The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

I was so stunned by the announcement that all I could do was stare at the guard but Ryker wasted no time in pushing to his feet. He assured the guard he would be on his way then he walked over to where I sat and squatted so he was sitting on his haunches and we were at eye level.

“You’re hurt. You were in pain just moments ago,” I managed out, “Should you be out fighting rogues?”

“I’m fine Camilla; I can barely feel a thing.”

“But at training-,”

“I’ll explain that later,” he ran a hand through my curls in a soft stroking motion, “I don’t know how long I’ll be gone but if I’m not back before tomorrow then Lauren will come to stay with you.”

“Why wouldn’t you be back before then?”

“Sometimes these things take time,” he glanced out the door and I knew he was itching to help his guards, “There will be at least three people stationed at every entrance. Unless it is absolutely necessary, I don’t want you to leave your room.”

“Will they come here?”

“I don’t know but Eve will be here for anything you need.” He paused for a second and then placed a soft kiss on my forehead, “I will be back as soon as I can.”

Before I could say another word, he was out of the room. As soon as he left, Eve walked over and picked up my half eaten plate of food and led. me upstairs to my room. I was in a daze as she guided me through the corridors and it wasn’t until she placed the tray by my bed that I snapped out of it.

“You can take it back,” I told her, “I’m not hungry.”

“I find that I tend to eat a lot when I’m stressed.”

She started to leave but I stopped her, “Where will you be?”

“Downstairs where I always am.” She cocked her head in confusion, “I have a room in the guard’s quarters but I will be in the living room just in case you need me.”

“It’s not safe down there.”

“I will be fine Luna-,”

“Please just call me Camilla,” she looked taken aback by my request but she nodded. “And I would prefer it if you stayed here.”

“I’m not sure that’s appropriate.”

“What if I need you really urgently and you’re too far away. It is in my best interest that you stayed here with me. That way I would not have to leave the safety of my room.”

I was bull shitting and she knew it. I just wanted her to be safe and out of harm’s way. Eve was quickly becoming my only friend here and if anything should happen to her then I would never be able to forgive myself. Also, it would be easier for me with her here. I wouldn’t be able to spend most of my time worrying about Ryker and the rogues.

She hesitated for a second and the she finally nodded, “I just need to get. my knitting set. I will die of boredom if I have to sit here and do. nothing.”

“Can you teach me to knit?” I asked, “It might help with the,”

I couldn’t finish the sentence but she understood because she nodded and disappeared from the room. A few minutes later she returned with a small knitted bag filled with yarn and knitting pins.

It probably made me a bad mate knowing that my mate was outside battling rogues and I was knitting with my friend but I was enjoying it. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be and I actually had fun against my better judgment.

We spent the entire day knitting and I am glad Eve didn’t take the tray down because we snacked on what was left of my breakfast. We didn’t stop until it was evening and I had knitted a long scarf. I was trying to make a bag but baby steps I guess.

“I should have started with dinner by now.” Eve cursed as she looked out the window, “I am so sorry.”

“It’s fine Eve, I had fun.”

“I’m glad to hear that Lu- Camilla.” She smiled as she corrected herself, “You can just wait here, I’ll be back within an hour.”

“No way; I would love to help out.”

She wanted to refuse but before she could respond, I stepped out of my room and made my way down to the kitchen. She caught up to me and tried to remind me that Ryker said I should stay in my room but I ignored her and waited in the kitchen for her to show me what to do. She

realized I wasn’t going to back down and she finally let out a deep sigh and relented.

Even though I was terrified that a rogue would break through the back door and get to us while we were cooking, I actually had fun. We ate downstairs when we were done and she announced that she was going back to the guard’s quarters to sleep.

I wanted to ask her to sleep in my room but I knew there was no way that she would agree to sleep in my bed with me and I didn’t want her to have to sleep on the floor so I allowed her leave.

