Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 12


I stood outside of the Archive in the dark for a few minutes. I felt dejected as Naomi had just kicked me out of her apartment shortly after having s*x. She didn't like that I had asked Kerry about giving her a job at the Royal Archive. I hadn't meant for it to sound like I wanted to control her. 'What am I supposed to do?' I asked my crying wolf. Kairos didn't have an answer as I took the walk of shame to my father's Mercedes.

I drove back to the packhouse and walked in with my head down and heartbroken. 'Maybe I should just reject her,' I sigh to myself.

'No, you can't, Kairos whimpers.

'I tried Kairos. I tried to be the best mate to her, but she doesn't want me.' I explain to my wolf.

'She wants you.' Kairos argues.

'You saw what happened. I snarl.

"Hey Mag," Pops says to me as I reach the Alpha floor. He is sitting in the living room with my mom. "You are home early," He sniffs the air. "Yeah," I mumble and flop on the couch beside them.

"What's wrong, honey?" Mom asks while touching my arm.

I take a deep breath. I'm not sure what exactly I want to say to my parents. "I tried with Naomi. I did, but I think I am going to reject her."

"Magnus, you can't do that," Mom protests.

"Hey Mags," Phoebe says to me as she walks into the room. It's nearly midnight, and everyone is still up, it seems. "What happened with Naomi? I thought you were going to spend the night with her."

Phoebe sits on the floor in front of the couch. I look at my sister and then at my parents. "Why do you want to reject your mate, son?" Pops asks me.

"I don't want to, Pops. But she has made it clear that she doesn't want me. I mean, I thought I was getting through to her. I mean, we even had-" I stop short of saying sex. "Anyways, I told her that King Kerry said there was an opening at the Royal Archive and she flipped out then kicked me out of her apartment."

"Wait, are you saying Naomi fucked you and then kicked you out?" Phoebe blurts out.

"Phoebe Marie!" Mom barks at her.

"What, Mom?" Phoebe shrugs. "My friend is being an a*****e to my brother."

"I know, but language," Mom shudders and looks at me. "Mag, I am so sorry. I know Naomi is a quirky one. But I didn't think she would do something like that. I would think she would be thrilled to transfer to the Royal Archive."

I shake my head. "I don't want to give up on her, but what else do I do?" I stand up. "I'm tired."

"Don't give up, son," Pops interjects. "Naomi will come around."

"I don't know," I mumble and walk out of the living room down to my old room. I walk in and flop on the bed. It isn't long before I am asleep. An hour later, my phone rings, and I see it's Kerry calling me "Hello?"

"Magnus, it's Kerry. I'm afraid I have to ask you to come back now. Two small packs in the south are having a major problem with vampires, and I need you to take the Squad down there to assist them," The King explains.

I rise from my bed. "How soon do you need me there, sir?" I ask him.

"As soon as you can get here, Major," Kerry tells me.

"On it," I rise from my bed and turn on the light.

"Thank you, Major. I'll see you and your mate soon," Kerry says, and I sigh.

"It will just be me, sir," I say to him.

"Oh dear," Kerry mumbles. "Sorry to hear that."

"I'm on my way, sir," I say to him and hang up the phone. I'll probably be in trouble for hanging up on the King, but I am one of the few people who can. I rush around the room, packing my stuff. I walk down to my parents' room and knock on the door. I hate waking them, but I can't leave without saying goodbye.

Pops opens the door with Mom standing behind him. "What?"

"I have to leave, Pops. There is a situation down south, and I am needed," I say.

They both frown. "You have to leave right now?" Pops asks.

"Kerry needs the squad and me down there as soon as possible," I tell them. "I'll call you when I can."

Mom steps out of the room and hugs me. "Please, for the love of the Goddess, be safe, Magnus."

I hug her back. "I will, Mom. I love you."

"I love you too," She sniffles and steps back.

Pops hugs me. "What are you going to do about your mate?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I have to focus on my job. If Naomi wants to talk, then she can come to me," I tell him as we hug.

"Please be safe, Magnus. I just got you back." Pops says to me.

