100 Days With Mr Romero


Sam and Emma returned to the penthouse after leaving the warehouse.

“Welcome! ” Bryan greeted them with a cheerful smile.

“Dinner is ready. ” he announced.

“Thanks Bryan. ” Sam replied and Bryan nodded and left.

“Bryan is doing well. ” Emma pointed out as they sat in the dinning table.

“He sure is. ” agreed Sam.

After having the dinner, Sam bid Emma goodnight and headed to his room. Emma also retired to her room. She had a wonderful experience with Sam today and before going to bed, she read more chapters from the business book Sam had gifted her.

“Good morning. ” Emma greeted Bryan while making her way to the dining table the next day.

As usual, Bryan had already prepared a heathy breakfast for them.

“Where’s Sam? ” she asked Bryan while grabbing an apple from the fruit basket on the table.

“He is still upstairs. ” replied Bryan who was still setting the table.

“He hasn’t woken up yet? ” she asked biting the apple.

“I don’t think so. ” Bryan replied then exited the spot.

Emma pulled a chair and few minutes later, Sam joined her.

“You are late today. ” Emma joked as Sam was approaching the dining.

“Good morning. ” he greeted her instead with a smile.

“Morning. ” she replied throwing an apple at him which he caught.

“Always start your day with an apple. ” she hinted.

“I’ll always remember. ” Sam said then went ahead to take a bite from the apple.

“After breakfast, get dressed. We are going on a new adventure. ” Sam told Emma.

“I am beginning to love this business adventures. ” declared Emma while stirring her cup of coffee.

“I’m glad. ” Sam said with a nod.

After about an hour, Emma was dressed in a tight blue jeans trousers and broWn

“I’m ready.” she told Sam.

“No. ” he declined.

“No? Why? ” she demanded in confusion.

“You are not ready. ” said Sam.

He was standing beside his car with the car key in his right right hand.

“We are going on a business meeting.” he said.

“Yea. I know and why do you think am not ready? ” argued Emma with her hands around her waist.

“Your outfit. ” he said pointing at her.

“When undertaking a business trip or participating in a business event, your looks must depict business. ” he told Emma while folding his hands. His back was resting on his car.

“I get it. ” Emma affirmed and she quickly ran upstairs.

In less than five minutes, Emma had returned dressed in a black suit with high heels.

“Now you are ready. ” Sam said and quickly opened the door for her.

“You look good by the way. ” he complemented her and she nodded and sat.

Sam started the car and they drove to one of his bars in the city.

“Welcome to one of SMITH’S club in Los Angeles. ” Sam said presenting the bar to Emma pointing at the bold inscription.

“I can’t wait to get in. ” said Emma excitedly.

Sam was glad Emma was taking the business lessons and practicals he was introducing her to seriously. He loved her earnest sense of enthusiasm and desire to learn more. He quickly followed her into the bar.

“We will sit over there. ” he told her while pointing to a spot that had been reserved for them.

“Today, we will focus on customer service. There is no business meeting anyway ” he told Emma while pulling a chair for her.

Emma stared at her outfit and chuckled.

The bar tender quickly attended to them, bowed out of courtesy and left.

“Customer Service. ” Emma uttered staring at the whole place.

“Listen.” Sam called her attention.

“They say in business, the customer is always right. ” stated Sam.

“I’ve heard so. ” Emma agreed with a nod.

While in New York, Gideon will always tell her the customers are always right.

“From this spot, I want you to sit tight and observe. Can you do that? ” Sam requested of her.

“Of course. ” she quickly replied adjusting the chair she sat on so she could get a clearer view.

“I want you to have one thing in mind while you are observing. Customer service. ” highlighted Sam.

Emma nodded and fixed her eyes on the place.

Few minutes later, a middle aged man walked in and all the bar tender began to smile at him which Emma noticed.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

He ordered for a bottle of whisky and was given two.

“Thank You. Thanks a lot. ” the man kept saying happily .

Emma wondered why he was giving two bottles of whisky when he only paid for one.

“The man is a regular here. ” Sam interrupted her thought.

“You must seduce your customers and make them addicted to your brand even if you’ll run at a loss at times. ” explained Sam while Emma nodded.

“Their trust in you counts and through them, you will attract more customers who will cover up the loss. ” he told her.

Emma nodded in understanding.

Another man walked in. A young man of about twenty five years of age.

“The usual. ” he said while sitting on one of the bar stools.

“The bar tender filled a glass with wine and handed it to him.

“Thank You. ” he said while collecting the glass.

“Put my name down.” the man said then got up and left without paying for the drink.

Emma watched keenly as the bar tender pulled a record book from the drawer below and jotted something down.

“Learn to trust your customers. Approach them from the human angle. It’s not always business and money. ” Sam said while Emma nodded with a smile.

“The man will pay for his drink later. ” Sam added.

“However, ” Sam warned.

“Do not establish a common ground for your customers. They’ll trample on you. ” he said.

“Learn to control them. ” he added

“That guy will pay for his drink in a week. The credit limit for his category of drink is a week. The higher the price of the drink obtained on credit, the longer the payment deadline. ” he confirmed.

“Wow! ” exclaimed Emma.

“Why don’t we offer credit services in the bar in Chicago? ” She questioned Sam.

“The bar in Chicago is the largest bar I have. That place is a huge clubhouse and it attracts those whose avatar fit into it. Here, the customers are mostly peasants. ” explained Sam.

“Remember what I said about target market and audience attraction? ” asked Sam.

“I do. I get it now. ” Emma sharply replied.

“Next lesson. ” He told her.

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