I walked into the cafeteria with Vanessa, the rest of our friends were already here. We came late because of the chemistry teacher who thought that it would be nice to take some minutes out of lunch break to teach us, it wasn’t that nice because all I kept thinking of was the food that will be served at the cafeteria today.

We went straight to the counter to get our food before we headed to the table where we sit for lunch break now, the table had become our favorite spot to eat. Vanessa and I took our seats and started gobbling up our food without as much as saying hi to the others that were also present at the table. I felt numerous eyes burning into my head and looked up to see them staring at me.

“What?!” I asked loudly but it sounded funny because of the food stuffed into my mouth.

“Slow down with the food or you’ll choke.” Damien was the first to speak up and that was when I realized that I was eating too fast.

“Thank you.” I mumbled and swallowed the rest of the food in my mouth.

“What’s up with you guys? Y’all just came without saying hi.” Julia said, looking between Vanessa and I.

“Oh sorry about that,” Vanessa uttered and continued, “Nothing was up, the chemistry teacher took longer than expected for her period and we were starving, that’s all.”

“Oh okay.” They all nodded and we continued with our food.

A few minutes later, after I had eaten to my fill, I stood up with my tray in hand. I wanted to go return it to the counter. As I made my way to the counter, my leg got ensnared with another person’s leg which was on the way. I tripped and fell because I didn’t see the person’s leg. A sharp wince left my mouth as my knee collided with the tiled floor of the cafeteria, I would have fallen on my face but I braced myself with my hands. That didn’t mean that I didn’t get injured because I was start to feel an ache in my left knee. I was starting to hear murmurs around me.

“Oops, sorry.” The person whose leg was on the way said, but judging from the way the apology sounded, it was obvious that he wasn’t sorry.

I looked at the person’s leg and traced it to his face and guess what? It was Tyler. Of course, it would be him, that motherfucking piece of shit.

I stood up with a wince, as the ache became a little severe and faced Tyler squarely.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

“You placed your leg on the way intentionally because you saw me coming.” I said as a matter-of-fact, with a frown on my face.

“No I didn’t. My leg had been there and I didn’t see you coming.” He denied but I could tell that he was lying, the smirk on his face said it all.

“Oh spare me the bullshit, I know that you did that intentionally and now I’ve gotten injured.” I snalled and pointed at my knee that had gotten a bit darker as a result of the fall.

“You’re accusing me of making you fall. How do I know that you’re not the one that intended to kick my leg in the first place?” He uttered and I glared at him angrily.

“You’re the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever seen.” I fumed and as a result of the anger that I was feeling, I didn’t think twice before picking up the plate of unfinished spaghetti and sauce in front of him and emptied the content in the plate on his head. I watched as the meatballs in the food cascaded down from his head to his body, sauce staining his uniform in the process.

He looked furious as he glared a hole into my face with his red eyes. You know how those cartoon characters look like when they are angry, that steam emanates from their head and their face turns red, Tyler looks like those cartoon characters right now.

Uh oh, seems like I got the bull angry but I’m not scared of him, he brought this upon himself.

“You poured food on me.” He stated the obvious, his tone clipped.

“Yes I did. Whatcha gonna do about it?” I asked fearlessly, the pain in my knee was beginning to spread slowly but I kept my brave stance. Tyler doesn’t intimidate and he will never intimidate me.

He stood up with leaden wings, snatched a half eaten piece of cake on one of his friend’s plate and threw it towards my direction. As soon as I saw the piece of cake coming towards my face, I ducked at the last minute. The cake landed on one of the students behind me, a loud ‘Hey!” leaving her mouth. From nowhere, I felt cake land on my face and it it slid down my face, the icing sugar making my face get messed up.

Within a matter of some seconds, food was flying in all directions of the cafeteria. And that ladies and gentlemen, was how a food fight ensued in the cafeteria.

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!!!” The booming voice of Principal Raymond made me freeze with a bowl of salad in my right hand, I was about aiming it at Tyler’s face. I looked around to see that the other students too had frozen from shock. I quickly dropped my hand to my side and stylishly put the bowl of salad on the table closest to me.

“I’m asking for the second time, WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” He demanded for the second time but no one spoke up, we were all too terrified to the guts.

“So none of you guys is going to give me a reply but it’s obvious that y’all had a food fight,” He said, “Fine, who is the mastermind behind this thoughtful activity?”

No one replied and Principal Raymond was not happy about that.

“Anybody that tells me the mastermind behind this activity will be spared from the punishment.” He stated tactically but still, nobody gave him an answer until a feeble male voice was heard.

“Sir, I’ll tell you the mastermind.” The boy said, I looked towards his direction to see that it was Stanley, he is one gentle boy that gets bullied often.

“Alright, Stanley, go on.” Principal Raymond urged him and I shivered as a result of fear, he’s surely going to mention my name, I can feel it.

“Tyler is the one behind all of these.”


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