“You!” I shouted wide-eyed.

“You! What the hell are you doing here?!” The cute but arrogant guy from my workplace asked loudly with a shocked face.

“What does it look like I am doing here?” I asked back rudely and stood up straight after I had finished picking up my textbooks that were all over the place.

“How the hell did you get into this school? How can a drycleaner like you get into Royal Gate High? Did you bribe your way through it?” He questioned looking surprised.

“Hey mister! Drycleaners are humans too and I didn’t bribe my way through getting into this school. I got here like any other student did and if you were smart enough, you would know that I am here as a scholarship student!” I snapped angrily and hissed.

“You’re here on a scholarship? I thought only brilliant students that passed the examinations would be allowed into this school? A dumb bitch like you could have never passed the exams. I’m pretty sure you cheated.” He stated. I was about to give him a reply but Vanessa beat me to it.

“Hey there dude, I don’t know who the fuck you are or where the fuck you’re from but you just can’t come from nowhere and insult my best friend in my presence. You bumped into her so you need to apologize. I don’t care of there was something between you two before but apologize to her and get out of our sight. You’re wasting our time.” Vanessa said to him rudely and I felt proud of my best friend. The rude guy turned to face Vanessa after her outburst.

“Who is this sharp mouthed bitch? Weren’t you taught not to join a conversation when other people are talking unless that asked for your opinion? There’s no difference between you and this drycleaner. Birds of the same feathers flock together. I shouldn’t be here exchanging words with bitches like you but this petty drycleaner needs to apologize for bumping into me and staining my shoe.” He ranted and demanded arrogantly. The students were already forming a crowd and were watching what was happening.

“Who did you just call a sharp mouthed bitch?” Vanessa asked angrily.

“Who else? It’s you of course.” He replied impolitely.

“I’m gonna make you regret calling me that.” Vanessa said, dropped her textbooks on the floor and was going to raise her hand to slap him but I stopped her.

“Leave him to me Vanessa. I got this.” I whispered in her ears and she calmed down slightly.

“I’m not going to apologize to you because you were the one who bumped into me in the first place. You should be the one to apologize.” I turned to the guy and said.

He opened his mouth to reply but a very loud voice cut him off.

“What is going on here?!” A male teacher that appeared from the crowd of students demanded loudly but when he saw the arrogant guy in front of me, his demeanor changed immediately.

“Tyler, what is going on here? Is there a problem between you guys?” The teacher asked the arrogant guy who I now know his name to be Tyler.

“This girl here bumped into me and stained my shoes and instead of them to apologize, this girl and her friend are busy raining insults on me.” Tyler said smoothly.

“What? You were the one that bumped into me. He’s lying sir.” I said to the teacher.

“Shut up you brat! You just got here today and you’re already causing troubles. You better apologize to Tyler now if you don’t want any more troubles for yourself.” The teacher snapped.

“But sir, Tyler is the one that is supposed to apologize. He bumped into her and all of her textbooks were all over the place.” Vanessa protested.

“That doesn’t matter. The two of you have to apologize or you’ll both get yourselves into a deep mess.” The teacher said warningly and I remembered what our former principal from Crescent Valley High said when the name’s were being announced ‘…. you have to be in your best behaviours till you graduate or else you’ll be expelled and won’t be accepted in any other school again if you cause troubles….’ I won’t get expelled just because of a mere issue. I would rather apologize to this arrogant fucker than to stop schooling because of a petty matter.

“I’m very sorry for bumping into you and staining your shoes, Tyler. I am also sorry for insulting you. It won’t happen again.” I apologized through gritted teeth and anyone with good eyes would clearly see that the apology was not sincere. Tyler smirked cockily and Vanessa looked at me disbelievingly.

“What are you doing Marianna? You shouldn’t be apologizing to this dude, he’s too cocky to be apologized to.” Vanessa complained.

“I also want your proud friend to apologize. She has been very ride to me.” Tyler said to me and I nudged Vanessa with my elbow.

“Nuh uh dude! There’s no way I’m apologizing to you!” Vanessa spat.

“Just do it Vanessa, please. I’ll tell you the reason later.” I whispered in her ears and she agreed reluctantly after a few seconds of grumbling some profanities under her breath.

“Sorry for everything Tyler.” She mumbled and another cocky smile escaped Tyler’s lips.

“Good! Wasn’t that easy? Y’all were just making a fuss over nothing.” He said. As if he wasn’t the one making a fuss over nothing.

“Sorry for the trouble they caused you Tyler. It won’t repeat itself again.” The teacher said to Tyler and Tyler nodded before walking away with his hands in his pocket.

“What are y’all looking at?! Go to your classes!” The teacher yelled at the students that were lingering around and watching the drama and they slowly dispersed. The teacher then faced Vanessa and I.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“The both of you couldn’t even stay a little longer in the school before you started causing troubles. Anyways, you should have just apologized to Tyler when all these happened. Don’t you know he is the son of the owner of this school? He could order for your expulsion if you had refused to apologize to him even if he was the one at fault.” The teacher said to us and we were shocked.

“Seriously?!” I asked loudly.

“Yeah. My own little piece of advice to you is that you should just go about with your studies and stay away from trouble. Tread carefully because only few scholarship students graduate from this school without getting expelled or suspended.” The teacher advised and we bobbed our heads.

“Thanks a lot sir. We’ll try to steer clear from trouble.” I said and the man nodded before walking.

“Jeez! What was that all about? Who was that crazy guy? Do you know him from somewhere? Did you have a conflict with him before?” Vanessa asked all at once.

“Sorry about that Vee. I never knew I would cross paths with that cocky guy again. He is just one guy who came to my workplace like any other customer and wanted to get his clothes dry cleaned…” I narrated everything that happened between me and Tyler to Vanessa and she shook her head in amusement.

“Gosh! He really is crazy. Why did we even apologize to him and why did you stop me from slapping him? I really wanted to ruin his handsome face.” Vanessa whined and I chuckled.

“We would have regretted it if you had slapped him. I apologized to him because I remembered what our former principal told is before we left Crescent Valley High. Even though it was a blow to my ego, I apologized to him to avoid further troubles and you also heard what that teacher said right? I wonder what we’d be saying now if we had slapped him.” I explained to her and her mouth curved into an ‘O’ shape.

“Ohhh. I just remembered her advice now. Thanks for stopping me from slapping him.” She giggled.

“No problem Vee. Thanks for defending me too even though you almost got into trouble because of me. You didn’t even know him and if I was the one at fault but you took my side. You’re the best friend ever.” I said sincerely and she smiled at me.

“Aww thanks darling. I’m sure you would have done the same if I was the one in your shoe.” She cooed as we got to our lockers and dumped out textbooks into the lockers. Her locker was about four lockers away from mine.

“What happened to you guys? We heard that you both got into trouble.” Julia stated as soon as she reached our place with the rest of our friends.

” Yeah, what’s up? We heard some group of students saying that two new female students were insulting one guy like that.” Damien said.

“News really travels fast in this school.” I said.

“It sure does.” Vanessa replied with a chuckle.

“What happened? Tell us!” Katherine shouted and some of the students in the hallway glanced at her.

“What are y’all staring at? Face your business!” She snapped at them and I shook my head.

“Calm down guys. It all started like this….” Vanessa began narrating what happened and they all listened as if their lives depended on it.


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