The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Comment Chapter 29 CAMILLA’S P.O.V The first thing I noticed when I came to was the smell of antiseptic and cleaning supplies. I wrinkled my nose trying to get rid of it but for some reason, it didn’t seem to leave- it actually felt like it was getting worse. Then I noticed the brightness of the room. My eyes were closed but I could feel the intensity of the light against it and it honestly made me not want to open my eyes so I stayed like that. I stayed with my eyes closed, enduring the smell of antiseptic trying to remember the last thing that happened. I remembered being home with Eve and Lauren coming in and- rogues. The memory hit me like a freight train and I sat up with a gasp. Searing pain went through my entire body and my vision blackened for a split second because of the sheer intensity. I had to gently lay myself in bed again while breathing through my nose so I wouldn’t pass out from it. I remembered the rogues over me and I remembered someone coming to my rescue. I remembered the warmth of arms that lifted me but I couldn’t place a face to it. I was so far gone when the person arrived. I looked around the room and I instantly recognized it as the room Ryker was in when he was hurt. I wonder if it was done deliberately or if it was just the only available room. There was a cart to the left filled with sterilized hospital supplies and my ripped up dress was nowhere to be seen. I was in a pale green hospital gown and my left arm was h ooked up to an IV that was pumping blood into my veins. I reached down to pull it out when I heard a voice from the door. “I wouldn’t do that,” I looked up to see Lucy wearing her white doctor’s coat and with a file in her hands, “That is the only thing that is keeping you awake and alive.” She made her way over to me and placed the file on the table by the head of the bed. She took a mini torch and flashed them into my eyes then checked the bandages on my side to make sure they weren’t bleeding again. “If you want, I can give you something for the pain but it will knock you out as soon as you take it,” she explained, “Or I could wait until the Alpha gets back and you have eaten before giving it to you. He

would hate to know that you woke up and he wasn’t here.” “Where is he?” my voice sounded scratchy and she wasted no time in pouring me a glass of water which I gulped down greedily. “I managed to convince him that you would need food when you woke up. He hadn’t left your side since you came in here.” I was confused by her choice of words, “What do you mean by since I came in here?” “Sweetheart you’ve been out for two days.” My mouth fell open in equal parts shock and horror, “I don’t blame you thought, you were in a nasty condition when you came in. If not for the Alpha’s blood then you wouldn’t even be awake right now.”

“His blood,” I trailed off and my eyes darted over to the IV currently connected to my arm, “He gave me his blood, why?” “He’s your mate sweetheart, that’s what they do.” She gave me a soft smile and took a step back, “If I’m correct- which I usually am- he should be arriving anytime soon. If you need anything, ring the bell by your bed.” She nodded curtly to me and was already by the door when I stopped her. “Did you find Lauren?” I asked and a dark look took over her features. “I think that’s a conversation you should have with the Alpha.” She gave me a short bow and walked out of the room before I could ask what she meant by that. I was alone for barely two minutes before the door opened again and Ryker walked in. He didn’t notice me at first because he was holding a bouquet of fresh flowers and a covered tray that I knew was filled with food. He shut the door behind him and turned around and I knew the exact moment he noticed me. The tray wobbled in his hands, as if it was going to fall but he quickly steadied it. His eyes softened and I saw his lips form a small but sad smile. “Hey,” I managed out and I saw the heavy exhale that left him. He slowly made his way over to me and placed the tray on the table and the flowers into a vase that INôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

didn’t even realize was there. When he was done, he stood up straight and stared at me, almost as if he wasn’t sure whether or not he was imagining everything. His fingers brushed my cheek gently and I didn’t feel the urge to pull away, I just smiled softly at him. “When did you wake up?” he asked finally. “Were you alone?” “A few minutes ago, and no, Lucy was here but she left right about when you were coming in.” His fingers brushed my cheeks again, almost softer this time, “I brought you breakfast.” He lifted the cover on the tray to reveal fruits and oatmeal, “She said that you should eat something lighter first before you move on to heavy meals. Can you sit up?” I tried to but the blinding pain wracked through my body and I let out a small groan. I shook my head at Ryker and I saw him clench his jaw in pain and anger. “I’m going to help you but it is going to hurt.” He warned and he waited for me to nod in understanding before he moved towards me. He placed one hand behind my back and the other under my knees and in one swift move, he had me half sitting up. The pain was intense but he did it quickly and it only lasted the fraction of a second but my body still vibrated from the after effects. While I struggled to reunite myself with reality, I saw Ryker take the bowl of oatmeal and I expected him to hand it to me but instead he sprinkled the fruits over it and picked the spoon in his hands. I knew what he was about to do before he even started. “Are you going to feed me?” the words left me in a barely there whisper, “I can do it myself.” “You can barely move Camilla,” he spoke softly, as if he was speaking to a child, “Allow me do this for you.” I knew he was right so I stayed silent and let him feed me quietly. The action felt more intimate than it should have, especially whenever he dabbed at my chin with a wash cloth. I tried my best to focus on what was happening and not the crude thoughts that were currently flying through my head. He finished but didn’t move away and we stood there staring at each other for a full minute after until I broke the spell by looking away. I heard him clear his throat as he stood up and placed the dirty dishes

back into the tray. “Is there anything else you need?” he asked without looking at me, “I could get Lucy for you.” “Did you find Lauren?” he froze at my question and I felt anger roll off him in waves. I wondered if I had done something wrong by asking and was about to retract the question when he turned around and took the seat in front of me. “What do you mean by did I find Lauren?” “She kind of disappeared out there.” He stared at me in confusion and I know that he was expecting an explanation so I told him about how the carriage stopped and Lauren went out to fix it but the next minute she wasn’t there and the rogues. appeared. As I spoke, he got angrier. I could see the veins on his hands bulging and the one on his temple looked like it was one second away from exploding. I trailed off with my story wondering if I was the one upsetting him. “Keep going,” his voice was gruff and it was obvious that he was suppressing a lot of anger, “I want to know what happened.” I told him about how I tried to outrun and fight the rogues but they overpowered me. From the way he winced, I knew he was the one who found me. He wouldn’t have that kind of reaction unless he saw firsthand what happened to me. When I finished, I sighed deeply, “did you find Lauren?’ “She found us,” he said simply, “She came into the hospital covered in mud saying that there were rogues and she left your side because she wanted to hunt them down.” I wasn’t sure whether I believed her story but I also knew it didn’t matter what I thought. “Where is she now?” “Probably looking for another job,” Shock filled my every pore and I stared at him with my mouth agape, “Did you fire her from being general?” he nodded, “Why?” “She neglected your safety. A good general would have never done that.”

I didn’t know what to say about that or how to react. I would never have actually expected him to fire her and I hated that I actually felt giddy about the entire idea. I knew I shouldn’t be happy that she was out of a job but for some reason, it made me happy because I knew it meant that she would no longer be guarding me and I would never have to see her again. “I don’t know what to say.” I said finally and he shrugged then stood to his feet. “You don’t have to say anything,” he ran his hand through my hair; “Lucy will be here any second now to give you something for the pain.” As if on cue, Lucy burst in through the doors holding a syringe. She gave me a small smile as she injected whatever the liquid was into my free arm. As soon as she was done, she left Ryker and I alone in the room. It only took a few minutes for me to start feeling the effects and I started to feel drowsy. “Don’t fight it,” Ryker said to me, “Just rest, I will be here when you wake up.” I allowed his voice lead me like a lullaby and it was only a few seconds. before the darkness overcame me and I was out like a light. Send gift

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