Their Magical But Deadly Journey



I ALMOST passed out in shock because of what I witnessed. I can’t believe I’m seeing this event with my own two eyes.

How was this even possible?

Is this really true or just my hallucination?

What the heck is this?



I just stared at the book floating until it went up and up. I ran up to it and grabbed it but I was pulled back violently when I was burned.

I just turned away weakly while looking at the book that went up and up. My eyes suddenly widened when it suddenly disappeared like the wind.

“Where is that? Where did it go?!” I asked myself frustratedly. I just pulled out my hair in so much shocked. My brain couldn’t process what happened.

First of all, why was the book floating in the air? Second, where did it go? Why did it vanish in nowhere like an air?!

I have so many questions running in my mind. I feel like I’m going crazy. I can’t even imagine how that was possible.

Why does the book float? Is our house haunted? But ghosts can’t hold things because it will only penetrate their skin.


I jumped in shock when I suddenly heard Mom’s voice. I saw her looking at me in disbelief.

“Hey, are you okay? Why are you pale? D-did something happen?” Mom asked one question after another, concern evident in her voice.

I slowly shook my head, still not processing what just happened earlier.

Mom caressed my cheeks while looking intently. She knows I’m lying.

“You can tell me, sweetie,” she said softly.

“I-I’m fine, Mom. I’m j-just tired…” I uttered lowly.

“Are you sure? I know something’s bothering you.”

I shook my head. “No, Mom, I’m absolutely fine.”

Mommy stared at me intently before sighing. She knows she can’t force me to tell her especially since I don’t always open up to Mom when it comes to small things.

But this thing is not just petty! I can’t just ignore it. Who knows maybe that was a sign that danger is after me or even us.

I don’t want my Mommy to get worried about me-though I badly want to tell her about these things.

I just sighed when Mommy left the room and said she was going to prepare dinner. It’s almost five o’clock. I stared at the ceiling as I lay on my bed.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

I wonder what is the cause of these events. Where did it start? And why do these events appear to me?

I’m not even done with the underground yet.

My eyes widened at the thought. Right! Why didn’t I think of that? I’m sure it has something to do with everything going on right now.

I quickly went down to the living room but first I hid in the big vase when I saw Mommy coming out of the kitchen. The helpers are also scattered so I can’t make a step that they don’t see.

Mommy called them all exactly and in an instant the five helpers gathered.

“Do your work properly, okay? I don’t want to see you scattered around here. I will cook dinner for Sazha and me. Go to your respective stations,” I heard Mommy tell them with her serious voice.

Now Mommy made them move because they can’t be scattered outside earlier, especially since we have visitors. They were all in their room and Mommy was the one who acted here earlier.

They immediately obeyed Mommy’s order and after a while I didn’t see any helpers around.

Thank heaven because everyone agreed with my actions.

When I made sure there was no one around, I immediately came out from hiding in the vase and quickly went down. I smiled triumphantly because I made it to the bottom without anyone seeing me.

Now, I can do what I have to do. If I want to find answers to my questions, I must go back to the place where these events started.

The Underground.

When I reached the underground, I slowly opened its door. The cold feeling of the Underground dawned on me even though I was just here at the entrance. I also felt a strange feeling but I just ignored it because I really wanted to get an answer to the questions that were bothering my mind.

I just slowly went down the stairs until I reached the inside. I immediately looked up and nothing changed. The Underground still looks like the last time Tray and I saw it.

When I saw the high bookshelf, I immediately approached it. I only saw it up close now because they forbid children to come near it. Especially me when I was only 9 years old. I don’t know but they really don’t want us, with my cousins to be ​​here.

And now, I’m close to the bookshelf. It’s very tall and I look like an elf because of my short height when I get close to the bookshelf.

The bookshelf was full of thick books. The color of the cover varies but it is mostly black and brown. I took a book that was closest to me. I even winced because I could feel the weight immediately after just one pull. Finally, I got it and placed it in my palm. It was heavy but I was able to lift it.

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My forehead creased at the written title of the book. It’s just numbers. I can’t even read its author. It’s like it’s written in a different font or translated into another word. The only thing I read was the word ‘by’, where it refers to the author of this book. I also just noticed its simple book cover. Its color is plain mahogany brown and there are no decorations on the cover at all. It’s just plain and then the title is written.

“Who wrote this book? So lame,” I whispered to myself and put the book back on the shelf. I don’t feel like opening it, especially since the title alone is hard for me to read. I don’t even know what kind of word that is-if it can even be called a word. Also include the author’s name which I can’t read.

I might see something else there that is not pleasant for me. Pftt.

I looked at the shelf in surprise when I heard a strange sound coming from it. I looked around but I couldn’t see anything that could make a noise.

“I must be hallucinating again,” I convinced myself.

I continued to search for things that could help me to find answers to my questions. But what help can books do here? The others make almost no sense! Even if I wanted to look at the other books, I couldn’t reach the upper part of it because I would need a ladder to climb up.

Duh, I can’t even find a ladder here. Even if it’s small so I can climb a little.

I tried to find something else. I also entered the rooms here but I also left immediately because I was afraid to be alone. I also read books to get clues.

