Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 25


I find myself looking at the mate that rejected me without hesitation. He hovers over me with a dirty grin. "Josh?" I breathe out.

"Hello, sweetheart," He reaches out to touch me, and I pull away from him. "I regret rejecting you."

I narrow my eyes at him. "What is going on? Where am I?" I demand angrily.

Josh steps away from me. "After I was kicked out of the pack for trying to reclaim my mate," He paces in front of the bed.

"I ceased being your mate when you rejected me for Jessica," I snort.

"You are still my mate, Naomi," He snorts.

I crane my neck, "The mark on my neck says otherwise," I respond.

Josh growls. "Bowie can think you are his all he wants. But I digress. I was sent to rehab at another pack far away from Ghost River, my home."

"My father should have just killed you," I grumble.

"Anyways," Josh growls again. "Sorry, my wolf Grant never got over me rejecting you. He is happy to see you." He tells me.

Ruby is ever silent in my head. I am afraid they have used witchcraft to block her from me. I sigh and pretend to care about what Josh has to say. "Ruby forgot about you almost immediately," I smirk at him.

"I was broken out of rehab when that pack was attacked. That's where I met the Master. He turned me," Josh grins, bearing vampire fangs. "But he kept me part werewolf so I could do what he needs me to do." "So why am I here?" I question.

"Oh, the Master wants to kill King Kerry," Josh laughs. "So, he asked me and some omega chick that likes Magnus help him kidnap you," He snaps his fingers, and Suzie strolls into the room. She is wearing a tight dress and sneers at me. "Figures," I mumble and roll my eyes.

Suzie walks over and slaps me across the face, but Josh grabs her with a growl. "Do not slap my mate, omega," He glares at her.

"I have wanted to do that for some time," Suzie coos.

"So, why am I here again if this master wants to kill the king?" I ask calmly.

Josh sits on the bed beside me and shoos Suzie out of the room. "I didn't catch the whole reason the Master wants to kill the king. I honestly don't care. Fuck the king. But anyway, you were kidnapped to divert the attention of King Kerry's Elite Force. Because, of course, Magnus Bowie will use the unit to find you, which leaves the rest of the kingdom vulnerable. When Magnus comes here, the Master will launch a massive attack across the kingdom, and when King Kerry sends out all of his warriors, the Master will kill the king."Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Magnus would be beside himself if anything happened to King Kerry. They are friends," I sigh.

"Exactly," Josh grins. "So when Magnus comes here, we'll kill him, and I get you."

"But I don't want you," I snort.

"You wanted me at one time," Josh shrugs. "I heard about you crying after I rejected you."

"Rejection is painful, you idiot." I retort. "I will never accept you. I love Magnus."

"You will get over him. The Master promised me a nice reward. We can run off and live off that. Just you, me, and that pup in your belly," He grins. "Oh, we know you are pregnant."

I shrink away from him and pull my knees to my chest protectively. "Don't hurt my baby."

"As long as you are a good girl and accept me as your mate, I won't hurt the bastard in your belly

I look down at the bed as tears form in my eyes. 'I'm sorry, Magnus. I have to protect our baby. I chant. "What have you done to my wolf?" I ask.

"Oh, we made you drink a potion to put her to sleep. She'll wake up after your mate dies, and then our bond will reignite. Grant can't wait to see her," Josh stands up as the door opens and another man walks in. "Here is some lunch." "I'm not eating that," I sneer at the soup and bread set on a dirty table by the bed.

Josh dips his finger in and then licks it. "Too bad. It's good soup." He stands up and follows the other man out of the room.

I stare at the food for a moment before picking up the bowl and eating some of the soup. 'This is good soup,' I think to myself. I set the bowl back down and chew on the stale bread. 'Bread sucks, though!

After eating, I lay on the dirty bed, wondering how I was going to get out of here and get back to Magnus. The door opens, and Suzie strolls into the room. I roll over to avoid looking at her.

She walks around to face me. "Magnus is at your pack making plans to come find us according to our source," She grins.

"And you are telling me this why?" I ask. "I thought you loved Magnus, but now you are helping him get killed?"

Suzie shrugs. "You know if I can't have him, then no one shall."

"You are one stupid bitch," I mumble to her and sit up.

She slaps me across the face, and I launch myself off the bed and slam her to the ground. She screams out as I dig my fingers into her throat. "I didn't think you knew how to fight," she chokes out. "My father is the top warrior in Ghost River. Of course, I know how to fight," I snarl as I press harder and watch her turn red.

Two men rush into the room and pull me off of Suzie. One of them slams me against the wall hard enough that I see stars. He hisses in my face, and I can smell that he is a vampire. "Now, none of that, missy," He says with a deep voice. "Auggie!" Josh pulls the man off of me. "Do not touch my mate!"

"Your mate attacked my girlfriend," The man hisses at Josh.

