Chapter 27
Chapter 27
Sage Miller
Something good came out of my outburst, both Sebastian and Connor apologized and all was normal-
ish, Connor was somewhat okay with Sebastian an I think that was the push he needed to start on the
road for recovery.
I'm thankful for their effort. Especially Connor, I know how hard it is for him and I can see the restrains
he put on himself today.
After everything, the Saturday BBQ was a successful. The day was awesome like the whole summer
should've been.
For a while there I forgot about Alora, she didn't even cross my mind. I had fun then got laid. Everything
was awesome.
This morning Wren called to invite me to a Sunday brunch at their house. So that's what I was doing
right now.
It was Wren, Ben and Alex, Zac, Eve and me. I was surprised Mason wasn't there hanging around
making himself a part of the family like he always does so that was a plus. I don't like him, that's if I
haven't made myself quite clear in the past.
They set up the patio for a big sunday brunch and decorated the whole backyard. it looked beautiful.
Currently Ben and Zac were in the pool while we were all chatting.
I appreciate how Wren always makes me feel involve with every part of Eve's life. I almost forget she
wasn't my mother, that's how warm she made me feel.
"It's in New York at the end of this month. I want you to go." Wren told me. I raised both my eyebrows.
"Yeah... um.. I'd like to but what's a Cotillion?" I was beyond confused.
"Oh! Yeah, it's an event held each year for heirs or heiress or just any rich kid after they complicated
high school to 'Come out'" Zac explained rolling his eyes while air quoting coming out.
"What?" I exclaimed more confused. Why would Wren invite me when I'm no heir or even rich.
"I don't even know why would I even need to 'come out' because I'm literally in the public eye." Eve
complained pouting. "You know I don't like those kind of events."
"Because it wasn't official and it wouldn't look good if you didn't attend when my magazine is covering
the whole event and Zac is there and you're not. You are my child too." Wren explained.
"I don't really see the reason for it." Zac mumbled. "It's just another excuse for rich society to flaunt their
money and get in a contest of who can donate the most money."
"Exactly that's why I really don't wanna go." Eve added pouting.
"Yeah well you are going. It's very necessary." Wren said in a firm voice.
"But I don't." I chirped in.
"You're don't wanna go?" Eve asked.
"It's not that I don't wanna go. It's that I shouldn't. I don't have any part in that kind of event." I really
don't wanna go. There's a 99% that Alora will be there.
"Nonsense. You will go." Wren said giving me a big kind smile. "I'm sure Evernly wants you there."
"Yeah. I want you to go." Eve said.
"This is important for Eve. Both her brothers should be present." Zac added.
"I have school." I tried making up an excuse but came up with a very lame one.
"It's just one day and the event is on Friday. You can fly to New York after school if you don't want to
miss. The event doesn't start until 8." Wren persuaded.
"I don't have a choice now do I?"
"Glad you see it that way." Eve beamed. Zac chuckled shaking his head. noveldrama
"Since when are you this pushy?" I mused.
"You have no idea." Zac said then he got up and went to the table to pour a lemonade for him and me.
"I'm going swimming, you coming?" She asked both Zac and I.
"Do I have a choice?" I joked which caused Zac to burst out laughing and Eve rolled her eyes walking
away as we teased her.
She took off the summer dress that revealed her full body swimsuit. She sat at the edge of the pool and
dunked in her feet. She splashed Ben and Alex.
I rolled my eyes mentally chuckling. I knew she would never get in the water. She doesn't even know
how to swim nor will she ever try to learn.
I looked at Zac who was watching Eve. I glanced at Wren and she too had a look of pure adoration in
her face.
I glanced back at Eve who was playing with the twins, they had joy and love written all over their faces,
Love for their sister.
She truly is the princess. I thought as my lips broke into a huge smile.
Without even noticing or meaning to, she snatch all the attention of everyone around her.
I should be jealous that all these people love her almost as much as I do but I'm not. I love how my
sister has all these people who adore her around her.
