Using Baby Daddy For Revenge

Can run but can’t hide

Melissa had to leave since Mark knew who she was, making her more scared. If she stayed to serve him then with no time he would know about Tommy and she couldn’t have that.

Tommy was her life, no way was she going to let them take him from her. She had seen many child custody cases and the poor mother was always on the losing end. How could she fight the most wealthy man in the country yet she had nothing?

After getting out of the room, she went to the manager’s office with a plan in mind. Despite needing money for Tommy’s school and her aunt’s business, she couldn’t stay in the hotel with Mark there. Not only did he threaten her son’s wellbeing but he messed her brain to.

Being in a hotel room with him was like relieving that night. The night that never left her mind.

“Excuse me sir, can I come in?” She inquired after knocking on the managers office door.

“Yes come in Melissa, is everything with the client okay?” Her nemesis was the most important client in the hotel at the moment and the manager was so keen in making him feel at home. So much so he could sign off anything as long as you mentioned the client’s name.

“Yes sir, Mr Johnson is settled in and everything is all set. I came to ask for some days off. I’ve got a family emergency I need to take care of.” She made an excuse hoping the manager won’t call her bluff.

“Can’t it wait? Who is going to do your job?” The manager asked with a worried look.

“There are so many qualified employees sir and they can handle the job well. Sir, I really need to solve my problem else I won’t be able to serve our client well.” Fingers crossed, she brought up the clients need, silently praying that he would allow her to go.

Hopefully in a weeks time Mark would be gone, never to cross paths with him again.

“Okay you can fill your leave form, pray Mr Johnson won’t mind the change of staff. If he does you will have to come back.” After thinking about it for a few minutes, he agreed.

Melissa was a very capable employee, he knew she couldn’t ask for leave unless she really needed it.

Since she started working she had devoted herself to the hotel only asking for leave when she was in a tight situation. He had no issue with her taking days off but the biggest dilemma was explaining to the guest why they had to change the housekeeper.

Mr Johnson was very principled and powerful man. From the little he read about him, he knew he was not one to impress easily. The manager hoped he would understand if not then Melissa would have to get back since they couldn’t afford to lose such an important client.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.


Back home when Melissa returned, her aunt was surprised to have her back so soon. She had informed her the day before that she would stay in the hotel for a week and barely a day she was back.

“Melissa what happened? Why are you back so soon?” Melissa walking into the house, run and hugged her aunt.

“Auntie, he is going to take Tommy away from me.” She lamented in between sobs.

“What? Who wants to take my grandson?” Betty surprised by her surging emotions asked tapping her back trying to sooth her.

“I saw him aunt, I saw Tommy’s father and he is a very powerful man. Aunt I don’t know what to do. If he find’s out about Tommy he might take him back to the capital.” Calming down Melissa told her aunt about her earlier encounter with Mark.

“I don’t want to lose my son.”

“Shh…. calm down child. He can’t take him away, your his mother and the child needs his mother since he’s small. So don’t be afraid of him. The law is on your side.” Her aunt said still soothing her but in her heart she was afraid what happened to her would happen to her niece. Losing a son is very painful. She couldn’t imagine going through all that pain again.


Back in the presidential suite, when James Mark’s assistant got back, he found him seated on the sofa with his eye’s closed and the two coffee cups which had turned cold still on the table next to his iPad.

“Sir, are you okay?” Seeing him deep in thoughts, James inquired.

Without opening his eyes, he just nodded his head massaging his temples.

“Then I’ll take these away. Where is that housekeeper?” James took the cups to the kitchen looking around, inquiring about Melissa.

Before he could check the small room, a knock came from the door. Opening to check if it was the housekeeper, he saw the manager accompanied by another male staff.

“Mr Johnson, sorry for disturbing you.” The manager apologized walking into the room.

Nodding, Mark motioned for him to speak. “Sir, the housekeeper we had arranged for you early has an emergency so we have to replace her.” He swallowed hard waiting to be reprimanded but Mark said nothing. “This is Luke, he will be serving you for now. He is the assistant housekeeping supervisor and quite efficient in his work.” The manager explained silently praying he doesn’t raise an issue.

Still in the same position, Mark calmly looked at the manager and the new staff.

Melissa had managed to run away from him again. He couldn’t make things difficult for the hotel management but he had to find a way to get her to a place she couldn’t escape that easily.

“I don’t mind, as long as the work is done to my satisfactory. Manager, why don’t you sit and chart with me.” Mark spoke lazily dismissing James and the new staff.

“Yes, do you need any information from me Mr Johnson?” The manager asked.

He had encountered many business men and whenever they invite you to join them, they most definitely need something.

“Mmm…. the manager is a smart man. I want to know a bit about this hotel. With my understanding the founder left it to his son when he died a year ago.” With his resources and power their was no information he couldn’t find but he needed to build a close relation with the manager. This way he would help him get what he wanted.

Melissa could run but couldn’t hide from him forever.

After charting for a while the manager left. Leaving Mark with a broad smile on his face, contented with the information he had acquired.

He could use it to trap her. He thought as the smile got broader

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