly, before turning to the semi frustrated Ana, fixing up my hair. “Sorry.” I gave an awkward smile, and she nodded with a small smile of hers.

“He made it.” Layla grinned.

“Yes, he did. I can’t wait to see him. And Leah. And the baby!” I hadn’t seen Denver for over 3 months. After the war, he had rushed back to our pack, even before I could wake up from my unconsciousness. He left me a letter, explaining how sorry he was, but hitting on the need to see his pregnant mate as soon as he could. It was very understandable, and I would only be foolish if I got mad. Now, their boy was gonna be 2 months old, and I couldn’t wait to see him.

Trying to remain patient, I sat still and let the omega finish up with my hair. After that, I was helped into my dress with the assistance of Layla and Ana, and by the goddess, I was speechless. I looked soooo good. The detailed installation of pearls around the entire gown, was just everything.

“Oh, my! Lilian really outdid herself.” I nodded in agreement to Layla’s earlier statement.

“She sure did!” Layla grinned. “I think you’re just abooouuuttt….” She bent and helped me wear my shoes. “…. readyyyy!” She clapped in excitement, seeing my full look. “You look sooo beautiful, Audrey. I’m so happy for you both.”

“Thank you, Layla.” I teared up. It was really happeningggg! I was getting married to the absolute love of my life. My mate.

“You look gorgeous, your majesty.” The omegas bowed, before taking their leave.

“Logan is on his way in here.” Layla announced, a warm smile on her face.

“He is?” I asked, and just then, the door was opened. Immediately, Layla dramatically made her way out, living us both alone.

I breathed slowly as he just stood by the doorstep and stared so intently at me.

“You’re beautiful, My Audrey.” He sighed, making a smile appear on my face. “So breathtaking.” He whispered, walking closer to me, and shutting the door behind him.

“Thank you.” I bowed my head shyly, and he just shook his head.

“Thank you. For agreeing to do this with me.”

“No, Logan. Thank you for….” I paused and looked at him. We gave each other that knowing look and burst out laughing. We both knew that if we continued, we may probably spend the whole day subtly debating who deserved who, more.

I guess that was truly what love was about. Not being scared to be vulnerable before your partner. Not caring who says ‘I love you’ first. Not believing that you’re too good for them. I loved this man, and I had never been more convinced about his love for me.

“You know what I want to do now?” He asked, his gaze suddenly turning hot. Oh, no no no!

“Please don’t, Logan.” I let out a smile from embarrassment.

“I want to bend you over, while you grip the edge of this vanity stand….” He continued, regardless of my plea. “Then I want to hike up this gown, push your thong aside, and fuck you with the thought that you’re mine.”

I felt my face burning hotly, but I just knew this was a very bad idea.

“Logan, please. I don’t want the other wolves sniffing us out, and knowing what we’ve been up to, when we finally step out. That’d be quite an embarrassment.”

“An embarrassment that would even turn you on the more.” He teased, closing the gap between our faces, and kissing me so passionately. After some seconds, he pulled away. “Ahhh….” He frowned. “I ruined your lipstick already.”NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“I told you….”

“Shhhh….” He shushed me. “I would be obedient, and wait until after the ceremony is done. Prepare to be exhausted tonight.” He whispered, making my neck burn up with desire. “Alright, my love.” He winked, and turned to leave. The moment he shut the door behind him, I let out a hot breathe. Gosh! I was losing it, as my clitoris continually twitched inside my pussy. Could I ever stop being so hungry for him? It was always a heightened reaction, whenever he came at me this way. It was settled! I would always burn for this man, no matter the situation.

Soon, we were standing before each other, in the presence of the congregation.

“You’re beautiful.” He said, and in that moment, I recalled our first wedding. He had said the exact same thing, and I had asked him to feel free admiring me, because that was the only thing he’ll ever be able to do. And that I’ll never be his. Goddess! I was so messed up.

“You, my darling, are the most beautiful person I know.” I responded, tears clogging my eyes. “My gift for all of eternity.”

“I love you.” He whispered.

“Ohhh, I love you. Fiercely. Hard. Unapologetically.”

He leaned forward to kiss me, only to be chastised by the dotting elders who started to surround us, chanting the matrimonial rituals of the moon realm.

“It’s not the time for that, your majesty.” Chief Drakos chuckled and Logan literally glared, making me hold back my laughter.

After they were done chanting, they all walked back to where they had been seated, leaving Chief Drakos behind, who proceeded to officiate the ceremony.

