A kiss


A Kiss With The Alpha King 



The petite young woman in my arms blinked at me and soon her surprise changed to discomfort. 

“Let go of me this minute,” she demanded, poking a finger into my chest. She frowned when I did not comply, wanting to appear menacing. However, It was hard to look tough when she was barely above five feet. I curled my fingers over her own digging a hole in my chest and swiftly helped her stand. She shuffled to a side, favouring her left leg

She turned on me as soon as she was settled. “What were you doing in here? Do you think it’s funny, sneaking around and scaring servants, you big oaf?” 

Her to 

Her tone shocked me more than it made me angry. Since my childhood, no one had even scolded me, my wisdom revealing itself at an early age. But the female before me was boiling like an old homeroom mistress, ready to whip me into submission. It was a bit amusing. 

“I did not know you were in here. Are you new?” 

“Who’s asking?” she challenged, lifting a slim brow. 

“I am the Al- I caught myself in time before I could foolishly expose my identity. I looked down at her, wondering how she had done it. Her green eyes had compelled me to almost make a fool of myself. Something within me was telling me I could trust her but no one could be trusted, especially women. 

“You are the what?she pounced on my unfinished sentence, leaning her weight against a shelf. 

I suddenly realized that even if I had told her the truth, she wouldn’t have believed. I was dressed. in a palace guard’s uniform, cream shirt with blue hems and blue trousers and cream hems. My hair was bound by a string and hidden under an Arabian turban. A fake scar started from the bottom of my ear till the crook in my jaw. 

“I am just a palace guard. Interesting button number,” I commented, a form of dry humour. She glanced at her button and narrowed her eyes, probably cursing me mentally. 

“It was not a choice. Now leave. I have a lot of work to do and you would only get in my way.” 

She did it again, telling me off like I was a disobedient schoolboy. Her curly blonde hair had been savagely cut and I suspected that she had done it herself. It was starting to curl at the ends, barely touching her collarbone. Subconsciously, I reached out to put a wayward lock of hair behind her ear but she stiffened and moved away from reach. 

“Don’t. Touch. Me. I asked you to leave,” she reminded me but her voice was not as strong as it was previously. She bit down on her lower lip and licked it quickly, a gesture I found very familiar. I could 


not gauge any emotions from her. Was she scared, uncomfortable, or aroused? Her hands were steady but her big green eyes were saying a different story. 

“Why don’t you ask me nicely to stay and keep you company?” I wasn’t aware of when I closed the gap between us and raised my gaze to the top of the shelf she was leaning on. “You are neither tall enough to reach the top of the shelf nor are you strong enough to use the library ladder. I could be of help to you but only if you ask nicely.” 

She straightened her back, her hands on either side of her face. Her chest rose and fell with every breath she took and it drew my attention to the cleft in her bosom. “I’d rather take my chances with the 


Not wanting to make unnecessary contact with me, she moved sideways out of the bracket of my arms and I was tempted to pull her back in. I relented, watching her return to her task. She pushed the book cart and I followed silently. When she noticed me trailing her, she chose to ignore me, humming a tune at the back of her throat. I picked up a hardcover and she immediately smacked my hands off it. It 

fell to the ground with a noisy thud. 

“I won’t forgive your disrespect of a classic. Shakespeare would turn in his grave if he saw the way 

you just treated his bestseller,” I teased her with feigned seriousness. I scooped the book off the hard floor and searched for the shelf for its genre. She mumbled something under her breath that my ears did 

not catch. 

“What did you say?” 

“I said only fools with a dead sense of humour would appreciate Shakespearean books. I prefer practical writers like Jane Austen and James Patterson. Also, I don’t remember saying you could touch anything.” 

She tried to snatch the book from my hands but I was quicker, lifting it far above her head. 

“Childish prick,” she swore colourfully and pushed the cart onwards. I found the Classics shelf and slid the book onto it. She wiped dust off old books and slipped in new ones dutifully. Her soft tune had changed to something more familiar. I joined her in the murmuring of the chorus of How Did You Get Here, stacking books in companionable silence. 

“So you like reading then?” I attempted to begin another conversation, not sure if she would take 

the bait. 

“I do,” she answered after a minute. “What, are servants not supposed to be literate?” 

She was on the defense again, looking for a fight, a misplaced word or an insult in between. 

“Why did you cut your hair?” I chose another random topic again, throwing her off balance. Her hands automatically went up to her head, tracing her scalp with dusty fingers. 


“I wanted to try a Black Widow look but it turned out wrong.” It was obviously a joke but she was not laughing. At least, the had not denied that she had cut it herself. 

You also like Marvel then? I don’t see the appeal. DC is more organized. You would make a lovely Wonder Woman.” 

PP69 snorted, rolling her eyes in disapproval. “DC, organized? You wish. They have more male characters and I think it’s very sexist of them. Furthermore, real heroes are the ones who created something out of themselves, not superficial boy toys who were born with theirs. Don’t get started on Wonder Woman.” 

“At least, we get our story right, Spiderman first could shoot web from his wrists. Then, in the remake, he couldn’t. The next remake was even more terrible. Ironman is just a spoilt rich brat wrapped up in expensive scrap metal,” 

She turned on me at that and was in my face in a second. “Take that back!” 

“Make me,” I replied, grinning at her provocation. She swung a fist out of the blue and hit me square in the lungs, knocking the wind out of me. I fought the urge to double over, groaning. She stepped aside and held her hands to her face, expecting my 

lot about her. She was used to getting beaten, a probable.ation. The Involuntary reaction said a 

of domestic abuse

I wrapped my hand around both of her wrists and brought her to me. She gasped, a soft intimate sound that made her throat jump. The cart was empty, her work faster because of 

my assistance. 

“Apologize,” I ordered, not minding to relax my Alpha voice. I cared less at that point. 

“I’m sorry,” she said at once, shifting restlessly in my grip. 

“For?” I tightened my hold on her and she winced. 

“For this.” She brought her knee between my legs and successfully aimed for my groin. My grip loosened and this time, I doubled over, clutching my aching genitals. Not looking back to see the extent of the damage she had caused, she limped out of the library to safety. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

I rubbed at the sore, breathing through the nose. The little thing had a sharp knee and a badass aim. Suddenly, my hands froze on my groin, feeling something else. I did not need to peep under the waistband of my boxer briefs because the evidence was there. I was hard and painfully erect

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