Where We Belong

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Laughing out loud I gained his attention and mostly everyone elses. Rolling my eyes I finished what I was drinking and made my way behind the bar. I never do this never have done this. Having a little fun is what I need and if I end up with a sore head in the morning then so be it. I knew Blaze was watching me, as an idea popped into my head I kicked of my shoes "Hey tim, would you throw me out if I livened the place up a bit?" I grinned watching as he looked at me like I had just grew another head.

Not waiting for him to answer I pulled up my skirt and jumped up onto the bar. Hearing the wolf whistles only made my confidence grow. "Turn that up" I yelled before sauntering my way across the bar swaying my hips to what ever the hell they had playing. "You" I said pointing to the girl that was on Blaze lap "Come and show me how its done" I laughed.

Turning around a grin made its way onto my face when I noticed Cage standing at the other side of the bar his eyes raking all over my body "I owe you a dance" I winked before pointing to him and signalling that he come to me. Not taking my eyes of him I watched as he made his way over to me. Running my tongue over my bottom lip I was suddenly pulled down from the bar and dragged away through the back.

"Hey what the hell are you doing?" I snapped pulling my arm out of his. "I was having fun. I was having a good time" turning on him I attempted to make my way back through only to be yanked back.

"Thats what you call fun?" He growled "Acting like a whore is what you call fun?".

"I thought you liked whores?" I smirked attempting to grab his junk.

"Your drunk Ava" He scaulded pushing my hand away.

"So fucking what. I'm drunk call the damn police infact call Tim because I want another drink" I said taking a few steps back.

"The only thing your drinking is water" He snapped gripping onto my arm and pulling me into his chest.

"You can't tell me what to do" I yelled pushing him away from me "Go back to that awful girl so I can go have fun with Cage. Maybe I'll sleep with him" I laughed watching the color drained from his face. "Maybe I'll go out there and tell him to take me home. I seem to have more confidence when I'm drunk. Maybe I'll drag him to the toilet and let him fuck me there".

"Don't ever say that" He roared causing me to laugh.

"Why? you fuck whoever you want. Why can't I?"

Ignoring my question he grabbed me by my arm and dragged me through the clubhouse right out the front door. "You can't do this. You aren't the boss of me Blaze now let go" I snapped tripping over my own feet and falling to the ground. Struggling to get back up I could feel my bottom lip quiver and before I knew it I was crying. I had just made a fool of myself infront of the MC. My dad will kill me once he hears about this. Pulling my knees up I lay my head on them. Why did I have to drink when I knew I couldn't handle it.

"Come on darlin' lets get you home" Blaze wrapped an arm around my shoulders and one under my knees. Once he knew I was secure he pulled me up and carried me to my car. "I-I can't go home they'll get m-me" I hiccuped leaning my head against his shoulder. Putting me in the passangers side he knelt down beside me and took my hand "Who'll get you sweetheart? what are you talking about?" He asked pushing a strand of hair of my forehead.

"Vagos" I whispered

"Vagos? Ava what the hell happened?"

"I know I should have told you straight away but when I heard that girls voice I got so mad but then they followed me so I knew I had to tell you but I came in here and that awful women was all over you so I decided to wait until my dad came home and then drinking seemed like a good choice" Taking a breath I hadn't realised I just spilled my guts so fast.

"Vagos followed you and you're just fucking telling me?" He growled "You could have been killed Ava, what were you thinking?".

"Don't yell at me" I cried "I tried to tell you but-.."

"No buts Ava" He said cutting me off "I would have came the second I knew you were in trouble you know that. Damn Ava thats why am here darlin'. You pushed me away but I'll always protect you".

"You were busy" I said flattly turning my head so I couldn't look at him. I didn't want to look at him because I wanted him. I wanted him in everyway possble. Screw the law and screw my dad. I wanted Blaze. I've never felt this way about any man before but he makes something inside me tick.

Grabbing my chin gently he turned my head so I was looking at him "Nothing happened Ava. I know you would show up here and I wanted to make you jealous" He whispered a light tint of pink appearing on his cheeks. Was he getting embarrassed? "I haven't been with anyone since I met you darlin'. You're the only one I want, on my bike..-"

"And in your bed" I said cutting him off "I know".

Watching him smirk made me smile "I feel terrible" I groaned bringing a hand up to rub my forehead. If this was how I was feeling now how would I feel in the morning? The thought of work

was killing me right now. Tomorrow was my first official day and I had no idea how long I was going be there.

"Let me take you home you can sleep it off. You'll feel fine in a couple of hours" Closing the door he made his way to the drivers side and got in "Keys sweetheart?".

Giving him a sheepish smile I pointed to the clubhouse "My bags in there, can you also grab my jacket?". Hearing him sigh he jumped back out my car and jogged back to the clubhouse. Glancing at my watch it had just turned 2pm. Two O'clock in the afternoon and I was drunk. What the hell was I playing at. What would the hospital.. shit the hospital, my induction.

"You forget these aswell?" Blaze asked giving me a grin.

"I need my phone, the hospital, my job. Blaze what happens if they turn me down because I didn't show up? I can't lose my job. I'd have nothing, I'd have to work behind the bar at the clubhouse" I choked a distastful look appearing on my face. I couldn't work there.

