Sold To The Ruthless Alpha

Searching For Clues

Sofia’s POV

I was hanging out with the girls. That’s all I do these days, watch movies, eat, sleep, go shopping, do more shopping and more shopping. Damien has been so busy, too busy to spare me even a few minutes, or at least, that’s what he says whenever he calls me.

The girls are cool, trust me, I love hanging out with them but I want Damien, I don’t know why I feel like I’m gonna die without him. I just want him so much and it’s making me feel like a clingy weirdo.

He had promised to let me call my family but he never kept to his promise, he didn’t come home that night, he only called to apologize and told me that he is busy at work. Yeah, I know, I’m pissed off as well. I was so looking forward to calling my family but he never showed up and I couldn’t use the phone he gave to me to call out, neither could I use it to check the internet, I don’t know how it was programmed but I can’t use it for anything else, just to call and receive a call from Damien, which is so cute but it feels like I still have some restrictions despite the fact that we are now together.

Forgive my inquisitive nature, but something ain’t right in this town and I have to find out what is really going on here, who knows, Damien may start telling me everything. I have a hunch but I can’t be sure until I confirm it. I just need some clues, something that confirms that I’m right about my suspicions, then I can confront him with my findings, but so far, I’ve been coming up empty because all my searching always ends up on a dead end.

First, I tried going into the woods in the middle of the night. I’ve read it somewhere that all these occultist groups meet in the middle of the night for their meetings. I know it is quite risky, he has a lot of guards in these premises that could catch me besides, the woods are so dangerous, I could get attacked by a wild animal but I just couldn’t let go of my chances of finding out the truth. I just have to take every risk so I can find out the truth. I thought I would catch them in the act, I really thought I would catch them in the woods, like the other day when I caught Damien in the woods with that slut. I’m sure they were having some kind of meeting that day, that’s why they had wild dogs around a bonfire, drinking and partying in the middle of the night.

I also tried searching his room for anything that could point me in the right direction or hint me to what is going on but I couldn’t find anything, his room is so clean, it is so well organized, I was even scared that someone would find me snooping around his room in his absence or maybe he would find something different that would give me away and expose my activities to him. After a few trials, I gave up the idea and decided to leave his perfectly arranged room alone. I came up with another idea, and I’m sure it’s gonna work out just fine.

I decide to go through his sister’s phone. I’m pretty sure that I would find something in their phones that could point me in the right direction. I have tried using one of the girl’s phones when they weren’t looking but it turns out that they had a screen lock so I have to come up with an excuse that would make them give me their phones. It was so hard at first, but then I recalled that the girls love shopping so much, so here’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to wait until when we are watching a very interesting and captivating movie together, then I’ll subtly suggest to them that we should check out what’s trending on the internet so we can order it later. Knowing them so much, they would agree to search for trending stuff online while their eyes remain glued to the screen. That would be the perfect opportunity to use google map and trace our locations, then I’ll also search for weird occurrences around here. I’m sure I’ll come up with a perfectly good explanation for what is going on here.

My plans were working exactly as I planned until I started reading stuff about werewolves in this area. First I discovered that we are around an island called Staten. It is stated that many years ago, the humans were forced to abandon this whole island and its surroundings because of the continuous attacks from wild animals that some people recognized as wolves. A few years later, a wealthy family bought off this island and all its surroundings, and he closed it off to the public, and ever since then, no one has heard any report of wolves anymore.

I nearly gagged when I saw pictures of all the human bodies that were maimed before this island was sealed off. It was so disgusting and alarming. As I continued reading about this place, I couldn’t help asking myself if the wolves are still dwelling here and if they are, then why the hell are they living here?

Now that I think about it, I did see some wild dogs the other day when had stumbled on them in the woods, that was the same day I saw caught Damien and that Stacy girl. Could it be that those creatures I saw weren’t dogs but wolves?

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

What does this mean?

Why were there partying and hanging out with wolves, except they are werewolves? That’s a thing right, I mean werewolves do exist right?


This is so cool, so fucking cool. Wait, why am I happy when I should be running the other way right now? For fucks sake I just found out that my boyfriend and his entire family could be a pack of wolves and instead of running the other way, but I kinda like it. I’ve read a lot about werewolves and their mate and it’s so amazing. The moon goddess gives you a mate, a life partner and he would love you forever. Is Damien my mate?

Oh, my sweet Jesus!

This cannot be true. It’s just a figment of my imagination. Werewolves do not exist and the mafia Lord is not an Alpha wolf. For fucks sake that would be so much power bestowed on one person. It’s so unreal, so unbelievable, but I kept searching through her phone, prying into her private affairs, going through her contact list, searching for something. I have no idea what I’m searching for, but I’ll know when I see it. I was nearly caught when Tonia peeked over to see what I was glaring at, but I quickly opened another page that shows trending clothes, bags, and shoes. I left that page open so I would be able to click back on it whenever they start paying attention to what I was doing and it actually worked. They admired the items on the screen, cooing and awwing at the cute bags and matching shoes, promising to place an order for each item, then they went back to watching their movie and I continued my search, searching for what I don’t even know.

