A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



I so much wanted to believe that something could be done about Isla’s disappearance, but the glaring truth remained that we couldn’t do much. We could only hope. Isobel and Keturah had done their best the whole week, trying to know her whereabouts through a locator spell, but everything was just blank. It was as if her energy had completely disappeared from the world.

“Audrey.” I looked up to see Layla standing at the door of the study.

“You’ve been here most of the days, all week.”

“I can’t just sit around idly. I don’t want to believe we’ve lost Isla.” My head fell in defeat.

“Same here.” She walked into the study. “My brother?” She asked.

“I don’t know. He left here a couple of hours back. Probably trying to put one or two things in order, before the war. It’s tomorrow, Layla!” I sighed deeply, unable to believe my own ears.

“It is.” She nodded. “I can feel the tension around. I am scared. For my kids.” She added, making me look up at her.

“You know,” She gave a sad smile. “I wished they were born after all these. I have imagined a whole lot of scenarios in my head. What if Liam goes for war and doesn’t return? What if we are defeated and my children and made slaves to monsters? Brienne is just a baby….” She trailed off, bursting into tears.

“They are both just babies, Layla. And I understand how you feel. Totally. They deserve to be in a world without fights and evil. They are just too precious for it.” I nodded slowly. “Layla, I would really love to console you and assure you that we would win this war, but nothing can ever be certain.”

“So what do I do?” She asked, cleaning the remnant tears off her eyes.

“Live today with your family, like it were your last. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be.”

Just then, I felt someone tugging at my mindlink, and let it open.



‘Are you good?’

‘I can’t say for sure. I mean…. tomorrow might be the last time I see you’.

‘I got word’. He said so suddenly, making me believe there was a very important information. Just like I had thought, his next words literally broke me.

‘Audrey, Leah and I are pregnant. Finally…’ I could hear his voice shake.

‘Oh my world…. Denver where are you?’

‘My room’. He muttered, and I stood up.

“I’m sorry Layla, but I have to go be with my cousin. He just received…. good news.”

“Before a day as tomorrow? He should better celebrate as much as he can today. Tomorrow…”

“Let’s keep hope alive.” I forced a smile on my face, and made my way out. I literally ran all the way to Denver’s room, a lot of thoughts running through my mind.

For 5 years now, Leah and Denver were trying to conceive, but it just wasn’t coming. I knew how much they both wanted a baby, and everyday I tried to put them in my prayers. It was just so unfair that this baby was finally coming at a time as this.

“Denver!” I knocked against his door. After a while, he opened up and I ran into him arms. He was one of the kindest men I knew, and he truly deserved nothing short of happiness. Why was his, coming in this manner?

“Audrey.” He whispered against my neck as I gently pat his back.

At that point in time, I didn’t know what to say. Should I have said ‘I’m sorry’, or ‘congratulations’?

“This is such good news.” I eventually said. He remained silent, not saying a word. After a while, he pulled away and walked towards his bed. When he turned to me, my heart broke at the sight of his reddened eyes. He had been crying before I got here.

“I had always fantasized and imagined how much I’d be there for my mate when she finally gets pregnant. To massage her legs, prepare whatever meals she’d ask for, cuddle her closely while we slept, compliment her even when she looked her biggest.”

“Audrey, you know how long we’ve wanted this….”

“I knoooowww….” I nodded, willing back my tears. I had to be strong for him. He always has, for me.

“I can only imagine how long she would have fought within herself to not tell me about it yet.”

“She has been for a while?” I asked in surprise, and he nodded.

“Definitely. We’ve been away from each other for a while.” He chuckled bitterly. “8 weeks gone.” He said. “8 weeks, Audrey! Since we left for the palace.”

“She knew before we left?”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“No, a few weeks just after we left. Here.” He handed me a paper, that was supposedly Leah’s letter to him. I read through…


My dearest love, how do you do? I miss you so much!! So much that I have to always sniff your scent off the clothes you left back at home. I miss you holding me to sleep every night. I miss the feel of your lips against mine, and your skin against my skin. Everyday I wake up without you beside me, it hurts.

I am writing because there is something so important I need to tell you. I’m so sorry I didn’t let you know much sooner, because I was hoping you would return to me sooner, and be with me through it all, like you had promised. I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant, 3 weeks after you and the soldiers left for the palace. Everytime I think of writing to you, and letting you know, I change my mind, deciding to wait a bit longer so I could tell it to you physically. Days turned into weeks, and now, our unborn baby is already 8 weeks old. I am almost too heavy to walk around like I usually would. I know you would have wanted so badly to be a part of these all. I’m so sorry love, please forgive me. Now, I cannot help but be scared for you, knowing the war is only a couple of days ahead. Please, promise me that you would make it through, and come right straight to me. We both need you. Please fight hard. I love you, and thank you for giving me such a wonderful gift of you.

~~Love, Leah.


Oh wow! This was a whole lot. I looked up at Denver and tried to keep him encouraged. But before I could even say a word, he beat me to it.

“Don’t.” He shook his head. “Don’t tell me it’s going to be fine, because we definitely can’t be sure about that. Audrey, what if I don’t ever get to lay eyes on him? Hell! What if the rogues win this battle? Then my mate and child would be slaves? To monsters?”

How come he had thought the exact same thing as Layla? I guess that is what it truly meant to be a parent.

I imagined having a child like Logan, and I just couldn’t deal with watching all of these go wrong around him. To think that I literally spent over an hour, thinking about my poor little Logan. This was really messed up.

“Denver.” I called firmly. “We would keep hope alive. You hear me?” I asked, and he nodded in understanding. “You would fight in this war, survive it all, and go back home to your mate and unborn baby. I’m so happy for you.” I teared up, hugging him again. I was really happy. And may the goddess help me, I was going to spoil that baby so much.