She's a Princess. I reminded myself.
I leaned back on the beach chair and I brought my hands to the back of my head for support while
watching Eve and the twins.
It reminds me so much of our childhood. When we were happy. When everything was alright.
Our childhood was everything any child dreamt of. Whatever mother love we lacked, dad provided it.
He gave us both a mom and a dad's love.
Some may say that's impossible to do but dad did it. We never felt the lack of a mother's love until his
We were happy kids before Dad died.
"You threw it out, you get it." Alex told Ben pouting.
"Since I'm older I can get you to do anything. Now get the ball." Ben ordered pointing at the ball that
round to grass.
How can twins have the same personality? Usually there's an extrovert one and an introvert one bit
with these two, they are exactly the same. Maybe one is a bit smarter than the other but they have the
same personality.
"My beautiful beautiful sister." Alex started but Eve wasn't having any of it.
"I'm not getting you the ball." She deadpanned.
"Technically you're partly responsible for all this." Ben said dryly.
Those were some big word. I noted. After all they are turning eleven years old in a few months.
"Me?" She gasped. "I didn't even touch the ball."
"You were suppose to catch it." Ben said once again. "That's why it's called catch."
"You were trying to hit me. That was no throw." She argued.
"Details details. " Alex muttered. "Please pretty girl. Please get the ball."
Pretty girl.
"Pretty girl?" Everyone said exactly what I was thinking.
Eve shook her head trying to hide her smile.
"No, get out of the pool and get the ball on your ball." She told both of them.
Susan walked outside and went to pick up the ball then threw it at them.
"Susan you spoil this brats too much." Zac commented.
"She really does and now they're so lazy." Wren added.
"Both of you are jealous." Alex said to them.
At that is how I spent my Sunday, totally relaxed.
Monday was a different day, not so relaxed yet not too crazy. I woke up and headed to the hideout, I did
all my duties like I always do except today I was doing them alone and not tagging along with Styles.
He's been so busy today. We briefly talked and organized the little girl's party which I now know as Eva
Francis. A six year old orphan girl. I never pegged Styles for the charitable type.
It sweet how he did all that for her. After that I left and did my next assignment.
The whole day was very busy, doing ups and downs. From and to the hideout. I was drained.
Right now we were going to somewhere, I don't know where but somewhere.
I didn't ask because.... well I don't care and because I wanted to hang with Styles. We haven't hang in
a long time because he was hanging with his high school friends.
I figured he was taking me to some club so we could rewind and reflect on the day, like we used to after
a long day at the hideout.
He just told me about an up coming event that's gonna take place in less than a week. A mafia
gettogether of some sort. He said it happens annually.
"I'm not attending." Styles deadpanned.
"What? You have to go." I said dramatically and he rolled his eyes.
Sebastian always comments on how dramatic I am or that I should have been a girl.
I guess that's how I am.
"I'm not going. I'm just in charge of security before the event." He told me.
"Why not?" I pout. I was pushing him to go because I had hopes he'd bring me along and I'll get to
meet some cartel leaders.
"I'm not interested and besides only a few cartels knows what I look like and of course we control those
cartels. I'd like to keep it that way, me remaining a mystery and besides you think that those old fools
would appreciate an 18 year old attending their secret ball or party? The Godfather is a mystery and
will always be. To those fools I'm some forty something ruthless old man. I'm just in charge of making it
a safe place for them."
I thought about what he said. Everything made sense. He's playing it safe and it works.
"So you're just making it safe for them?" I repeated his words.
"We are hosting the ball. It is in our territory and if there's an attack or the FBI or cops raid the house.
Many leaders will be caught and that might start a war. After all they will be caught in our territory. We
don't want a war."
"Your job is scary and exciting at the same time. You have the lives of that many leaders in the palm of
your hands. If you wanted you could take them all out in one go and be the God of cartels." I beamed.
Styles chuckled shaking his head.