He walked up to the podium above us, and started the joining ceremony.

“Your majesties, please repeat these vows after me.” He requested, then turned to Logan. “I, Logan Fell,”

“I, Logan Fell.” Logan repeated.

“Takes Audrey Chadwick, my gift of a lifetime from the moon goddess.”

“Takes Audrey Chadwick, my gift of a lifetime from the moon goddess.”

“To love and to be bonded under the grace of the moon goddess.”

“To love and to be bonded under the grace of the moon goddess.”

“Until death do us part.”

“Until death do us part.”

After Logan, it was my turn, and I literally rushed out the words, making everyone laugh. Never ever, had I meant the words I said, like the way I did today. I was giving Logan my promise of forever.

“Under the authority of the moon goddess, the witness of the council of elders, and in the presence of the supernatural races, you’re husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Chief Drakos informed.

Logan pulled me closer to himself immediately, smashing his soft lips against mine. We kissed with so much passion, not caring that there were a lot of guests present.

I remember all he had done in our first wedding, was give me a peck to the cheek, because I didn’t want him to kiss me. Now, it was a completely different case.



“Arrhhh!!! Yes!!” I yelled in satisfaction, as I fell on top of his chest. It always felt better with him.

“Goddess!” He sighed. “That was amazing, babe.”

“Yeah, it was.” I muttered, feeling so dry in my throat. I stepped out of bed in my nude form, and walked towards the large table at the left side of the wardrobes. Picking up the jug of water and turning some water into the glass cup beside it, I gulped down quickly.

“So drained that you have to reenergize yourself, huh?” Logan said behind me, and I chuckled.

“Trust me,” I turned. “I’ve never been more drained.” I walked up to him. “For a moment there, I thought I was going to pass out from the pleasure.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He smiled.

“I always do!” I groaned, making him laugh.

“You should come back for more.” He suggested.

“Hell no!” I yelled helplessly. “Are you on a secret mission to put pup number 2 in my belly???!”

“Ahhh!” He groaned this time, his face looking so uncomfortable. “I don’t want you going through that pain again.” He shook his head.

“Your majestyyyy…” I teased. “We definitely have to give Blaze another sibling. She can’t be all alone.” I reasoned, walking back to the bed.

“She has her cousins; Logan and Brienne. Hell! Father and Emily are expecting a baby soon. She would have more than enough cousins to keep her company.” He reasoned.

“I knooowww, but she still needs a sibling. Or even siblingsss. I want a full house, Logan. And I hope Layla and Liam birth more pups.”


“I grew up with only one brother, who was just an ass. Our relationship was terrible, which I am only realizing, contributed to my lack of interest in making friends or mingling with others. I probably felt that my family relationship was very messed up, and didn’t want to believe others could relate with me better than that.”

“I just don’t want you to go through pains again. I thought you were going to die from the pain that birthing Blaze put you through.”

“I know. But it’s all worth the pain. Or isn’t she worth it?” I asked, and a small smile made its way to his face. “For every good and worthy gift, there’s a little pain attached. Look at me and you. See all we went through to make this work. And I’ve never regretted my decision to be with you, for a single day.”

“Fine.” He muttered. “Two more, max. Not more than that.”

“Are we bargaining number of pups now, your majesty??” I laughed, making him smile uneasily. Hmmm! It was going to be a great task, getting Logan to be mentally prepared for more kids.

“I love you.” He muttered.

“I know, baby. And I love you too.” I sighed, relaxing into his side, and laying back on the bed. “Today was beautiful.” I sighed contentedly.

“Everyday is beautiful, with you in it.” He said, and I flashed him a smile.

“I’m just not happy I didn’t have enough time to spend with Rosa or Denver.”

“Denver seems to be doing just fine with his mate and handsome pup.” Logan grinned.

“And Rosa?” I asked, and he squinted his eyes in uncertainty. “I don’t really know. They seem like they’re having issues.”

“Ohh, my love! I thought so too!” I sighed in worry. “They had both barely looked at each other. Ryan even spent a better part of the event with other Alphas.” I noted. “Logan, are you sure things would work out for them?”

“Babe, if there’s any other thing I noticed, it would be their uneasy expressions. It’s so clear they aren’t happy fighting with each other. In fact…” He turned to me with a hopeful smile. “I think their relationship is about to take a turn for the better. I just feel that way.”

I hoped so too.

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