I stayed back with Denver for some more time, before leaving his room. I was on my way to see Rosa, but remembered I hadn’t checked up on Emily yet. So I made a turn and headed towards king Xavier’s chambers. The guards had greeted me, and informed me that they weren’t in. I wondered where they could have been, and decided to look around king Xavier’s study first.

Making my way to the study, I came to a stop, close to the door. I could hear them conversing, and it sounded like someone was crying. Emily.

“Please Xavier, don’t go.” She cried, and my heart lurched. Someone should have prepared me for these emotional rollercoasters today. What was I expecting? Today was definitely the last day for everyone to spend with their loved ones, before we were all gonna be parted for war. A war that some may return fine, injured, badly injured, or dead.

“My love, calm down. I am the king’s father, and I am still very agile. What does it say of me, if I stay back, while others go to defend the honour of our land?”

“I don’t care about all that….” She sniffled. “You’re just all I care about. What if I lose you?”

After her question, I didn’t hear anything anymore. For a moment, I was worried, until I heard king Xavier chuckle.

“Once upon a time, you couldn’t wait for the war, just so you could leave me.”

“Go away.” She chuckled in between sniffles, making me try too hard to not laugh and expose myself.

‘You’re invading their privacy!!’ My wolf yelled in disapproval, and I only rolled my eyes.

‘I am trying to gather as much gossips for our mate!’ I reasoned, smiling to myself.

“Hmmm… I don’t want that anymore. I want you.” I heard Emily say, and I blushed so hard at her words.

“Then kiss me.” King Xavier said, and that was when things started to take a turn. “I want to take you on my desk….” Wait, what what what what what!! Okay, things went south real quick! I found myself running out, on my tiptoes. I just could not believe those two!! My entire face was burning hot, as I ran off.

Okayyyyy….. Up next, I was headed for Rosa’s room. Already emotionally preparing myself to spend sometime with Rosa, I unavoidably did a ‘U’ turn, when I walked up to Ryan at her door.

This evening definitely had a lot of surprises for me.

“Luna….” He tried to call me.

“Sorry for the close interruption!” I yelled out, running away like a chicken. All that went through my mind, was that he hopefully didn’t mess things up. A war was ahead, and the best thing they could both do, was accept each other before then.

Lastly, I set out to the training grounds, to have my final moment with them all.

The training grounds was clustered with different groups of soldiers, training so intensely. A lot of them were engaged in spars and sword fights. I walked closer to where my pack’s army trained with Beta Marcus. Just a few of them were there, and for a moment, I thought to look at them from afar. All so suddenly, the plenty years we fought together, came flooding through my mind. I had watched most of them grow, both physically and mentally. They were my children, and realizing that I would unavoidably lose some of them to battle, made tears well in my eyes.

“Ga…. Luna?” That was Dalia’s voice. I looked forward to see her sweating so hard. Our eyes locked and after a moment, I noticed she teared up too. I walked closer to them, and exhaled deeply. Not thinking my actions through, I opened my arms in invitation, and they all became immobile.

“All of you….” I managed. “Come to me.” I muttered, and slowly, they made their way to me one after the other. Dalia had watched the others hug me in turns, and purposely waited to be the last. I couldn’t blame her. She was my favourite. The best for last, like the saying goes.

After the last person hugged me and stepped aside, I looked at her. “Would you come to me now? My Dalia.” Hearing me say that, she rushed to me with such speed, giving me a bone crushing hug. “Tell me you are going to fight hard.” I whispered my order. “Tell me you would make it through and come back with me.”

“Tell me you would fight through it too.” She stubbornly shot back, and I found myself laughing amidst our tears. I believed in her abilities. I had taken my time to personally train Dalia over the years, and I only hoped all our past trainings were enough to keep her safe. We pulled away, and I instantly felt so embarrassed over my tears.

“Y’all make me act so weak…” I whispered, cleaning the residual tears off my eyes. I could hear a few of them chuckle. Finally regaining my composure, I looked up at them, a sad smile on my face. “It’s been an honour to have trained alongside brave soldiers like you all.”

“It’s been a greater honor, Chief!!” They all chorused, bending a knee.

“Thank you. And fight hard.” I said, before turning and walking away.

Deciding it was time to rest in preparation for the day ahead, I went straight to our chambers, and threw myself on the bed. Sleep took over.



It was so early in morning, when I felt our bed dip behind me. Logan had finally returned.

“My love, where have you been?” I asked, still feeling drowsy.

“I and the witches had a final rite to perform, before the war.” He whispered behind me.

“Have you had any sleep?”

“Enough to carry me through the tough day ahead.” He muttered, sniffing my nape as he did. “I missed you.” I could feel his hands traveling from my waist, towards my breasts. The sleep started to vanish from my eyes.

“I missed you too.” I sighed contentedly. Slowly, he began massaging my breasts, getting me really turned on.

“Did you miss this too?” He asked, and I nodded mindlessly. For the past couple of days, we haven’t had sex. We were just so busy, and always returned to our chambers feeling extremely exhausted.

“I definitely do.” I replied. Placing his hand underneath my chin, he turned my face to himself, inching closer and giving me very deep and intentional kiss. I leaned into the kiss, letting my hands explore the wide expanse of his chest as I did.

My hands trailed down the well sculpted line of his abs, definitely leaving sparks in its wake. Climbing atop me, Logan settled in between my thigs, taking his sweet time caressing my legs, and trailing his fingers up my thighs. Taking my hands with his, he stretched them above my head, slightly hitting the head board. He kissed from my neck to my chest, licking and dropping chaste kisses all over.

“Tonight, I want to make slow and passionate love to you.” He whispered against my chest, and I released a low gasp in anticipation.

“Yes, please.”

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