Uncontrollable Tempration

Chapter 6

Sophia Parker

It was a Friday, which meant that we were to leave for London today. The conference is on Saturday and in order for us to get there on time, we needed to leave this evening. We would arrive in London by 5am but the actual time there would be 12am. That should give us enough time to get some rest before the event.

I had already packed my bags and brought them with me to the office today. Most of the things I brought along were work clothes, nothing serious. But Phoebe suggested that I also have outfits for going out. Whenever Mr Wilson and I went on work trips, there was always time to go out and explore so I packed two dresses just in case, anything could happen.

Mr Wilson didn’t show up during working hours today and I spent the whole day missing his presence. He finally showed up around 5pm, just in time to pick me up so we could go to the airport together.

As I came out of the building, his driver collected my bag and placed it in the trunk of his Bentley Mulsanne. This was one of Mr Wilson most expensive and spacious cars. He must have used it to host some of his clients today. Once I got in the car, Mr Wilson conducted a full body appraisal of me before he finally graced me with his signature greeting.

“Hello, Miss Parker.” He smiled. That was enough to make my heart malfunction for a few seconds.

“Good evening Mr Wilson.” I managed to not stutter. We began to move.

“I see you have very few items.” He commented.

“Yes, there wasn’t much to pack. It’s just for the weekend.” I replied.

After that, he didn’t say anything and an awkward silence followed. I looked at him after a few moments and he was shamelessly staring at me with a smirk on his face.

Is he checking me out? No way! Mr Wilson would never even look my way. Just in case, I look at what I’m wearing. A grey sleeveless top made of cotton and a black pencil skirt with my satin knee length boots. It’s okay I guess, not that interesting for Mr Wilson to stare at me like he wants to devour me because that’s what he is doing.

Because this is a small limo, I am seated directly in front of him with my legs closed in between his legs that are wide open. I don’t know why men have to open their legs so wide when they sit. It’s ridiculous.

I am so uncomfortable with this position. I can’t even look directly ahead because Mr Wilson is just ogling me not caring if he gets caught so I turn my head to the side and I am looking at… nothing.

I began to squirm in my seat due to the discomfort I am having. Why can’t he just stop looking! Now I’m angry. He is invading my personal space and I don’t like it. I mean, I normally would have loved this attention that he is giving me but it’s just too much right now. And what’s even more annoying is that stupid smirk he has on his face while he is busy violating me with his eyes! What is going on in that silly little head of his!

“Are you okay Miss Parker? It seems like you’re having a war within yourself.” He asked with one of his eyebrows raised. He definitely knew that his gaze was having an effect on me but he decided to play dumb.

“I’m fine. I’m just uncomfortable.” I say harshly.

“Uncomfortable? What makes you so uncomfortable?” He asked in pretence.


“Me?” He feigned confusion.

“You’re staring at me too much.” I said much more sedately, reminding myself that I was speaking to my boss. My sudden outburst was unexpected but he’d pushed me to the edge with his silly little pretence act.

I didn’t expect his response to be a light chuckle, which only made me fume with more anger.

Did he actually find it amusing to invade my personal space?!

“You look lovely today that’s all. Is it wrong for a man to appreciate beauty?”

I swear if the air con wasn’t on right now, I would have melted into a puddle. He literally just called me beautiful! If I wasn’t so mad at him right now I would have probably fan-girled at his statement but I was way too angry.

“That wasn’t appreciating beauty, that was… eye-rape!”

This time he laughed loudly. “Eye-rape? Is there even a word like that?”

“I don’t know! You tell me!” I said, feeling completely mortified! My face was red hot like a tomato, both from anger and embarrassment.

‘Harassment’ would have been more appropriate, but my brain decided to invent such a stupid word in the heat of the moment because I couldn’t think straight.

I had so many mixed emotions right now and that left me very flustered.

“Miss Parker, it was never my intention to ‘eye-rape’ you. Like I said, I was only appreciating how beautiful you look today. I apologise if it made you uncomfortable. Please, don’t be upset with me.” He apologised in a gentlemanly fashion.

“Thank you.” I said. I was super relieved that he decided to drop this matter. It was certainly one of the most stressful moments of my entire career with him.

“So how was your day at the office?” He asked.

“Very tedious.” I sighed.

“Why? Was it because I wasn’t there?” He asked with another smirk tugging at his lips.

Oh no, he’s back at it again!