"Sweets calm down everythings going to be fine. Tell them you had a family emergency, weren't you like the hot shot doctor back in cali?" He asked turning on the engine and pulling out of the lot.

"This isn't Cali Blaze" I huffed reaching inside my bag and pulling out my phone. Unlocking it I cursed when I seen the missed calls and voicemails. "I have to go to the hospital, I have to explain why I didn't turn up. They're going to think I'm not interested, not reliable. Blaze please take me to the hospital".

"I'll take you to the hospital Ava, right after I get you home and you sleep it off".

"I don't have time to sleep it of I have to go now. I can't-.."

"You're stinking of booze and I bet you couldn't walk in a straight line. I said I'll take you but once your showered and had a sleep. I bet you didn't get much sleep last night huh?" He said causing myNôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

mouth to fall open a little. "I bet you were up most of the night thinking about today? picking out the best outfit. How did you survive with having no coffee?" He smirked turing into my dads drive.

How does he know me so well?

"Fine I'll have a shower and a sleep but you have to get me coffee" I grinned taking of my seatbeat "Oh and something to eat I'm starving" Opening my car door I got out and made my way inside.

"Tommy stocked up this morning. I'll get you coffee you go and shower your stinking"He said turning me and pushing me towards the stairs "Don't be long once you come back I need you to tell me everything". Not giving me time to reply he sauntered of into the kitchen.

Letting my shoulders sag I headed up to the bathroom.

Wrapped in only a towel I was hunched over my bed the bucket from the bathroom in my hands throwing up my guts. Drinking was the worst idea ever, drinking on an empty stomach was just plain stupid. Wiping at my mouth I sat the bucket a side and stood up. Feeling woozy I grabbed onto the bed post and closed my eyes. Taking a few deep breaths I opened my suitcase pulling out a vest top and a fresh pair of pj bottoms.

"She's fine prez. I'll bring her over once she's slept it of. Franko she's 24 years old, a grown fucking woman. I wouldn't fucking touch her, fuck".

Wouldn't touch me?

Catching the end of Blazes phone call I stepped into the lvingroom to find him glaring at his cell. "Told you he still treats me like a child" I said rolling my eyes "I'll be fine once I have coffee then you can take me to his lordship".

"I need you to tell me everything Ava".

Putting water in the kettle I turned it on waiting for it to boil. "I had just turned up at the hospital. I asked for Dr Amaro and then everything went haywire from there. I remember the paramedics guy shouting out that he needed every doctor in the place. A shooting went down and most victims were critical. I was just minding my own buisness until I noticed the cut" Swallowing down the lump in my throat I glanced at Blaze.

"What else darlin'?"

"A mean looking guy with tattoos all over his arms said that he would deliver me to my dad dead. Said that Devils Due will pay for this. Did you cause the shooting?" I asked emptying the coffee and hot water to my cup.

"Fuck" He snapped pulling out his phone "Sure it was Vagos?"

"Who else could it have been. They must have seen me at the hospital, did the MC cause the shooting?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee. Walking and taking a seat at the expensive looking dining table I waited for him to answer me. How was I going to live my life here with someone wanting to kill me? Kill me for who my dad was.

"Are you going to answer me?" I asked as Blaze glared at the floor.

"We need to go" He snapped picking up my keys from the table and walking towards the front door. Frowning I finished my coffee and placed the empty mug in the sink. Running up the stairs I pulled on my UGG boots and a jumper. Locking the door behind me I jumped into the pasanger side as Blaze started my car and headed for the clubhouse.

One thing was for sure, I knew Blaze would always be there for me. Always there to keep me safe. Would it be so bad for us to be together? Would my dad be that bad about it? I am a grown women and he doesn't have a say in what I do. "I've been thinking" I whispered my voice coming out a little

shaky. Glancing at him I watched as he gave me a nod to continue. "I-I-" taking a deep breath I started playing with my fingers and looking anywhere but him. "About us? I wa-"

"There isn't an us" He said giving me a cold hard glare. Feeling my mouth fall open I frowned in confusion, I thought he wanted me? What had changed in the space of a couple of hours. My fucking dad. "It's better this way".."I think".

"R-right" I stuttered looking out the window because I felt to embarrassed to look at him. He had just rejected me when I was finally on the verge of giving in. This was probably for the best. I had led him on and turned him down to many times now I finally want him but he doesn't want me. Pulling up outside the clubhouse I stared of into the distance, hearing the door slam made me jump in my seat. He didn't want me anymore and the thought killed me. Straightening my shoulders I got out and headed inside. Walking through the door I saw Tim behind the bar talking to the whore, Sandra I think her name was. Didn't she have a home to go to? Where was everyone? "Boardroom" Tim called pouring a shot into a glass for that woman. Nodding my thanks I walked through the hall and came to a stop at the door. Do I knock?

"Those fuckers touch one hair on her head and I will wipe them all out" Came the shattering voice of my dotting father. Rolling my eyes I pushed open the door and walked inside. Everyones head turned in my direction, my mom was sitting in the corner her hand resting on her swollen stomach. How pregnant was she?

"Nice of you to fucking join us" My dad snapped "Sit down and listen" He grunted pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up. Glaring at him I folded my arms over my chest and stood where I was. I wasn't part of his MC he couldn't tell me what to do and I just wanted to piss him of a little bit.

"Ava honey come over here" My mom called, still I didn't move.

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