100 Days With Mr Romero



“I will be there in an hour. ” Judy said before hanging up the call. She just got a call from someone. She had an appointment by 10pm at Frankston eatery and it was already 9pm.

Ever since Judy learnt that Fiona had left, she had been smiling lately to the astonishment of everyone around her. Her gestures changed and the neighbors could swear she greeted them for often. She had considered visiting Dr. Mathew to boast to him of how she took Fiona out of the picture without exercising any act of violence.

Dr. Mathew wouldn’t listen to you Judy. She told herself. She knew if she visited him for another therapy session, he will bore her with talks of exercise, forgiveness, yoga and rest. Dr. Mathew will then give her some dumb pills to swallow. To crown it all, he will advise her to let go of situations and people she couldn’t control or is obsessed about.

Who is Dr. Mathew to tell her how to live her life anyway she said deciding never to visit him again. She felt it was rather unnecessary to have those boring sessions when she could handle things her way and as far as she was concerned, Gideon will soon be hers. Making Gideon hers is her ultimate goal after all.

Judy stood before the mirror appreciating her looks. She smiled at her large standing mirror which rested on the wall and she flashed her teeth before it. She turned around and moved to and fro before the mirror. She recalled her days on the runway and missed the ambiance and applause. She knew she missed being a model but unlike Fiona, she will risk everything for Gideon even her career.

She applied some lotion on her palms and massage it on her legs up to her thighs. She missed wearing her revealing clothes especially the skimpy ones. She pulled her short brown jumpsuit and placed it before her body imagining how good she will look in it. She decided she will be wearing it for her appointment tonight after all, she wasn’t meeting Gideon Romero so she don’t have to pretend.

Lately, Judy had been working really hard to impress Gideon so much so that she had to alter her physical appearance. She bought more floral gowns, more maxi dresses and loose trousers.

She showered and returned back to the mirror. She powdered her face and applied her favorite red lipstick. She sprayed several perfumes and slid her feet into a high boot heels. She grabbed her purse and dashed out. The person she had the appointment with had texted and was already waiting for her in the eatery.

“Keep the change. ” Judy told the taxi driver who just dropped her in front of Frankston eatery.

She smiled and waved at him before he sped off.

“You look ravishing. ” the man she came to meet told her.

“Thank You. ” she said with a smile and sat facing him. She placed her black purse on the table.

“Sorry I’m a bit late. ” she apologized while crossing her legs after sitting.

“I’ll forgive you for that seeing how bright and glamorous you are now. ” he told her making his right hand run in circles. He then lifted his left hand to call the attention of any available waiter.

After going through the menu, Judy ordered for a french wine with some samosa while the man ordered for a plate of Chinese rice.

“Tell me about the progress you can’t stop ranting about on the phone. ” he told her after the waiter had taken their orders and left.

Judy smiled, flipped her hair backwards and spoke.

“The bitch is out. ” she boasted and chuckled afterwards.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“I can see! ” exclaimed the man.

“This explains the recent glow all around you. ” he professed with a smile.

“That Fiona was so on my nerves and I had to clear her from my path. ” Judy said to the man.

Two waiters suddenly came out with trays containing the orders Judy and the man had placed. They decorated it on the table and left after Judy mumbled a ‘Thank You. ‘

“That Fiona girl wasn’t a tough bone to crack. She gave up too easily.” Judy said while pouring some wine into her glass.

“I dug up some dirty secrets from her past, scared her with it and she went running like a fool. ” Judy said.

“Well that’s a victory for you. ” The man said with his mouth full of Chinese rice.

“Gideon Romero is mine. Only mine. ” Judy professed while opening the plate of samosa from her tray.

“If we can take out Emma the love of his life from the picture then we can take out anybody. ” said the man while cleaning his mouth with a napkin.

“That man is so gullible. ” he said then continued devouring his meal. “He believed every damn thing I told him months ago. ” he added.

Judy smiled and said “Emma is the more gullible one. ”

“You have a way of making these women leave the city huh? ” the man praised Judy and she laughed over how she sent Emma to Chicago and Fiona back to Florida.

“They are lucky the weren’t sent to the morgue instead. ” Judy said biting a piece of samosa she had picke at d from her plate.

“You wouldn’t do that Judy. ” he told her with a firm look.

If only he knew Judy thought. If only he knew she was determined to go to the ends of the earth and do what it takes to have Gideon Romero.

“I wouldn’t. ” Judy said feigning a smile.

If only the man she was sitting with knew what she did to Tonia she thought. If only he was there when she threw hot sauce on the face of their chef at home who scolded her for ruining the sheets. she was only six then and as far as she was concerned, killing anybody won’t be a big deal as far as Gideon Romero will be eternally hers.

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