The Temptress: Tempting the Devil’s son

CHAPTER 20 I’ll still look at you!

She struggled to break free from their grasp but she couldn’t as they were by far stronger than she was. Her vision became blurred as tears spilled out of her eyes.

“What did I say about being still? You’re gonna ruin my design.” Monica ran the knife along her face, cutting her skin open in two. As she did this, she laughed hysterically.

Riri let out muffled screams, the piercing pain of having her skin cut became unbearable. Blood trickled out of the wound staining her face with it.

“What are you girls doing?” Someone screamed from behind.

It was Jackie. She became exasperated when saw the laceration on her face. It was so deep and it would definitely leave a terrible scar. She would be hideous for life. Even with a scar removal surgery, her face would never return to its previous glory.

They weren’t best of friends but Riri was still her cousin. She didn’t deserve this. She couldn’t just stand by and let some low lives disfigure her face.

“Good of you to join us. I know you hate her as much as I do, so I’m giving you the opportunity to ruin her for life. Here, cut her face. I’m not doing a very good job in re-designing her face, maybe you could help.” She smirked, handing the knife over to Jackie.

Jackie took the knife and turned to Riri. She looked dejected, scared and her head was bowed in despair as tears rolled down her cheeks in their numbers.This text is property of Nô/velD/rama.Org.

She hated them for doing this to her. For ruining her face just because she was weak. She vowed to become stronger and make them pay!

“I won’t! She’s still my cousin and you have no right to do this to her!” She screamed and threw the knife back at Monica.

The knife slashed her face and blood trickled from her face. She screamed in disbelief as she held her bleeding face. “How dare you? You ruined my face!”

“That’s karma bitch! Now you know how it feels!”

“Monica!” Her friends gasped in shock and ran to console her.

“What are you two doing? Take me to the hospital. Oh my precious face! If I get a scar, I’m gonna kill you!” She shouted, running out of the room with her friends.

“Riri!” Jackie panicked when she slumped to the ground. “Are you okay?”

“Am I okay?” She laughed. Do I look okay!” She pointed at her face. “She just ruined my life!”

Jackie sighed, guilt and pity washing over her face. “I’m sorry. I wish I got here sooner.”

“Why did you help me? You don’t like me, why act like you care?!” She screeched.

“Because you are still my cousin, no matter what. We are family. I know we have not been best of friends and I know that’s my fault, but I’m willing for us to start over. I’m sorry for all the pains I’ve caused you. I know mere apologizes won’t cut it. Even if you don’t forgive me, I won’t give up. I’ll keep asking you for forgiveness till you can finally forgive me.”

“I forgive you Jackie. And yes, we can start over. I’ll also try to convince dad to let you stay,” She said, her eyes gleaming in delight.

“Really? Thank you!” She squealed, excited as she pulled her into a bear hug. “Now let’s get you to a hospital.”


“Where have you two being? We’ve been worried sick, we were just about to…” Her eyes widened in horror when she saw her daughter’s bandaged face.

“Riri! Oh my God, who did this to you?” Donnie wailed upon seeing her daughter’s condition.

“Monica did, mom,” she cried hugging her mother. “She disfigured my face. I look ugly now.”

“No darling, you’re not ugly, it’s your heart that matters, you have a beautiful heart. We’ll make them pay for doing this to you!” She told, cleaning her tear stained cheek.

“Dad!” She ran to hug her father.

“I’m so sorry, honey,” he mumbled patting her on her back.

“Thanks to Jackie. If she wasn’t there on time, they would have done a much more worse damage. Dad, I don’t want her gone anymore, I want her to stay with us.”

“Are you sure honey?”

“Yes. I want us to start over as a family. Please daddy!” She pleaded with puppy eyes.

“Alright. But on a condition that if she misbehaves again, she will leave.”

“I promise I’ll behave myself, henceforth!” She promised with a giggle.

“You’d better.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll handle it. Be rest assured that they won’t get away with what they did.” A frown became painted on his face as he ended the call.

He was about to pick up the telecom when Madison walked into his office, her platform heels clicking on the marble floor with each stride she took.

“Call all the investors of Logan’s cooperation and tell them to withdraw their funds.” He had a menacing look on his face and he looked scary, like he was about to rip someone to shreds.

She grimaced. “I was just about to leave, it’s past my closing time. Besides, I told you I have a dinner date today…”

“Do as I say! I don’t care about your fucking dinner date!” He gritted, eyes burning with fury. She knew that look. She knew that if she disobeyed him, he would end up releasing his dark side. No one wished to see him in that state. He was very scary.

“Okay. Just so you know, you’re a very mean boss,” she pursed her lips and walked out of his office.