But nothing really.

I weakly leaned against the bookshelf and sighed. I feel so hopeless. I feel like I still have a long way to go to get the answers I want. I feel like there’s more to come before I get to the end-that I don’t even know where to start.

But did everything really start here in the Underground? What if this is really destined to happen to me exactly when I turn 19 years old? Come to think of it, the wonders that happened to me started since Tray and I visited here at Underground over a week ago. And on my birthday!

Tray… Could he have something to do with all of this?

I shook my head at the thought. It is impossible that Tray has anything to do with this. He doesn’t know what’s happening to me.

“This is too much,” I uttered while massaging my temple. It gives me a headache.

I decided to just leave the Underground. I don’t think I have anything to gain from this. What does the Underground have to do with what’s happening to me, right? Especially this innocent bookshelf.

I looked at it. Its height and size are too much. The book is out of reach. It’s even scary to look up so high because you think you’re going to fall off the bookshelf.

I was going up the stairs when I heard the sound I heard earlier. It sounded like a door being opened. I looked around and my eyes widened when I looked in that direction.

“T-this can’t b-be h-happening…”

Damn! I ran here and stared into nothingness. It is true.


It is very wide and only the size of a bookshelf. It’s so dark inside and I can’t seem to see anything. My fucking curiosity is killing me! I want to go inside and take a closer look but I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back.

It might not be bad if I try to go inside, right? Besides, it’s just like a room, eh.

I slowly stepped my feet inside. I felt nervous, scared, and excited as I got closer and closer inside. I’m nervous because I don’t know what could happen to me here. Scared because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next by the time I got inside. And excited because my questions will finally be answered.

I was amazed when I got inside. It felt strange. It’s like I’m floating in time even though I can feel the surface below. It’s like someone is digging in my stomach as if I want to throw up even though I don’t. It’s also very dark inside even though it’s bright outside the bookshelf. And most of all, I feel many eyes staring at me. Hair-raising.

I just keep walking in the void but I look behind me because the bookshelf might close suddenly.

“H-hello?” I said but I was surprised that even my voice was low in my hearing. My voice must be echoing.

“AHHH!” I shouted when the bookshelf closed completely. Suddenly it rattled loudly and in an instant I was trapped inside.

I ran to open it but I couldn’t move my legs and I felt like I was stuck where I was.

“HELP!” I screamed but I couldn’t hear my voice. I feel like I’m getting further and further away from the bookshelf. I can’t even run.


I’m already crying. I can’t move here. I feel strange and like my body is stretching. I’m like jelly because I’m softening but I can’t move.



I turned around when I heard a voice. All I see is darkness, I feel like I’m in a void.

“Sazharina…” I heard the voice calling my name again.

“W-who a-are you?” I asked, stuttering because of fear and my sob.

“Sazharina…” He said my name again.

“I SAID WHO ARE YOU?!” My voice rumbled inside and even I winced because of the power. It’s like a while ago I couldn’t hear my voice but now it’s deafening.

I shuddered in fear when he suddenly laughed like a demon, terrifying.

“Poor Sazharina… This is your fate, accept it.”


He laughed again like a demon until his voice gradually disappeared. There has been no trace since he came here. I am alone again in this emptiness.

Again, I feel so hopeless! I wish I didn’t go in here. I’ve exercised my curiosity again so here I am in the void. I don’t even know if I am safe here or if there is danger waiting for me.

“H-help me…” I whispered while crying. “P-please…”

I just cried when I was stopped because of the light that hit my face. Even though it’s very bright, it doesn’t dazzle me. I was alarmed when it approached me.

“My daughter…” I burst into tears when I heard a man’s voice.

Is this him? Is this my Dad?! He called me ‘my daughter’, then it must be him!


“My child…”

My tears started to flow when I felt him touch my cheek. His palm was cold but I ignored it. What is important to me now is that my father is with me. I’m with my father who I’ve been looking for since I was born here!

“Dad…” I cried out loud. Dad just held my cheek even though I couldn’t see him because he was wrapped in intense light. I don’t know where he came from but the important thing is that he is here.

“Do you want to go with me, hm?” Dad asked.

I sniffed before eagerly nodded. “Yes, Dad. Please.”

“How about your mommy?” he asked again, making me stop.

Right. How about Mom? I want to take her with us so we can be together again but what if I’m locked up here inside? I can’t go out anymore.

“Dad, I can’t go out here. I was locked in here.”

“Go with me instead. I will take you to the palace and we will live luxuriously there,” he said calmly, inviting me to join him.

If earlier I wanted to go, now I’m having second thoughts. What if I can’t come back here? What if I never see Mommy again?

“Mommy?” I asked, a bit crying.

“We’ll fetch her, hmm. Just go with me this time,” he answered.

I nodded happily. “Okay, Dad. I’ll go with you.”

Even though I can’t see it, I know he smiles. He held me by my shoulder and I followed his light. We were about to leave this bookshelf when we suddenly stopped.



“LET ME GO!” I struggle.

“Do you think you can get away with it?!” He screamed so terribly that I kept quiet, even though I was still struggling.

“Help me… please have mercy… help me…”

And the darkness completely engulfed me.

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