I was about to give up, I have been holding her phone for a while now, it may look suspicious. I wanted to give up and wait for Damien to come home so I can ask him, then I stumbled on a WhatsApp message between her and Damien, it says,

“Please Alpha, order Justin back home, I miss him terribly. I know he is your gamma and I understand that he had responsibilities, but please help me this once and I promise, I’ll be the best sister ever.”

I widened my eyes in shock as I saw exactly what I have been searching for. I saw another message that says,

“We are going for a run tonight and setting up the bonfire, wanna come?”

I would have done a happy dance or threw my fist in the air and screamed,

“Yesss, I was right!!!”

But I couldn’t do any of that without looking like a lunatic. I don’t know what to think, but I need to go out right now. It’s just so overwhelming. I don’t know what the truth is, I can’t believe all this until I hear from him, but I’m already so excited to have a mate that would shower me with so much love for the rest of my life. I would be his mate and I would love him for the rest of my life.

Hold on a minute,

What the hell is wrong with me? I should be trying to escape from these wolves, I should be planning my escape right now, but here I am smiling within me, grinning from ear to ear, hoping and praying that my suspicions should be true. I find it intriguing, no, not just intriguing, it’s amazing to know that I have a mate, a lover that would do everything to make me happy. I don’t care if he is a blood-sucking vampire, I want him, I want him so bad and I’m gonna have him all to myself, no matter what.

Hey, don’t blame me for being possessive, it’s not my fault you know. I didn’t choose him as a mate, the moon goddess did, so blame her for giving me such a stunning-looking guy as a mate. It’s all part of her great plan and I would hug her so right and kiss her right now if I could. I love him, I want to be with him, I want to be mated to him. Yes, I want all that.

But wait, how does the mating thingy work? Would I get hurt during the mating process?


My brain is about to burst with all this information, I need some fresh air, I need to go outside before I collapse from over-excitement.

“Girls, I need to step out for a bit, I need some fresh air.” I let out a bit excitedly as I rushed to delete all recent searches from the phone I was using, then I walked towards the door, running to the back as I tried to catch my breath. I had no idea that the girls were coming behind me, but I just had to head out before I faint from too much excitement.

“Are you okay? What happened back there? Should I call Damien? Do you need water?”

“No… No… No… No… I don’t need any of that. I’m fine. I just felt nauseous for a while there. I was seeing so many beautiful things online and I know that I can’t afford them because I don’t have a dime to my name. It just got me thinking about so many things and that must have messed up with my feelings. But I’m fine now, I promise.” I lied through my teeth. Well, the idea was just to lie to them and stop them from worrying so much about me, who would have thought that it would make them feel guilty.

They got so emotional and blamed themselves for making me feel this way, then Sonia went back online and ordered everything that was trending, ordering them in two sizes, mine and theirs. I was so amazed that I opened my mouth wide in shock. I think I’m having multiple personality disorder because a few minutes ago, I was so excited to be Mated to a werewolf, and I nearly passed out from over-excitement, but right now, I’ve pushed Damien to the back of my head and all I can think about is the beautiful, classic stuff that Sonia just paid for, like, how rich are these girls?

They didn’t even need to ask for permission from anyone, they get whatever they desire, whenever they want. It’s so fucking amazing!

“We want you to be happy always Sofia. You are like family to us and we love you so much.” They told me with a warm smile. I forgot about everything else as I jumped on her and huge her so right, giggling like a little child. We sat out there in the gazebo, with an opened bottle of wine and some light snacks. We were chatting about random things while waiting for our goods to be delivered so we can play dress up and showcase all our nice stuff, but our plans were disrupted as the man of the hour, the Mafia Lord, the Alpha himself walked up to us, looking so tired and stressed out.

He looks so stunningly handsome, even in his disheveled state, I couldn’t take my eyes off him and I couldn’t stop wondering how I got to be so lucky. Am not a werewolf, I have never prayed to the moon goddess in my whole life, but she chose to bless me with such a gorgeous man, it’s so heartwarming.

I stood by the side and watched as the girls whined and nagged at him for sending them away. I love how he relates with his sisters, they are so close and I love it. They need and complained bitterly, but they left anyway, leaving us alone. Then he pulled up a seat and sat close to me, holding my hand in his as he apologized for not keeping to his promise, telling me that he would get it done tonight. Then he said he wanted to talk to me about something very important and he looked so nervous as he spoke, and I knew he was about to lie to my face once more so I had to stop him before he says those words.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“Let me guess Damien, you are either going to lie to my face again, or you are about to come clean and tell me that you are an Alpha Wolf and your whole family is a pack of wolves. Which is it, my love?” I asked In a sarcastic tone, watching him closely as he broke out in a cold sweat. He just confirmed to me that my hunch is correct, I was right all along. He is indeed a werewolf.

Now the question is, “Do I want to be mated to a werewolf?”

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