A Baby For Billionaire Knox


THEME: Wedding Bells



Adella and her maids heard the royal bell. “Oh princess Adella! The royal dinner!” Calista screamed.

“Royal dinner?! Oh my sea! I totally forgot about it!” Adella stood up quickly from the sea moss bed.

“Oh my sea! Mother would be worried and Morrissey is definitely on his way to fetch me.” Adella swims to her clothes space to change her upper side.

Chantae helped her to polish her tail as she changed while the others cleaned up her room. Adella heard Morrissey’s heartbeat and she could feel it that he was close.

Morrissey knocked. “Adella, are you in there?”

“Calliope, tell the prince I left for the royal dinning room.” Adella said in a whisper as she pushed her towards the door.

Calliope swims towards the door and before she could bow to him or say anything, Morrissey stepped in but Adella had stepped out of the room. She left through the hidden door in her clothes space connecting to the royal hallway.

“Where is she?” He asked looking at the three girls.

The triplets bowed in respect. “Prince Morrissey, didn’t you see the princess on your way down here?” Chantae asked.

“No.” He replied with a frown.

“Princess Adella should be at the royal dinning room now.” Calliope added. They exchanged glances and they bowed to the prince again.

“Prince Morrissey, we were about leaving before you came in.” Calista said.

“You can go home.” He commanded.

“Thank you prince Morrissey.” The triplets mermaids chorused before exiting the room in a rush.

They all sighed in relief, thankful that the tough prince Morrissey didn’t scold them for princess Adella lateness to the royal dinner. Morrissey made his way back to the royal dinning room. Adella slipped into the large room and she bowed and greeted everyone. “Pardon my lateness.” She apologized.

Delmer outsmarted Dylan, he went to Adella and pulled her to the chair beside him which was next to Fairfax her immediate elder brother.

Adella almost tripped off when Delmer dragged her to the chair but Fairfax held the chair with his strength and positioned it properly so the princess wouldn’t fall.

Unknowingly to Fairfax the pearl attached to the ring on his fingers was stuck to Adella’s tail, then in the process of trying to place his hands back on the table, he scratched her tail and she yelp in pain.

Tears sting her eyes, she bit her lower lip to blink back the tears that threatened to spill at any moment. Queen Alana got out of chair immediately and swims towards her daughter. “Are you okay, Almeta?” She asked.

Almeta means pearl. Adella was also named Almeta by her mother when she was born. She was born with pearls attached to her fins which made her golden tail really beautiful and unique.

Queen Alana looked down at Adella’s tail, a part of it was opened. The pearl on Fairfax’s finger had cut deep into her flesh. “Who did this to you?” Queen Alana tried to touch it but Adella slapped her hand away.

“It hurts mother.” Adella cried.

Morrissey came in while Fairfax tried take off the ring. “I am sorry.. I didn’t mean to hurt you, Adella.” he apologized.

“Fairfax.” Oceanus called.

He looked up at his father. “Yes father.”

“Why did you hurt your sister?!” Oceanus gritted.

“But father.. it wasn’t intentional.” Fairfax said defensively.

“Father just let him be, it was just an accident.” Adella winced in pains.

“Hold on Almeta… let me heal you.” Queen Alana said

“Careful mother.” Azizi got out of his chair and went to his sister.

“Will it hurt mother?” Adella asked.

Queen Alana didn’t respond. “Mother..”

“No it won’t hurt too much just focus on your tail while it heals.” Queen Alana answered.

Adella watched her mother in silence as her hand began to glow brightly, power sparking out in her palms. White sparks shot out of her fingertips into the flesh and Adella could feel the shock wave of power. They all felt it radiating out of Adella’s body and the air around them shimmered unrealized force. Adella’s tail glowed, a bit of the flesh moved and tears streamed down her cheeks.

Morrissey pats her back gently trying to calm her down. “It’s alright, you will be fine.” He whispered.

Azizi was by her side too, he grazed her cheeks with his fingers. “Just a little more.” He wiped her tears.

The flesh closed up and her tail was back to normal. “It’s alright now.” Queen Alana rubbed her hands before moving away from her.

“Come and sit with me.” Azizi carried her out of the chair and settled her in the chair next to him.