"I like your thinking-" He complimented me and I gave him a smug look. "-very ambitious but it's not
that simple. Those shits are paranoid bitches. They will probably have back up teams on stand by near
in case of an attack. Some will try to sneak in before the event and set up their own defense system. I
mean cameras or hide guns in plain sight."
I went to say something but Tim, the driver spoke.
"Sir, we have a tail." He informed Styles in an urgent tone.
Styles's head snapped up the same time mine did. We both turned around.
"It's the grey BMW. It's been following us for a while now." He added like he recited the whole thing.
My mind was ringing. So many thoughts swirled in my head. Are we about to be involved in a high
speed chase.
What worried me more is Styles's silence.
"What should I do?" Tim asked. "Should I loose them?"
"No." He answered. "There's a turn coming up. Take it and pull over. Make sure they follow us."
If I wasn't nervous before. I sure was now. Pull over. Why?
He suddenly turned to me.
"Don't get out of the car. Don't make a sound." He commanded very deadly seriously.
There was no room for argument. I only nodded.
"Words Kid. I need to know you'll do exactly as I say. Right now you're a liability. I need you to be
protected. Your identity unknown. These windows are tinted, no one will see you. You stay here.
I was beyond confused. My feelings were all over the place and confused. He called me a liability but
needed to protect me. It wasn't pity, it was more of a need.
I heard it in his voice. My protection was important to him. For some reason. It was important more than
it should be.
"I do." I croaked out.
"Good." He said and got out of the car. Tim handed me the car keys to lock the doors.
Tim stood about six feet from Styles while Styles stood next to the door he just closed.
Seconds later, a grey BMW pulled over nice and slowly.
Three guys got out of the BMW. You could easily tell who the leader is.
The leader stepped forwards smirking.
Styles and Tim tensed and I could tell he knew the lader.
My leg was bouncing nervously and my thumb was tapping the leather seat.
Tim turned around and started walking towards Styles but I noticed how he tilted his jacket to the side
revealing his gun.
Styles took his gun effortlessly as Tim walked passed him like they had rehearsed it countless times.
I frown because Styles had his own gun tucked in nicely at the back of his pants.
Only then did I realize how smart he actually is. He didn't want to alert the others that they were pulling
guns at them.
It happened so fast. Just as Styles took Tim's gun, Tim took Styles's gun from behind Styles and spun
around both pointing their guns and the other guys.
The action stunned the three men as they found themselves at gun point.
"Woah! woah! woah! No need for violence Godfather." The leader mused as his guards took out their
own guns. "I just wanna say hey to a friend."
"You and I are not friends Sky." Styles snarled at the man. He was not much older than Styles.
He was maybe in his mid twenties or younger.
"Oh come on. Stop with the hostility." He smiled but it wasn't a sweet or warm. It was malicious, and
cruel. "Put away the guns if you're not gonna pull the trigger."
He monitored his men to lower their guns. Styles didn't lower his neither did Tim.
"Cut the crap. Why were you fucking following me and what the fuck are you doing in Miami this early?"
Styles asked and I could tell he was about to loose his patience with the man. His finger hoovered on
the trigger.
"It's summer. I'm on vacation. I heard Miami is the place to be and I wasn't following you. I happen to
be going the same way." He said with a smug look.
I quietly snorted at his explanation.
"Bullshit." Styles scoffed. "We both know you've been trying to get excess to my system for the past
two months and failed. That's why you're here. You think being closer will give you an advantage well
think again."
"You're getting too cocky for your own good." He told Styles who tilted his head to the side. "You're
getting sloppy. Leaving a trail. How do you think I located you. This time it was a minor one but I was
able to follow it. Next time you'll make a big one and guess what? I'll be there. I'll crack you wide open
and know all your secrets. Your secret identity won't be so secret anymore."
"Those are just empty threats. I'm untouchable and you know it. If not, you wouldn't be here trying to
put fear in my heart. Keywords is try because I'm not afraid. You don't scare me. So I say bring your
best. Just because I found your secrets doesn't mean you'll find mine."
