100 Days With Mr Romero


Emmalia sighed in frustration, placing the tin back. “Rayn they don’t have your milk here… we’ll have to visit yet another store.” He let out a little burp as a response, but honestly, it looked like he couldn’t care less the type of milk his mother bought. “Come on, we have to get home and help your aunt Estelle before your father arrives.” Gideon didn’t like her doing chores since she dedicated all her time to the table, he hired a young lady who came every day. She helped with the shopping and dishes, whole Emmalia took care of Rayn, but today she had decided to have a little exercise and went out shopping herself.

“Do you need help with that?” The driver who had been following her around asked, referring to the stroller she was struggling to push. It wasn’t a problem for her at first, but she really bought lots of unnecessary things that she may never use and soon she had a mountain of goods before her. “Eh… you take care of the little boy, I’ll handle this.”

“Thank you,” she said gratefully, glad that he had insisted he followed her when she asked that he waited in the car. “Here,” she handed him the card. “Go pay for that, I’ll be with you shortly.” He nodded, taking the card and pushing the stroller away.

When he left, Emmalia heaved a sigh of relief. She needed to make sure she had gotten everything she needed and proceeded to do another walk around the whole supermarket. “Emmalia!” A female voice called her name. She paused turning around slowly, a young lady with bouncing bosoms ran to her, waving her arms excitedly in the air. “Oh my gosh, it is a small world.” She chuckled, pausing a bit to catch her breath. “Who would have believed I would come across you here.”

“Judy?” Emmalia asked in disbelief. “Is this you?” She let out a short laugh. “Oh wow, I-” The words froze in her mouth as Judy pulled her in for a hug.

“It’s me. You look good girl,” she complimented, eyeing Emmalia up. Though Emmalia smiled, she doubted it, knowing Judy was only trying to be nice. But compared to Judy, she could say she looked like her maid. “What is the almighty wife of Mr. Gideon Brynch doing here?”

“Don’t call me almighty.” Emmalia rolled her eyes playfully. “I came to do some shopping… how about you?”

“Same… same. Did your husband send my greeting the other day?” Not waiting for Emmalia to reply, she continued. “You know, it is a dream to work for your husband, I’ve had a huge crush on him for years.”

“Oh,” Emmalia didn’t know the response to give that. “That’s surprising information.”

“Yeah, then I heard he was married and I remember cussing his wife with my friends.” She laughed. “But seeing that it’s you, I take back everything I said a year ago. I’m so happy for you, you’re one lucky person, Gideon is every lady’s dream man.”

“I know.” Emmalia grinned nervously. They hadn’t seen each other for years, but all it took was just one encounter and all the memories she shared with Judy came rushing back. They weren’t the best of friends back in high school, but they were in the same friend group. “It’s good to see you, Judy, I’m afraid I must go now. I need to bath Rayn-”

“Oh.” Judy let out a loud sigh. “Forgive me, I was so excited to see you, my eyes didn’t see this little cutie over here.” She reached out to pinch his cheeks, she paused in the action and instead asked. “Can I hold him?” Emmalia smiled, handing a squirming Rayn over to Judy. The moment he was safely in her arms, he relaxed, though he kept staring at her like she was some alien. “He looks exactly like his father.” She grinned, pinching Rayn’s cheeks gently. Emmalia relaxed, feeling there was nothing to be worried about. She had felt conscious with Judy seeing her in her current position. Her nails weren’t tidy. Her hair, she knew, was looking very rough and she was well aware of the little weight she had added. She was reminded of it whenever she tried to put on a pair of jeans, or a gown she would have slayed in the past.

Not all old friends mean well, she had met a few in the past and although they said nice things to her face, there was always more to say behind her back. “He does look like his father. Listen, maybe we could meet up someday for a drink? Or dinner? We could catch up on other things… that’s if you aren’t too busy.”

“Oh yes, we should. OK, I’ll give you my card, just give me a call whenever you are free and we could make plans?”



“Emmalia won’t be happy about this,” Gideon said to Roderick as they walked into the club.

“Come on, just one drink. Also, it’s not like you’re going out of town, this is your club Gideon,” Roderick said waving to someone in the crowd then he turned to Gideon. “It’s not like you are going to cheat on her or something. Don’t get too drunk and do something stupid.”

“I should be telling you that, you’re the lightweight.”

“Yeah, but I’m free to do stupid things. I don’t have a girlfriend or wife waiting for me at home.”

“Roderick are you going to let me have this one drink or keep reminding me of reasons why I shouldn’t be here… Isn’t that Judy?” He whispered as his eyes caught sight of someone that bore a strong resemblance to his PA. “It’s Judy?”

“Who is Judy?” Rick asked, his eyes searching through the crowd, till it landed on the woman who was now staring back at them. “Oh, Judy.”

“You know her?”

“Yes, she comes here every weekend… she’s a wild one.” He added, sounding a little cautious.

“She’s my PA and a friend of Emmalia.”

“Hey!” Judy greeted when she got here. “You’re the last person I… Oh sorry, this is your club after all. I just wanted to stop by and greet, also I hope this won’t be awkward when we go back to work on Monday?”

“Let’s just not bring work up. I have no control of your life when it isn’t working hours.” She nodded with a smile, but thinking that she would leave, she stayed behind inside still staring straight at Gideon. Roderick who was standing beside Gideon suddenly felt invincible, and like he was interrupting or a third wheel to something going on as Judy didn’t even acknowledge his presence.

“Uh…” She glanced to Roderick like she was expecting him to leave, he took this hint, and without a word to Gideon, Roderick turned to walk away. Gideon moved to follow but Judy’s arm stop him. “Sorry to disturb you, but would you like to get a drink with me?”

“A drink? Judy that wouldn’t be appropriate, I’m your boss.”

“I know, but you are also the husband of my friend and you did say when it isn’t office hours, you aren’t my boss anymore,” she reminded him. “Come on, we will just be like two friends having a drink, there’s no harm in that right? And I’m sure Emmalia wouldn’t mind.”

Gideon was about to refuse, but then he thought about it. He decided it would be best to hang out with Judy than Roderick who he was sure would get him drunk to stupor. He knew Emmalia would be very angry if he came back home too drunk to count his fingers. “Sure, let’s have a drink… that wouldn’t hurt.”

“Yeah.” She beamed. “Let’s go to the bar.”

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