Wonder why Liam had to make me his P. A, he’s so annoying and bossy.

~~~Two days later~~~

Walking through the crowded hallway, Ariana bowed her head in dejection. She could feel the eyes of other students staring at her.

Some of them had pity in their eyes, while some carried hate and disgust in their gazes. She could hear their chattering and laughters. She felt a lone escape her eye, she was hideous and she knew it.

As if sensing her change in emotions, Kimberly placed her palm on her shoulder and told, “Don’t listen to them, you’re still very beautiful.”

She scoffed, her tone full of sarcasm. “Easy for you to say, you’re not the one with a disgusting laceration that is going to leave a scar on your face! I need some time alone.” She ran away, away from everyone, their stares and mockery were driving her nuts. She was at the verge of insanity.

“Riri!” Kim tried to run after her but Lia stopped her

“Let her be. She needs some time to figure this out on her own. This is just a phase in her life. She’s strong, she will definitely come out of this.”

“I feel sorry for Riri. It’s unfair that she has to go through all of this. Why do bad things always happen to good people?” Beth mumbled with pursed lips.

“This is all my fault. I should never have left her alone.”

“It’s not your fault, Kim. Mom needed us.”

“But she needed me most and I wasn’t there to help her,” she insisted. The guilt ate her up day and night. If she hadn’t left, none of this would have happened

“Blaming yourself won’t change anything. Good thing Monica and her friends already paid for their crimes!” Lia commented.

“Did you know her father was removed from his position as the vice chancellor and all his companies went bankrupt in just a day?!” Beth exclaimed.

“Riri does have a strong financial backing. It’s her boyfriend who did all of this. I don’t know much but from the expensive gifts he sends her, he must be very wealthy.”

“Riri is so lucky!” Beth gushed in enthusiasm.

“Yeah, thanks for advising her to cheat on him.” Lia rolled her eyes, unhappy with Riri’s actions.

“Duh. She didn’t need my advice anyway. It’s not like she actually listens to me, Riri has a mind of her own. It’s obvious they are both attracted to each other. That wasn’t my doing!” Kim quickly defended.

“Okay, the attraction part wasn’t your doing but your terrible advice must have gotten to her.”

“Guys come on! What has happened has happened. You can’t change things just because you argue,” Beth explained.

“Besides, we shouldn’t be arguing, instead we should be thinking of ways to help Riri. We are her friends, we ought to be there for her even when she says she doesn’t want us, we will still be by her side, waiting. That’s what friends are for.”

“Wow, sis, you may be younger but you sure are smarter,” Kim pointed out, feeling somewhat impressed with her sister.

“We should also be watchful of that Jackie bitch. I know she saved Riri and all but I don’t buy her ‘Miss nice’ attitude!”

“Exactly. Jackie is like a snake, she’s manipulative. The only time she acts nice is only when she wants something or she’s cooking up something evil.” Lia said with a frown plastered on her face.

“My thoughts exactly. Too bad Riri trust people easily. Let’s hope it doesn’t land her into bigger trouble.”

“Guys!” Lia screamed. “You should see this.” She showed them something on her phone that made them gasp in shock.

“They are all dead!”

“Apparently. Monica committed suicide because of her hideous looks. Lilac and Reena both died both died in a car accident because they were drunk driving,” Lia revealed, still finding it hard to belief.

“Karma sure is a bitch.”

“This gives me the creeps.”


Ariana wandered aimlessly about the school. Her mind was blank and she didn’t even know where she was headed. She didn’t care to know. Anywhere as long as she was alone.

She soon came to her senses and realized that she was headed towards professor Drake’s office!

Maybe I should go see him. On a second thought maybe not, he wouldn’t want to see me anymore since I’m ugly now.

With that in mind, she turned around and was about to leave when she heard his office door open. Miss Katrina came out of the office with flushed cheeks. Her clothes were slightly rumpled and her hair looked slightly disheveled. They had sex?!

She didn’t even know how to feel. She was already broken but this broke her heart even more. Why should I feel this way! I don’t care if he sleeps with all the females in the school. It’s not like he’s my boyfriend, he can do whatever he likes!

Katrina quickly arranged her clothes and was about to leave when she sighted Ariana. A smirk of victory became painted on her face.

She strode towards her in majestic steps. When she was close enough, she mumbled, “What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay away from Professor Drake. Oh, and I heard your pretty face was disfigured. My sincere apologies but with a face like that, no man would ever look at you ever again, not even Drake.”

“And who told you so?” A deep voice rumbled from behind. Her gaze fell on him, making her heart flutter uncontrollably at his mere presence.

“Even if she’s the ugliest woman on earth, I’ll still look at her.”


Oh my God. Never knew Lucifer could be very romantic. Lol. Please guys shower this story with your beautiful comments. It means a lot to me.

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