A kiss




The councillors, war chiefs and generals walked into the courtroom, one after the other, greeting the old Alpha as they went along. I ordered all the guards I came with except one to begin the search while I remained behind for the meeting. The Alpha King was getting impatient and I did not know how long I could keep him from leaving his suite. 

I recognized some of the men from the wedding, most especially, General Ezekiel, who moved like a mountain lion. He was the father of the lovely bride and new Luna, Ansley who was off somewhere with her mate. The man looked tough, his upper arms and face bearing scars from old battles. His forest green were full of wisdom and his blonde hair was going grey. He was a man to look out for and I could only imagine how his wolf would be. 

When all had taken their seats, Keller cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention. 

“Brothers, I will go straight to the point. We have an issue of great importance on our hands. From amongst us, the Alpha King has found a woman who has caught his atattention.” 

Suddenly, noisy murmuring broke out from every side of the room. They were curious to know whom the lucky woman was. Lucky indeed, I thought, amused. Anyone mated to Alpha Rhys was bound 

to a loveless life of loneliness. 

“That is wonderful news, Alpha,” a man at his right hand side agreed, smiling widely. “Who is she?” 

“That is the issue exactly, Nichols. She ran away before he could find out her name. However, he identified her as a young maid between the ages of 17-24. She has red streaks in her hair and has green eyes. Anyone of you who has a maid with any of these qualities should bring them to the palace. Perhaps she would be one of them and our pack would be free from the Alpha King’s wrath.” 

The courtroom was silent for a while, minds deep in thought. I watched the slightest change of expression on their faces. There was no panic, just mild curiosity and worry. Shifting my stare to Zeke, 1 found a suspicious frown on his brow, his little finger tapping against his mouth. He knew something but was not sure enough to share his thoughts. Maybe, he needed some encouragement. 

“Ezekiel! That is your name, right?” I asked him, like I didn’t already know. 

“It’s General Zeke but you wouldn’t know that,” he replied, his eyes icy and his voice hard edged with self–confidence. Someone gasped at his audacity and he glared at the colleague. I was a representative of the Alpha King and was used to being respected as well. General Zeke was try pass a message across, which was, if others were afraid of me, he wasn’t. 

trying to 

“I know your rank, General Zeke. However, I could not help noticing that you had something on your mind. Is there something you would like to tell us?” 



His eyes narrowed and he immediately lowered his gaze. He was definitely hiding something. 

“No. Actually, I just remembered something I left unfinished at home. With your permission, Alpha, I want to hurry home and get it done. I have no maids at my house and so, I believe this search has nothing to do with me. I beg to take my leave.” 

“But, Zeke,” Kelley objected, “you are a part of the council. This search has everything to do with you! You will not disrespect our guest…” 

“It’s fine, Keller,” I cut in before he could finish speaking. “He has no maid and if he says he has to we cannot keep him here against his will. Furthermore, to prove that I am not offended by his attitude, I will see General Zeke to the door.” 


The old soldier bowed reluctantly to the past Alpha and fell in beside me easily. He kept his eyes forward, refusing to acknowledge my presence. When we were out of the courtroom, he paused and 

turned to me. 

“This girl your Alpha is looking for…this maid…does he know her name?” 

I was tempted to say yes but I decided to give him the truth. “No. Why do you ask? Do you know her, General Zeke? The Alpha King will generously reward you if you have any information.” 

“I don’t,” he stubbornly insisted, avoiding my eyes. “I was just…curious. I will be on my way now.” 

He hurried away without looking back and he only confirmed my suspicions. 


“Yes, Beta Mars?” my remaining guard replied, on alert. 

“Follow him and make sure to keep a safe distance. However, don’t let him out of your sight.” 


Wren was right; I had indeed gotten what I wanted. I was now the Luna of Clawride Pack, my goal ever since I was a little girl but at what cost? I had betrayed my sister, stolen her mate and deceived the entire pack into believing that I and Wren were true mates. 

I should be happy. I should be in the arms of my husband, enjoying the early bliss of my young marriage. Yet, I sat on my bed in my old room, crying over my loss. Wren had used my greed against met and though he and I were of the same age, he had been wiser. 

I had a lover previously who cared about me. His name was Samuel but I had turned my back on him when Wren had shown interest in me. Unfortunately, it was discovered that Wren and my younger 



sister were to be mates. I loved Venus but I could not let her live my dream life. I was born to be Luna and she could not take that away from me! 

In order to win Wren’s favour, I let him sleep with me and he assured me that his father would never let him marry Venus because of her hideous wolf. So, when he rejected her and their mating ceremony was canceled, I was the least surprised. However, despite everything I had done to make Wren love me, he still kept mistresses and had never returned my love. Samuel would never forgive me and When would never love me. What a double loss! 

Suddenly, someone knocked on my door. I peeped out of my blankets where I had hidden myself in 


Go away, Marianne. I don’t want anything!” 

The door handle turned down anyways and I stood up to attack the intruder when my father filled my doorframe, his face as dark as a raincloud. 

“Your maid, Marianne is waiting for you outside. Why are you here instead of at the palace with NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

your new husband?” 

His words reminded me again of the reason why I was hiding in my room but I could not let him. know myage had failed even before it started. He would be disappointed in my inability to make my marriage work. 

“Wren went to…meet some friends. I was lonely so I decided to come home and spend some time 

with Mother.” 

My red eyes and running nose obviously told another story but he did not challenge my lie. 

“Be quick about it then and return to the palace. You are a Luna now and you need to start learning your responsibility as the mother of the pack. On a different note, have you seen your sister since you 

returned home?” 

I was about to reply when it dawned on me. It was true that I had not seen or heard from Venus 

since I was taken to the Memorial Hall of Alphas for my wedding. 

“No, I haven’t but she should probably be in her room.” 

“That’s what I thought too when I got home but I have checked. She is not in there. I warned her 

not to leave this house! When did she start disobeying my orders?” 

He was 

n the edge, vibrating with anger. Something must be terribly wrong for him to be looking for Venus. It was really unlike him. 

“Why are you looking for her, Father? Did something happen?” 



He entered my room fully and load the Gees behind him. Ale in Anger sagged again his mouth endlessly, a habit he had formed when he was falinking 

“Did you hear about the on the Agha King to searching for? She has red peaks in her birstide Hair, green eyes, between the ages of 17-25. We do with that exact descristian 

its could not have gue that lucky again. Contit Venus 

It couldn’t be 1 refused to hell really be the girl the Alphe King was after?” 

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