The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 24

A few more seconds...

I hadn't taken my eyes off the clock the last half hour of my last class. I was dying to be done with my first day and be in the comfort of my own home. The bell rang and the chatter began. Putting my things away I lifted my bag and made my way towards the exit.

All in all today was somewhat okay. It could only get better right?

I was stood on the steps watching everyone else leave. I had no idea how I was going to get home. Chewing on my bottom lip a groan fell from my mouth as the idea of walking home sprung to mind. Taking a seat I watched as the school grounds emptied until there was only a few people left hanging around.

Taking out my phone I held my finger over her number. I hadn't seen her since lunch and I wasn't sure if she was still around. Hitting dial I held the phone to my ear.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

"Alanna are you still at school, can you give me a lift home?". The line was quiet. "Alanna?".


"Jake?". Why was he answering Alanna's phone?

"I'll pick you up I'll be there in 10".

"No it's okay, I'll find a way".

"You needing a lift shorty?". Why was Ryan still here?

"Who's that?". I could here the distaste in Jake's voice.

"Jake I have to go. Bye". Hanging up the phone I slid it back into my jacket pocket. It was vibrating like crazy. "Why are you still here?". I asked.

"Coach needed to speak to me about Fridays game. So you needing a lift?".

"Do you mind?". School had already finished 30 minutes ago and it looked like it was going to rain.

"Come on". He grinned just as a light drizzle of rain started to fall.

"So how are you settling in?". He asked as he pulled out of the school parking lot.

"Better than I thought".

"Better now you've met me". He smirked causing me to grin. I liked Ryan and I had a feeling we would become great friends.

"I've only been here a few days, I've met some people but I'm still a little homesick".

"Where do you live?".

"Piney point". I laughed. The name of our neighbourhood got me every time.

"The posh bit of town".

"The what?". I asked.

"Piney point is one of the richest neighbourhoods around here. Now I know how you know Alanna. You met her brother yet?".

Why does everyone always bring up Jake?

"You got a hard-on for him too?".

"What, no. He was the quarterback, his final game went down in history. To this day people still talk about him". Why did that not surprise me. Jake Taylor seemed to play a big part everywhere. "He's alright". I shrugged.

"He's shit hot at football. Fucker is so hard to live up too". Pulling up to my house I noticed my grans car wasn't in the drive. "If you're needing a lift in the morning just text me".

"Thanks Ryan. I owe you one". Closing the door behind me I waved at him as he drove off back down the street.

Heading inside I locked the door behind me. I didn't like being in the house on my own. Kicking off my shoes I dumped my bag in the corner and hung up my jacket. I could already see the note stuck to the fridge. I'm glad my gran had faith that I'd get home okay. Dinner is in the oven. I joined a book club but it's across town. Lock the doors I might be pretty late and don't stay up to late. I love you honey, Gran x

I wasn't really hungry. All I wanted was a hot shower, fresh pjs and to curl up on the sofa.

"Who dropped you off?".

Jumping slightly I turned around fast. How did he get in my house? More to the point, why was he here?

"Can't remember inviting you over". I said trying to calm my racing heartbeat.

Be cool Leah, be cool.

Reaching into the fridge I pulled out some strawberries and sat on one of the stools at the island. "Don't tell me you have a key to my house". Rolling my eyes I could tell he was starting to get annoyed.

"Funny". As he got closer my breath caught in my throat. Pinching the strawberry from between my fingers he popped it into his mouth. "How come you don't have a car princess?".

"Can't afford one". Just because I lived in a rich neighbourhood didn't mean I was rich. I had been saving for what felt like forever and I was still short.

"Need to sort that out". He stated as he continued to eat my strawberries.

"We all don't come from money". The words were out before I could stop them and instantly I felt bad. Slipping off the chair I put some distance between us. "I just don't have enough saved but I will one day. I have to go get cleaned up. Can you leave?". I didn't want him here. I didn't want to be around him alone.


"Leah". He sighed the gap between us becoming smaller.

"Don't". I whispered just as his hand cupped my cheek. Warmth spread throughout my body, my eyes closed. He had no idea the effect he really had on me.

"Let me take you on a date". He whispered. My mind was fuzzy, I wasn't concentrating on anything other than how good I felt when he was with me. "Let me show you the world princess". As his hand dropped from my cheek my eyes slowly opened. "One date Leah, one date".

I had nothing to lose.

"One date Jak-..."

His lips were on mine before I could finish my sentence.

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