It was way past 7 p. m. when I walked out of the building and the sun had set already. It was dark but the streetlights made everywhere bright. I was about walking down the street towards the bus stop when a sleek black car pulled up in front of me. I was going to act like I didn’t see the car when the person sitting at the back seat winded down the window and it turned out to be Mr. Adrian.

“Get in.” He commanded.

“No thank you.” I replied and continued with my walk.

“That’s a command, not a request.” He stated.

“Thanks but no thanks. I’ll rather go to the bus stop and take the bus.” I replied and took a step further when he said something that made me stop.

“You don’t want me to threaten you with your job, Brianna. Get in the car and I’ll drop you off, I’m even helping you save the money for the transport fare you know.” He said and I thought about it for some seconds, it will save me some money indeed, I can use the money for another thing. I sighed and groaned in frustration. Mr. Adrian can be relentless sometimes.

“I’m only agreeing to this because you gave me no other choice.” I grumbled with a harsh glare and a smirk crept up on his face as I opened the door and slid into the backseat, just beside Mr. Adrian.

“You have no other choice, I’m pretty sure your job is very important to you. I’m even nice for wanting to drop you off, I didn’t do that for any of my former personal assistants.” He uttered.

“You didn’t offer them a ride because you like them more than me. You’re only giving me a ride because you feel like tormenting me but it’s in my favour though.” I stated.

“Whatever,” He said with a roll of his eyes and continued, “Where are you going? You should tell Brandon…” He was saying when my phone rang right at that moment. I took it out of my bag and Cherry was displayed on the screen and I clicked on the answer button.

“Hey babe!” She hollered from the other end of the phone.

“Hey bestie, what’s up?” I stated.

“I’m good. Have you left work?” She asked.

“Yes I have, why?” I quizzed.

“I want us to have dinner together. I’ve missed you.” She whined.

“But we still saw each other yesterday, just yesterday evening, Cherry.” I chuckled.

“I know but I just miss you, I want to see your face.” She said with a whine.

“You can be a baby sometimes, Cherry. How did I become friends with a baby?” I uttered and she burst into laughter.

“You love me like that, Brianna. You love me like that.” She said as a matter-of-fact.

“Whatever, I wish I can deny that.” I grumbled.

“You know you can’t!” She exclaimed with a giggle, “We can even gossip about that crazy boss of yours.” She said and I sneaked a glance at Mr. Adrian to see if he heard but thankfully, he did not hear.

“Shush Cherry!” I cautioned as if she was beside me.

“What? You don’t want to gossip about him?” She asked.

“That’s not it,” I uttered, “By the way, where are we meeting?” I questioned.

“That restaurant in your street.” She responded.

“Okay, expect me, I’ll be there in a few minutes.” I said and hung up.

“Who was that you were talking to?” Mr. Adrian asked, turning to face me.

“Why are you asking? I don’t think it’s any of your business.” I replied with a glare.

“It is my business. What if you were planning my downfall with the person at the other end? Or you were probably planning my death with the person?” He questioned.

“Jesus Christ! You really have to work on your trust issues, Mr. Adrian. Why would I be planning your downfall or death with someone? What will I gain from it?” I asked with wide eyes.

“Probably because you hate me and you’re fed up of my existence.” He responded.

“I don’t like you, yes. But why will I want to kill you? I’m not a murderer, Mr. Adrian.” I stated.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You want to know who I was talking to on the phone? It was my best friend if you hadn’t heard the part where I said ‘Hey Bestie’ clearly.” I answered the question he asked earlier exasperatedly.

“Ohhh… So you were talking to your best friend…” He trailed off.

“Yes!” I snapped at him angrily.

“Okay… Where did you say you were going again?” He asked, trying to change the topic and completely avoiding my eyes.

“Erm Brandon…” I called Brandon who was sitting in the driver’s seat, driving.

“Yes Miss?” He answered.

“Just drive down this lane and turn to the left when you get to t-junction. After turning, you’ll enter a street, just drive a little further down the street, you’ll come across a restaurant. I’ll be alighting there.” I directed Brandon and he nodded.

“Okay Miss.” He stated and increased the speed of the car. After that, there was total silence in the car.

After some minutes, Brandon pulled over in front of the restaurant I had described to him.

“Thanks Brandon. Thanks for offering me the ride, Mr. Adrian but you didn’t really have to.” I said to the both of them and alighted from the car without waiting for a response from neither of them.

I took out my phone and dialled Cherry’s number. She picked on the second ring.

“Hey Cherry, I’m in the front of the restaurant. Where are you?” I said when she picked up.

“Ooh nice. I’m inside already and I can see you. I am sitting in the table beside the glass wall. Look up.” She said and I looked up to her waving at me.

“Okay, I can see you. I’m coming in now.” I said and hung up. I looked behind me to see if Mr. Adrian’s car and I saw that they had left. I proceeded to the entrance of the restaurant and walked in. A bell that was probably situated at the top of the door jingled immediately I opened the door. I strode to the table Cherry was sitting in.

“You can be a a baby sometimes, do you know that?” Was the first thing I said when I sat that at the table and dropped my bag.

“Pfft whatever! You love me like that either ways. And just for the records, I love you too so you don’t need to say it, I know already.” She stated smugly.

“Ew! That sounds disgusting.” I said with a feigned irritated face and scrunched up my nose.

“I feel like smacking you across the face right now.” She said seriously.

“You can’t possibly do that!” I exclaimed.

“Watch me do it.” She said with the same serious expression on her face and suddenly, out of nowhere we bursted into a loud hysterical laughter that made a few heads turn to look at our table.

“What the hell was that?” I asked, sobering up from the laughter.

“Are you asking me? I also don’t know.” She said trying to stop laughing but she failed miserably because she kept chortling. But after a while, she successfully stopped laughing.

“I lost my job at the restaurant.” She dropped a bombshell.


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