I slump to the floor and watch as the man named Auggie carries Suzie out of the room. Josh tries to help me up, but I slap his arm away. "You know I hate you, right?" I snarl at him.

"You won't hate me for long, Naomi. This will all be over soon, and we can be happy," Josh tells me.

"You'll be happy," I turn away from him and hug my belly.

He grabs my shoulders and tries to massage them. "I'll make you happy, Naomi." He whispers against my neck, and I hate how his hot breath gives me tingles. I hate that I gave in to his touch. "See, you are already giving in to me." He kisses my cheek and releases me. "I have to go." He says and leaves the room.

I sit on the bed as tears well up in my eyes. "I'm so sorry, Magnus," I cry. I just want my mate in my arms. "I love you, Magnus." I hug my belly and imagine our pup. I wonder if I'm carrying a boy or girl. 'It's probably a boy because Magnus is an alpha, and alphas always have boys first.' I think to myself. 'But I wouldn't mind either one.

'You are carrying twins,' Ruby suddenly speaks up.

'Ruby?' I shout at her. 'I thought you were asleep.

'I wasn't as asleep as they thought,' She snorts. 'I'm still not at full power, though!

More tears fall down my cheeks. 'Can you contact Magnus in any way?' I ask.

'As I said, Naomi, I am not at full strength.' She sighs. 'They only know we are alive!

'Shoot, I need to warn him that this is a trap,' I tell her.

'Hopefully, if they get close enough, we can warn them. But we have to wait, Ruby says sadly.

'So, you know for sure that I am having twins?' I ask with surprise.

She snorts.'Yes, why are you surprised?'

'Because you said twins,' I respond to her.

'You and Magnus are both twins, so it was very likely for you to have twins,' she argues.

'I missed arguing with you, Rubes,' I say to her.

'I was never gone, Naomi. I am always with you,' Ruby responds.

Ruby and I talk some more until I fall asleep. Hours later, I am woken up by the door opening. The man from earlier has brought me more food. "Eat," He grunts and slams the tray down. This time it looks like roast beef and some veggies. "These rogues are eating good," I grumble and sniff the food. It doesn't smell like there are any drugs or potions in it. 'Ruby?'

'The food smells fine to me.

I eat a little bit of it and drink the water. Josh comes into the room while I am eating. "Master wants to meet you," He tells me and stands aside as the tall thin pale man I saw before I blacked out.

"Aw, Miss Naomi," The thin man says to me with an English accent. "I am Dreyfuss."

"Like I care," I glare at him.

He lets out a low hiss. "It would do you well not to be rude," Dreyfuss glares. "You are only alive because Mr. Rogers here wants you. You are bait for my plan to take down King Kerry." "Right, you want to kill my mate." I sigh.

"Not really," Dreyfuss shrugs. "I want to kill the king. But if Magnus Bowie dies in the process, I can't say I won't be happy. He killed my brother."

"Did your brother deserve it?" I shoot back.

Dreyfuss looks at Josh. "She is a feisty one."

"She never used to be," Josh shoots back and looks at me.

"You don't really know me, Josh," I sneer at him.

"Needless to say. My plan will go down tomorrow night, and you will get to watch your mate die or whatever," The vampire laughs. "Goodnight." He walks out of the room, leaving me with Josh. I look at the wall while Josh sits on the bed. "Go away," I grumble at him.

"Look at me, Naomi," Josh demands.

I look at him with narrowed eyes, "What?"

Josh reaches over to touch my cheek. "I told you that I regret rejecting you. I should have accepted my gift from the Goddess."

"You are only saying that because Jessica dumped you a week later," I scoff.

"No, I'm not," He argues. He touches my lips with his fingers.

I cringe. "Don't touch me," I snarl.

"You are my mate," He removes his fingers and looks me in the eyes. He moves a strand of my hair behind my ear and kisses me.

I feel a sharp pain in my chest and groan. I push him away from me. "No!" I shout at him.

Josh stands up with a grin. "Tomorrow, when Magnus is dead, you will be all mine," He laughs and exits the room.

I close my eyes and start to cry again. 'I'm so sorry, Magnus, I cry out in my head. 'Ruby, do you still feel anything for Josh or his wolf?'

'The bond didn't last long enough for me to form any attachment to either one. Grant did contact me after Josh rejected you and expressed his anger. But that was it,' Ruby explains to me. 'Will the bond really return if Magnus dies?' I ask her.

'No, I won't allow it. I don't want them any more than you do,' Ruby snarls.

I lay on the bed and stare at the wall until, once again, I fall asleep. Hours later, I am jolted awake by shouting and yelling. I sit up, alarmed, and watch the door.

'Naomi?' Magnus's voice says in my mind.

'Magnus!' I shout back. 'Where are you?'

'We are close, baby. We are coming to get you.' He responds.

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