Where We Belong

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Gritting my teeth I turned and ran back inside. What was I going to do? A man was lying dead in my driveway. Pulling at my hair a strangled cry made its way up my throat and out my mouth. This can't be happening. This sort of thing doesn't happen to me.

"We have to go"..

Jumping slightly I backed away from Blaze. I couldn't go with them, not now not ever. My full body was shaking as he started walking closer to me. Backing away further my breath caught in my throat when my back hit the wall. Jared had just shot a man dead infront of my eyes for nothing.

Watching him dig a hand into his pocket he pulled out a cigarette, lighting it he passed it to me.

"I don't want a fucking cigarette. I want you to leave me alone" I cried "He just killed a man Blaze. Right infront of my eyes. Y-you have to leave" I stuttered falling over my feet as I tried to move round him.


"Don't Ava me" I screamed causing him to grab me and place his hand over my mouth.

"You need to calm down. What you just witnessed out there is nothing to what we do" He whispered "Jared gets carried away sometimes. Promise you won't scream and I'll remove my hand".

Sobbing I closed my eyes and nodded my head. As he removed his hand from my mouth I moved to the other side of the livingroom.

"We hitting the road?" Jared asked as he casually strolled through the front door like nothing happened.

"You and Tommy head out. We'll head out later" Blazed said causing me to glare at him. I wasn't going anywhere definitely not with him. "Get rid of that body before you go" He snapped

Taking orders like the ass he is Jared strolled out of my house banging the door shut behind him.

"You may as well go with them because I'm going no where with you" Bringing my hand up to my mouth I started chewing on my nails.

"Go get some sleep. I'll wake you up when we need to leave" He said completely ignoring me.

"Did you not just hear me?" I screamed "I'm not going anywhere. Now get out of my house before I call the cops".

Snapping his head up in my direction his eyes fell into slits "You wouldn't dare" He snarled causing my heart to skip a beat. "I'll drag you down with me sweetheart".

Trying to hide my fear I crossed my arms over my chest. I was screwed, what just happened will scar me for the rest of my life. Turning my back on him I made my way to the kitchen. How do they get away with killing innocent people? Sitting at the table I lay my head on it and closed my eyes. Trying to process everything that happened tonight, Jimmys lifeless body. Was this the world he wanted to introduce me to?

My life had done a complete 180 within the space of a couple of hours. How could I be apart of his life when I knew what he was doing? Killing people for a living.

Glancing at the clock it was almost 2am. Hearing a knock at my front door I started to panic. What if its the cops? As the knocking got louder I stumble from my chair and slowly made my way through.

"Cops, get rid of them Ava" Blaze mouthed as he made his way out the livingroom and up my stairs. Taking a deep breath I opened the door and tried my best to act normal.

"Sorry to bother you so late Ava but we've had a complaint about some odd behaviour happening in the neighborhood. Do you know anything about that?" Sheriff Westwood asked

"Odd behaviour?" I asked a yawn escaping my mouth

"Apparently old Mrs Jenner saw strange men in your drive way. Said something about hearing screaming and shouting".

Raising my eyebrow another yawn escaped my mouth "Listen Ben I know you're just doing your job but coming over to my house at 2am is ridiculous. Ive been working all day, came home got changed and fell asleep on the couch. I've heard nothing nor seen anything" I lied hoping he couldn't see straight through it.

"I understand Ava it's just protocol. We're going door to door but I am sorry to disturb you. Thanks for your time and if you hear anything stop by the station at any time or you can give me a call" He smiled handing me a personalised card with his personal contact details on it.

"Will do sheriff, goodnight" I smiled closing and locking the door behind me.

Letting out the breath I didn't realise I was holding I slid down the door resting my head on my knees. I can't believe I just lied to the law. Mrs fucking Jenner!! Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

"Another retard that wants into my girls pants. Gonna need to teach him a lesson" Blaze growled making his way down the stairs "Good work sweetheart" he smirked

Lifting my head from my knees I glared at him "I am not your fucking girl" I hissed slapping away his hand as he tried to touch me "Bens harmless but then again your people like killing innocent people" I snapped glaring at him as I got to my feet.

Gripping me by the waist he pulled me to him and held me tight so there was no way I could escape "You know the shit the club gets into. You came to us darlin' not the other way around".

"Yes 1 year ago. I came to find my dad and do you know what I wish I hadn't" I snapped trying to ignore the way my body was reacting to his touch. "I didn't ask you to come here Blaze. I didn't ask you to save me from being raped. I didn't ask you to kill my neigh-.."

Grabbing my face in his hands he cut me off "How bout you shut the fuck up for 5 seconds" He growled before placing his lips on mine.

Struggling in his arms I dug my nails into his back as hard as I could, still he didn't budge. Sinking my teeth into his bottom lip he hissed before dropping his arms and letting me go.

"You little witch" He smirked bringing his hand up to wipe the blood away.

Tasting his blood on my tongue I glared at him "Touch me again and I'll rip your dick off and feed it to you". I growled causing him to laugh which only made me glare harder.

"Look at you getting all confident, talking about my dick." He smirked "Want to see what a dick looks like Ava?" moving his hand across his jeans he grabbed his package "It's all yours baby".

Why would he say something like that? I was almost raped. The last thing on my mind was seeing his penis. There was this little bit of hope in the back of my mind that he was different. I had never been with a guy sexually but I knew what they always wanted. The way they look at you or the way they undress you with their eyes. Why I thought a cold hearted biker would be any different I have no idea.

"You think I want to see your dick?" I asked watching the smirk fall of his face "After everything thats happened tonight you say something like that" Shaking my head I pushed past him and made a bee

line to my room. Reaching the top of the stairs I turned to look at him "Don't follow me. I have a spare room if you need to rest but don't come anywhere near me".

Once I was in the safety of my own room I took my phone of the night stand and collapsed onto my bed. Checking for messages I cursed when I saw there was at least a dozen missed calls from my mom along with voice mails and texts. Of course he would have told her what happened.

'Baby please pick up'

'I'm worried Ava. Please honey answer your phone. I need to know you're okay'

'Keep Blaze with you at all times. I knew I should never have left you alone. Baby please I'm sorry please pick up'.

Placing my phone next to me I climbed up my bed and under the covers. As soon as my head hit the pillow sleep took over.

'Shut up you little whore'

'You have caused me to do this Ava'

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