"Tell Phoebe and Max I said bye, "I tell my parents before going back to my room to grab my stuff. I write Naomi a note and leave it on the counter in the living room. I hope my parents or Max will give it to her. I leave the packhouse and strap my gear to my bike. I start her up and drive by the Archive and am tempted to go up and say goodbye to Naomi. I think better of it and drive on into the night back to the compound. Kairos is unhappy with the situation, but we have a job to do. I can't wait around for my mate to figure out what she wants. 'Goodbye, Naomi,' I say in my head. Naomi

I woke up in the morning feeling sore both physically and mentally. Ruby was in my head, still sulking from last night's events. I probably shouldn't have gotten so mad at Magnus. I should have used my rational brain and talked it out. But all at once, it felt like other people were planning my life, and I wasn't happy with that.

'He just wants you to be happy with him,' Ruby mumbles.

'Then he should have asked instead of going behind my back,' I argue with her while getting out of bed. Magnus's scent still lingers in the room, and I am tempted to find him and makeup with him. 'No, Naomi. Just get ready for work!

'That's all you care about,' Ruby snarls.

I ignore my wolf and start my morning routine. After showering and getting dressed, I have my breakfast. Part of my mind is concerned for Magnus. He did seem rather hurt last night. But that will teach him. He just wants to be with you, my subconscious echoes. I head down to the Archive and start my day. After doing some paperwork, I sort books. I fail to notice that someone entered and am scared when Phoebe suddenly appears in front of me.

"Let me get this straight. You f****d my brother and then kicked him out of your apartment," She spats at me.

I just look at her for a moment. She is standing in front of me with her arms folded and hip cocked. "He made plans for me without my consent," I say to her.

"He just wants you to be with him, you bitch," Phoebe yells.

"Phoebe!" I yell back. "I can't have other people planning my life without me."

"Oh my god, Naomi. Magnus asked the King, the fucking King of the Werewolves, if they had an opening for you at the Royal fucking Archive! And guess what they do. My brother thought you would be thrilled," Phoebe screams at me.

I just stare at my friend. Working at the Royal Archive did sound like a dream come true. But it would mean leaving my home. "I'm just not ready to leave my home," I say quietly. "Magnus should have just-" I trail off.

Phoebe shakes her head. "You don't deserve, Magnus. My brother has been through hell, turning himself around. I would do anything to be able to meet my fated mate, and you have had two."

"I don't know what you want me to say," I mumble. "Maybe I'll go talk to Magnus later after I am done here."

Phoebe snorts. "Magnus is gone," She drops an envelope on the stack of books. "The King called him to a mission."

My heart sinks, thinking that Magnus left without telling me. 'It's your fault,' Ruby snarls.

"Anyways, read that or not. I'm sure you'll just throw it away. I'll maybe see you around," She turns and starts to walk away.

"Phoebe," I call to her. "I'm sorry." She stops and turns to me. "I just don't-" Tears well up in my eyes. "I don't handle change well. Magnus should have just talked to me about going with him. But I don't want to leave my home."

"Sometimes change is a good thing, Naomi. You can't tell me that you want to be alone in this dusty old Archive for the rest of your life," Phoebe says, not yelling at me. "I know you have your quirks and like your solitude. But it's also alright to try new things with people who love you. And my brother loves you."

I look at the envelope that she dropped. It has his scent on it. "I love him, too," I sniffle.

"I'll see you later, Naomi," Phoebe smiles softly and then leaves me to my solitude.

I pick up the envelop and inhale Magnus's lingering spaghetti scent. I walk to my office, sit behind my desk, and read the letter. His handwriting is like art to me. My heart races as I read his words. 'He wrote me a poem,' I hug the note to my chest and close my eyes. I am such a fool.'

'No shit, Ruby huffs.

I set the letter down and got back to work. My mind is filled with the passion I shared with Magnus last night. After work, I go over to my parent's house for dinner. My siblings are there with their mates and pups too.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

"Hello, sweetie," My Mom greets me with a hug.

"Hi, Mom," I say sadly to her.

"What's wrong?" She asks as we walk into the house. We sit on the couch with Elena and Bryant's mate, Krista.

I look at my mother and then at my sister and sister-in-law. They are both holding their sons. They look content, and I wonder if I'll ever be content like that. "Magnus had to leave on a mission."