“No… I just didn’t have much to do. Where were you by the way?” I asked. “Your diary was empty so I was-”

I stopped myself before I completed the sentence. I was just about to share how worried I was about him but he didn’t need to know that… at least not in his current state of derision.

“You were what?”


“Were you about to say that you were worried about me?” His smirk widened.

“No, I don’t care.”

I hoped that the lie I told was convincing but unfortunately, he didn’t buy it.

“Miss Parker it’s fine if you were worried about me not showing up to work today. I should have told you that I would be coming in late.”

“You should have. But really, I wasn’t worried.” I lied again.

“If you say so. I had an urgent matter to finalize with Holton Industries with regards to our meeting held sometime this week. You know, the day you decided to show up in just a blazer.”

I gasped at his reference and my poor cheeks turned red once again at the memory of that day.

“You remember?”

“Of course, I don’t have amnesia. Plus, the sight is a hard one to forget.” He winked at me.

Did he just wink at me?

I was too shocked to react so I just gaped at him in disbelief.

He laughed again at my embarrassment.

Sure, what I did was stupid but it wasn’t like I had any other choice!

“Sir, I had no choice. I couldn’t show up to the meeting with soiled clothes looking like a clown?.”

“No you couldn’t. But I must admit that I liked what you wore that day. I just didn’t want other men seeing you like that as well. That’s why I had to send you out.”

He liked it?

Was this his way of acknowledging to me that he found me attractive on that day? Or perhaps, even today as well…? A few moments ago, he mentioned that I looked beautiful. Does the great Adam Wilson finally have eyes for me?

“Is that really why you sent me out of the room?” I asked feigning anger. Even though I was dying with happiness inside, I couldn’t give away my true emotions to him so easily.

“Yes. I was protecting you from the prying eyes of those men.” He responded.

“Well… I didn’t ask for your protection.” I challenged.

I don’t know where I got the courage to talk to him in this way. On a very normal day I would never talk back to Mr Wilson. Maybe the thought of him fancying me gave me a huge self-confidence boost.

“You are my employee and it’s stated in the Health and Safety policy of your contract that I, as your employer and direct line manager, have responsibility over your safety and security during your employment.”

“Oh come on! Not in that respect. You made me look stupid when you kicked me out.”

“No. Those men were looking at you and I couldn’t help it. I don’t like to share what’s mine.”

I gasped. He said that so causally and possessively, as if I’m an object.

“I’m not yours.”

Although, the thought of belonging to him appealed to me a little bit…Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

“Yes, you are. You work for me, don’t you?”

“That doesn’t make me your property.”

“I never said you were property. Miss Parker, why are you being so difficult today?” He raised his eyebrow again.

“It’s because you annoyed me earlier!” I revealed, feeling entirely worn out and consumed by this conversation. I put my fingers on my temple and gently gave myself a massage.

He didn’t come back with anything and for a moment we both settled into a warm silence. It was definitely needed. Most of my trips with Mr Wilson we’re silent, with occasional discussion about work-related topics. This was the most personal we had ever gotten in entire time working for him.

“You look sexy when you’re annoyed.” He blurted out.

My mouth flew open at his comment and he smiled.

That’s it! Something is definitely wrong with this man. I wonder how much alcohol he’s had to consume today…

No matter how much I liked what he said, that was the most unprofessional thing I’ve ever heard him say to me. And he knew it was because he had that stupid smug look on his face. It was so cheesy, all I wanted to do was slap him right across the face!

I didn’t care, I reached out to slap him but he was too quick and he caught my hand midair.

“Let go of me!” I struggled to get my hand out if his hold.

“Did you just try to assault me Miss Parker?”

“Yes. And you deserved it.”

Sure, I may have had fantasies of all kinds about this man but this was not how I ever pictured us crossing the line of professionalism. This was way too poor and lousy. I couldn’t believe the cheek of him!

“Why? Because I called you sexy? Isn’t that a good thing?”

To be fair, it was a good thing. It was pretty amazing. He has called me both beautiful and sexy today and I honestly feel ecstatic. But I had to pretend because this was so wrong.

“You shouldn’t speak to me like that!”

“I can’t help it Miss Parker. A sexy woman deserves to be spoken to that way.” He said in a low seductive voice that made my thighs clench.

I couldn’t believe this was happening. What has come over Mr Wilson? He would never speak to me this way!

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