I tossed and turned in my bed all night but I was so worried about Ryker that I couldn’t even close my eyes for a second. After a few minutes of uncomfortable turning, an idea popped into my head and I debated and mulled over it for a while before I finally stood up from my bed.

My corridor was empty save for a few guards I could see at the top of the stairs. I ignored them as I walked down the corridor and towards the door I knew led to Ryker’s room.

It looked the same as I last saw it when he was here. The bed was perfectly made and not a single thing was out of place. Before I could change my mind, I shut the door behind me and crawled underneath his


Everything smelled like him and it felt like being wrapped up in a

cocoon. I hoped he wouldn’t be upset when he returned and I wanted to leave but my body wouldn’t move. I made up my mind to leave in five minutes but five minutes turned to ten and ten turned to fifteen and before I knew it, I was fast asleep in his bed.

Hurried and panicked footsteps woke me from my slumber. It took me a second to remember where I was and when I did, a blush formed on my cheeks. I wasn’t supposed to fall asleep here.

The hurried shouts continued and I realized that it was my name being yelled. I forced myself out of the comfortable bed and pulled open the door to the room and was met with a panicked looking Eve.

When she saw me she let out a sigh of relief, “I thought you were gone.” She pulled me into a hug and she must have realized what she was doing because she quickly stepped back and cleared her throat,

“I apologize, I should never have done that.”

“It is fine,” I assured her, “I haven’t gotten a hug in a very long time.”

She smiled softly before she remembered where I was and she frowned,

“You should have told me where you were sleeping. I went to your room this morning to call you for breakfast and when I didn’t see you I panicked.”

“I would’ve come down eventually.”

“Camilla, it is almost eleven. You never sleep in this late. I thought someone took you.”

I didn’t believe her when she said the time. I walked back into the room and when I looked at the clock on the wall, I realized she was right.

“I am so sorry.” My hands flew over my mouth, “I didn’t realize I had slept in. I didn’t even plan to sleep here, I just came and I was going to leave but I-,”

“You don’t have to explain yourself. The Alpha is your mate and you missed him. I don’t know why I didn’t think to check here. Of course I should have known you would be here.”

I wanted to tell her that it wasn’t what she thought but then again, she was right. I did miss him and I was worried about him and that was the only reason I came here. I knew it would calm me down and it did. I just didn’t account for the fact that I might have fallen asleep.

“I almost forgot,” she said hurriedly- almost panicked, “Lauren arrived this morning and she is her usual self. That was why I was looking for you, I wanted to warn you.”

Just the mention of her name soured my mood instantly and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. “Where is she?”

Just before Eve could answer, I heard footsteps and I saw Lauren round the corner. She froze as she took in the scene before her; me in my night gown and Eve standing right next to me. Her eyes narrowed into slits and she stormed over to us.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she spat, “Did you come to steal something?” This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“I was looking for Camilla.” Eve tried to explain but Lauren silenced her with a hand.

“I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to her.” She whirled on me, “What the hell are you doing in Ryker’s room? You shouldn’t even be here.” She grabbed my arm and I jerked it out of her grip. She was shocked, hell, so was I. It took her the better part of three seconds to get her shock under control and fix a death glare on her face.

“You shouldn’t be here.” She sneered.

“Neither should you.”

“Excuse me?”

I was tired of her walking all over me and trying to make me feel like shit. when Ryker has told me over again that she means nothing to him. I am his mate and she has no right to make me feel like I shouldn’t be here. “This is my mate’s room and I have more right to be here than any of us.” She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off, “If anything, you shouldn’t be here and if you don’t leave then I’ll tell Ryker that you harassed me. Let’s see how he reacts to that.”

The tops of her ears turned red and for a second I thought she was going to explode but she turned on her heels and stalked back the way she came. I let out a sigh of relief and I saw Eve staring at me with her mouth wide open.

“I thought she was going to blow a fuse.” Eve said and I let out a choking laugh.

“I did too.”

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