"I heard you kicked him out of your apartment after s*x," Elena blurts out.

"Elena," Mom barks at her.

"Well, it's not a lie, is it?" Elena looks at me.

I sigh. "No," I mumbled sadly.

"Why did you kick your mate out of your apartment after s*x?" Krista interjects. "I couldn't imagine doing that to Bryant."

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I don't want to talk about it."

My brother, father, and Beta Chance walk into the library. "Hey Naomi," Bryant greets me.

"Hi, Bry," I say to my brother.

"Where is Magnus?" My father asks.

"Oh, Mag has to go on a mission," Chance replies. "Why didn't you go with him, Naomi?" Chance asks.

I huff. "I wasn't ready," I respond.

"Anyways, ribs are almost done," My father says.

"Let's get the rest of the food ready," Mom stands up and starts for the kitchen.

I get up to follow her just as a sharp pain radiates through my body. I let out a yelp and fell to the floor. "Naomi," My father grabs me and picks me up.

The pain is too much as images of a battle flash through my mind. Ruby lets out a mournful howl, and my instinct tells me the images are coming from Magnus. I see a pool of blood and then darkness. My father lets me go, and I fall to my knees. "What's going on?" Mom frantically asks.

I look up at my concerned family. "I-I think Magnus is hurt," I say and blackout. I am woken up sometime later, and I am lying on the living room couch. One of the pack doctors is hovering over me while my family stands around the living room. "What?" I try sitting


"Easy," The doctor says to me. "You passed out."

"I felt pain that wasn't mine," I say to her.

"You felt your mate's pain." She responds. "You should be fine now." The doctor stands up. "Let her rest."

I sit up as the doctor leaves the house. "What happened?"

"You passed out," Dad responds as Mom sits beside me.

"How did I feel his pain?" I ask.

Mom is about to say something when there is a knock on the front door. Bryant answers it, and Maximus walks in. He looks so official in a suit. "Good evening, everyone."

"Alpha," We all respond.

Maximus steps towards me. "Bryant called me to say that you passed out," He says, and I nod. "Magnus was severely injured in battle," Maximus explains with tears in his eyes. "We don't know if he is going to make it or not. He is still in surgery, according to the last call I received from King Kerry."

Tears well up in my eyes, and I start to sob. My father embraces me, and I cry into his chest. "How could I be so horrible to him?"

Dad rubs my back. "Sweetie, please don't feel guilty. You are you," He says to me.

"How was I able to feel and see things?" I ask. "We aren't marked yet."

"You did have sex with him, though," Mom says to me.

I nod. "Yes, but-"

"Were you two safe?" Mom asks hesitantly, and I shake my head.

"Maureen, do we need to know that?" Dad cringes.

"She could be pregnant with Magnus's child, Allen," Mom responds to him.

"It was last night, Mom," I protest. "How can I be pregnant already?"

She grabs the sides of my head. "Naomi, we are werewolves. That sort of thing works much faster than it does with humans. Even if you are not pregnant yet, you are still his mate. Neither of you has rejected the other, so you will feel his pain, and his wolf most likely sent those images to your wolf," She explains.

My blood runs cold. 'How could I be so cold?' I whisper to myself. 'How could I be so stupid?'

'You know how to fix this,' Ruby chimes in.

'Did Kairos send you those images?' I ask her.

'Yes. We may not be marked, but we are connected to Magnus and Kairos." Ruby responds to me.

'Am I pregnant already?' I ask her.

She huffs. 'How the hell would I know?'

I snort and look at Maximus. "I have to go see him."

"My parents are leaving for the Royal Hospital tonight. You can go with them." He tells me.

I look at my parents. "I have to-"

"I know," Mom interrupts me and kisses my forehead.

"I have to go pack some things," I say to Maximus, and he nods.

"They'll pick you up." He tells me.

I say goodbye to my family and rush back to the Archive to pack a bag. Darryl and Janice are out front in the Mercedes, waiting for me by the time I am done. Phoebe is in the back seat as I slide in. I nod at her. Silently, we begin the journey to the Royal Hospital.

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