Queen Alana went to Fairfax and hit on his head angrily. “That’s so irresponsible of you! I warned you to stop going around with rings with pearls on them!” She scolded.

“Oh! Mother!” Fairfax yelped in pain touching the back of his head.

“Be careful!” Queen Alana glared at him.

Then Morrissey and Queen Alana went back to their chairs when Adella calmed.

“I think you should be more careful prince Delmer.” Morgan said with an half smile.

Delmer clenched his fists under the table, everything would have been fine if Fairfax hadn’t scratch Adella’s fragile tail with his damn ring. After everything was settled Queen Alana announced that everyone could eat and they all dived into their food.

Titan Samudra cleared his throat after a momentary pause.”Adella, are you prepared for your special day?” He asked.

“Yes Titan Samudra.” Adella sniffed and replied in a low tone.

“My daughter – in – law will be eighteen soon. A special day to make a wish and also be ready for marriage.” Titan Bhupendra chuckled.

The wine in Adella’s mouth sputtered out and thankfully she turned down to her tail when that happened. She spilled the whole content on her tail with her eyes widening and it showed her surprise. “Oh.. my sea.. I am so sorry.” She stuttered.

Delmer grabbed a cleaner on the table and passed it Adella to wipe the liquid on her tail. Dylan tried controlled his anger by tightening his fists when he saw that Delmer was happy with his father’s word. Delmer was obviously ahead of Dylan and he hated it.

“Daughter-in-law?!” Adella repeated in a gasp.

“Yes Almeta, three days after your birthday you have to choose between prince Delmer and Dylan as your husband.” Titan Oceanus said with a smile on his face.

“No father!” Adella screamed as she stood up from her chair. “And never!” She exited the room and swims away angrily.

Everyone was surprised by her sudden outburst towards her father.

“Excuse me.” Azizi said and he followed his sister.

Azizi was Adella’s favorite brother, she liked the third prince more than any of the other princes. He is gentle, cool and kind and passionate about others.

“Adella!” Azizi called out to her. But she swam fast towards her room to avoid talking to anyone.

“How dare he try to fix a marriage for me?!” Adella reached for some things in her room with her powers with the aim of throwing them away.

Azizi knocked on her bedroom door but she didn’t respond. “Adella, I know you are in there.. can I come in?” He asked.

Adella dropped them back to their places and sighed heavily. “I shouldn’t punish them for what my father did to me.”

“Adella.” Azizi called again.

“Come in Azizi.” She said.

He opened the door and popped his head in first. “Are you okay?”

Adella sat on her sea moss bed. “No, I am not okay.” She answered with her head down and her gaze fixed on her tail.

“Listen Adella-”

She interrupted him. “Why? Why do.. I have.. to get.. married?” Adella said shakily as she blinked back tears.

Azizi went to her. “I don’t want to get married and..” Her voice trailed off.

Azizi sat close to her. “Please don’t cry.” he hugged her.

“Azizi.. what do I do? I don’t love neither Delmer nor Dylan.” She sobbed.

“I know Adella.” He muttered.

She held on to him tightly. “What do I do?” She asked.

He pulled back slowly to look at her. “Do you love someone else? Perhaps a nobel merman in our kingdom?” He asked.

No! She wanted to say no but Adella heard herself say. “Yes.” she lied.

Adella doesn’t love any nobel merman! She was in love with the human world. She had clearly and secretly watched them for years! How they played by the sea, how human men cuddled their women, everything they did amazed her and it made her heart beat and her belly flutter. She wanted something like that but she couldn’t tell Azizi about her love for that world.

“Azizi.. please talk to father.” Her eyes pleaded with him.

“Adella, you know father won’t take a no from you.” He said.

“Are you saying I have to marry one of them?” She cried.

“Yes, three days after your birth celebration you have to choose and then -”

“But Fairfax didn’t get married at eighteen!” She interrupted him.

“You’re right.” Azizi said as he moved strands of hair from her face.

“And my friends are not married even though they are one year older. Azizi, it doesn’t make any sense.” She frowned.

“It does every special mermaid must get married at eighteen.” Azizi explained.

“No I am not getting married!” She blurted with a stern look on her face.

“That will cause war between the kingdoms.” Azizi said.

“But why didn’t mother tell me about this before now?” Adella tensed up.

