Tale Of A Cursed Alpha

A Vision

Blaire’s Pov

I knocked on the imposing mahogany door and waited. I rocked on my heels, wishing that the door would open as soon as I knocked on it. I raised my hand to knock again when I stopped myself, choosing to distract myself with the environment instead. I was in the main palace building. It was an impressive building that you couldn’t help but be awed at. Like the outside, the insides were painted in glowing white. On both sides were different paintings that were so good, they almost looked real. Trust me, I knew how real it looked from experience. Just a little while ago, I had jumped back in fright when I had turned a corner and it had appeared that a wolf was attacking me. It turned out to be one of the paintings but you get the point. There were several paintings, each more impressive than the last. There was one of a huge wolf standing on a plateau and raising his snout to the moon in a howl while other wolves around him bowed. There was another of two wolves standing side by side. It was hard to make out anything about their identity because they all had the same color having been painted with the same color as the walls which was one of the reasons why the paintings were so impressive. I walked up to a painting of a wolf standing above another. I shouldn’t have been able to make anything out but I thought I could see panic in the eyes of the wolf standing above the other which did not make any sense. It goes without saying that you have the upper hand if you are standing over your enemy in a battlefield so why would there be fear in his eyes.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

My heart started to pound so fast it was almost painful as I placed my hand on the wolf’s snout. It was strange but as I traced my hand over the outline of the wolf’s head, I thought I could feel energy in my hands. At first, it was only a small itch on the tip of my fingers but the longer my hand remained on it, the more the energy grew. Electricity raced through my body as my breathing became shallow and suddenly I could see a battlefield. Wolves were howling madly as they battled each other. The battle was fierce and brutal with wolves getting maimed, mauled and killed by the second. Something drew my eyes to the top of a cliff that cast a shadow over the field where I stood. There, under the glowing full moon was the scene that was in the painting except now, they had color. It was hard to make out their color due to the distance between us but I saw enough to know the standing one was a brown wolf while the other was a lost color between black and white. As I watched them, I saw the spotted wolf raise his head and while the brown lowered his head. Suddenly, my vision clouded and I dabbed at my eyes, my heart filling with panic.

When my eyes finally cleared, I found that I was back in the palace, touching the painting. I blinked in confusion as I wondered what had just happened. I touched the painting again but no matter how much I ran my hands over it, nothing seemed to happen. No tingling, no vision, nothing. Just the feeling of smooth paint under my fingers. I ran a scan of the food that I had eaten in the past day but other than some fish, I didn’t find anything that could have engendered a faulty wiring in my brain.

“Blaire?” Turning around, I came face to face with a tall woman. Nighttime had fully settled now but the fire that was crackling in strategic angles allowed me to see her figure clearly. Standing in the doorway of the door I had just knocked which I was realizing I had pretty much moved away from with glowing white eyes, brown hair that is a shade lighter than my chocolate brown one, a beautiful face and a powerful aura, (emphasis on the powerful aura) is my mother, Gamma Victoria. The woman that I did not take after in any way. I preferred to think I got my genes from my father since it’s easy to blame an absent figure than accept that you are imperfect. “What are you doing here?” She continued when I didn’t move away from the painting or reply to her. From the eye bags that hung heavily under her eyes, I could tell that she was exhausted. Shoving the strange sight I had seen or thought I saw to the back of my mind, I bounced toward her.

“I want to talk to you, mother.” I said after bowing in greeting. She swept her eyes over me quickly and sighed, her eyes growing sadder before beckoning me in.

Within her room, the candle that was set in a cupholder on her reading table created a warm glow. Her table was stacked high with scrolls and I could see a quill sitting on the ink beside them which implied that she had been busy.

“If you are here to talk to me about Indrik, then you had better not waste your time. There is nothing I can do to help him.” She started as she returned to her table.

I didn’t reply immediately. Instead, I took a quick eye sweep of her room. The table, the bed, everything in the room was set in order. I knew from experience that she had a particular spot for each and everything, a skill which comes in handy when you are in a hurry as well as when you need to borrow something. I smiled as my eyes landed on my target. It stood just beside the door, which meant it was out of her range of sight. How luckier could I get?

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