"We shall see. We shall see." He said ad he retreated back to his car.
After they left. Styles tapped the window and monitored for me to open the doors for them.
I did as told and handed Tim the keys.
They got in and Tim started the car and drove away.
I was beyond confused.
"What was that all about?" I finally asked but no one paid me any attention.
"Sir, what should I do? Do we tell the boss?" Tim asked.
They mean the cartel leader. One of the living Cassias brothers.
"No I'll talk to him but after the event. He shouldn't stress about this too." Styles answered. Tim nodded
and continued driving.
After a while Tim spoke.
"Do you think he knows where the warehouses are?" He asked.
"No. If he did he would've done something to show me he knows like show up at any of the hide outs.
Or at least he would've hinted it. So no he doesn't know the location of any of those." Once again Tim
Styles dropped me off at my house. Our prior arrangements forgotten.
He didn't explain but I saw in his eyes that the wheels in his head were turning.
He left me in a black hole of confusion.
I know I should let it go because he once told me he's a man of many secrets. And thinking about it will
give me a headache. But I can't let it go.
I've been house for a couple of hours now. It was 9pm and I wanted to go out but both my friend were
Sebastian want to visit his grandma for the weekend while Connor is at work.
I never understand his working schedule. I know he's a driver but his working schedule is weird.
I plunked down on the sofa. I was still thinking about what happened earlier. Not only did it ruin my
plans with Styles but had Styles in a bad mood.
I heard my phone ringing. I dug it out of my pocket and saw Christina's name flashing.
I almost forgot about her.
I immediately answered.
"Hello." I answered casually.
In the background I heard music, cars and engine raving and cheers.
"Hey Sage." She beamed. "We agreed to be friends right? So I'll call you my friend."
Where the hell is she? And drunk. I'm protective of a few people in my life and a fewer girls. And right
now I just found out I'm protective of this girl too.
"Where are you and are you drunk? Who the hell are you with? Is your friend with you?" I fired.
"Umm. I'm not that drunk. Erh.... I'm at the race track. Um... I forgot your other questions." She giggled
and I groaned.
She's drunk alright.
"The race tracks? What are you doing there?" I asked again.
"Me and my friends wanted to catch on some action. Next time you should come.... or yeah. I saw your
car. I guess you're hear too." She slurred her words.
My car. I tensed when she mentioned that. I ran to the window and saw my baby sitting in the driveway.
I relaxed and released the breath I was holding.
"Christina, my car is right here, in my driveway and I'm at home." I explained slowly.
"No your car is right here. I know I saw it once but it's not that hard to forget. A white Audi. Yep. It's your
car." She told me in a matter of fact.
Audi. I thought. My other car is with Connor and he's at work. That isn't my car.
"It's not my-" The line went dead.
I gasped and tried calling again with no answer. Just her voicemail.
It seemed like my life is a damn rollercoaster.
Just after I realized that Christina switched off her phone or whatever I started to drift off to sleep on the
That's what I thought I'd do. Sleep.
I didn't think Eve would call at this time drunk. I shouldn't be surprised. I really shouldn't. That's all she
ever does lately.
"What did Alora do Eve and where are you?" I asked firmly. At this point I knew I wouldn't get any
"I'm at home Sage." She deadpanned and I relaxed. "And tell that skank of you-"
"Don't call her that." I defended Alora.
"I will call her whatever I want to call her and besides that's what she is. Just tell her to stay away from
from me before I give her nose bleed. Believe me I will. I just hate her. She had no right to come up to
me and say shit about my friends. She lost that right when she decided to sleep with you after I told her
not to. She's just a snake. Just because she couldn't keep the friend tittle doesn't mean everyone
She didn't let me get a word in. She cussed Alora and hung up on me.
I was beyond confused. That confirmed it. I wasn't going back to sleep.
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