“You should know by now that the same thing happened us.” He reminded her.

“I don’t want the same thing.” She countered.

Azizi sighed. “I will try to talk to father if there is another way out.”

It was never a custom that every special mermaid should marry at eighteen. History only had it that those mermaids married at that age and the last special mermaid chose her husband three days after her eighteenth birthday.

“Thank you, Azizi.” She locked her hands with his.

“Anything for you, Adella.” He kissed her forehead.

A soft knock sounded on the door. “It’s Delmer.” Adella whispered to her brother.

Azizi stared at her in surprise. “Tell him I want to be alone.” She added.

Azizi stood up and went to the door. He opened it slightly and Delmer was there. “Adella wants to be alone.” He said to Delmer.

“Is she okay?” Delmer asked.

Azizi shook his head in response.

“Okay just let her know I came around. And I will come tomorrow morning to check on her again.” Delmer said with a worried look on his face.

“There is no need to do that either -” Azizi replied.

Suddenly Delmer eyes glowed signifying his anger but he tried to control it. “Why?” He asked.

Azizi moved out of the room and closed the door. He was ready to fight Delmer if he has to. “Are you questioning me?” Azizi folded his arms.

“No but -”

Azizi cuts him off. “You can leave prince Delmer, Adella wants to be alone.” Azizi told him.

“I am sure she wants to see only Dylan.” He said.

“Did someone just call my name?” Dylan who was behind joined them.

Azizi pointed his fingers to them. “She doesn’t want to see the both of you.” He said.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay, maybe some other time.” Dylan left quietly.

Delmer clenched his fist and jaw. “Well tell Adella that it is either me or no one else.” He gritted while Azizi leaned closer to him.

“Listen to me you won’t win Adella’s heart with this attitude. You need to stop being prideful, prince Delmer.” Azizi advised him.

“It is none of your business. Adella is mine.” He snapped and swam away.

“All clear Adella.” Azizi said as he knocked the door gently.

“Thank you, Azizi.” She said into his mind.

Oceanus scolded Fairfax at the table for hurting Adella and he blamed him for ruining the dinner. Prince Fairfax tried to explain to his father that it was only a mistake but Oceanus didn’t listen and that made him annoyed.

Fairfax left the dinner up and swims away.”My prince wait up!” Nakendra his betrothed wife followed him.

He didn’t stop. “Fairfax, you know -” her voice trailed off when he stopped and turned to face her.

“Who told you to come after me?!” He yelled out of frustration.

Nakendra was scared, a tear slipped down her cheek but she wiped it. “What have I done? Prince Fairfax, you seem to not care about me. If you don’t want to marry me then tell my father so he can find a brave prince to marry me. It is only a coward merman that runs away from marriage!” She snarled at him.

Nakendra was mistaken about Fairfax personality and attitude. She thought that Fairfax doesn’t love her whereas he was so happy that their marriage that would hold soon.

“I am tired of your cold attitude.” Nakendra spat. She was about swimming away but Fairfax grabbed her wrist and pulled her to himself.

He felt remorseful for yelling at Nakendra. It wasn’t her fault that his father scolded him for hurting Adella or that he was blamed for ruining the dinner. No doubt he loved Nakendra and it hurts him to watch her cry.

“I am sorry Nakendra.” He apologized.

It was his fault! Fairfax admitted that he should have listened to his mother’s warning of not moving around with rings that has sharp pearls attached to it.

“Don’t think of marrying another prince.” He whispered.

“But you don’t want me and-” He interrupted her.

“No.. I want you Nakendra. I will marry you.” He said, cupping her face in his hands.

Nakendra came out of his embrace to look at him to see a smile displayed on his lips. “Are you sure prince Fairfax?”

“Yes Nakendra.” He responded.

“Do… do you love me?” She asked shyly.

Fairfax wiped the tears with his fingertips. “Yes.”

Her face turned red and she hugged him again. “I love you Nakendra.” He said.

“Then let’s get married.” she said.

“Wait perhaps.. are you in love with another prince?” He asked with jealousy in his tone.

“No prince Fairfax!” She coaxed and he held her tightly. “I love you, only you.” She said.

“Then we should get married.” He placed a kiss on her forehead.

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