Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 12

Regan POV

My hand is throbbing by the time I make it home. It's painful arcradle it to my chest as I step inside the door. I make dinner and leave it on the table, escaping quickly to my room, unable to find an appetite to eat. Thankfully, my father and stepmother say nothing, perhaps sensing that it's best to leave alone or trying to keep the house peaceful so that I can continue to work at the pack house, perhaps fearing that Luna Jennifer might pick up on what they are doing if they continue to harm me where it might be visibly seen. I stare up at the ceiling. I am still in shock at the way that Xavier handled me. The way he touched me was so gentle, so different from all the other times he had. He had been almost tender and the expression on his face. I shook my head. He had been furious to discover that somebody had hurt me. It didn't make sense. None of it did. He had never cared about me being hurt before. Not ever. In fact, he'll helped contribute to it. So why was he acting so strangely now? Was it the stress of becoming an Alpha that was causing him to act so irrationally? ander wasn't acting the same way so whatever it was, it wasn't affecting the both of them. I sighed and then heard the sound of my bedroom door creaking slowly open, turning my head just in time to see a furious Isabelle storm into the room.

One glance at her eyes and the glittering hatred in them and I knew she wasn't here to have a conversation. No way. She was furious about something, and I couldn't comprehend what I had possibly done this time to provoke her anger. She had already but my hand. What more did she want? She narrowed her eyes at me as I sat up slowly, dread rising inside of me. She was between me and the door, so the likelihood of escaping whatever she had in mine was practically nil. Unless I jumped out the window and I didn't think that was advisable.

"What did you do?" she hissed, advancing on me as I folded my arms across my chest and regarded her warily.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I denied, staring at her with bewilderment.

She moved closer, her manner threatening "What did you say to Xavier Dominion?" her voice was accusatory "he came and threatened me over your stupid hand" she gestured, her lips curling back. "When we all know that he's never given a damn about you before."

I continued to stare at her. I hadn't said anything to Xavier, at least nothing incriminatory regarding Isabelle but it looked as though he had put two and two together anyway. I fought to keep my amusement hidden from her, however. Xavier might have shown a surprising hint of concern for me today, but tomorrow I would be forgotten about as always.

"I didn't say anything to him" I snapped as she narrowed her eyes at me and flattened her lips in displeasure "If he came gut looking for you then that's your problem" I declared in frustration "Maybe he's not as stupid as you thought he was Isabelle" I added as a parting shot.

She moved, so fast she was practically a blur, her hand reaching out to grip my long brunette hair, tightening it in her fist as 1 gave a cry of alarm, her eyes beginning to gleam with maliciousness.

"You think you're so smart, don't you" she growled, tugging on as my fingernails clawed at her, Isabelle yanking me so that- I fell to the ground, uselessly batting at her hand as she pulled at my hair again, causing tears to come to my eyes.

"Let go" I rasped, feeling as though she was about to tear my hair out of my head.

"I know you said something to Xavier. He's never accused me of anything before. He's always believed the lies I've fed him. Same as Xander. They both think that you're mean and spiteful while I" she paused, yanking my head back to look up at her, tears shining in my eyes "while I'm the poor kind Isabelle constantly being teased and harassed by the stepsister who has never wanted me in her life."

"Then they are idiots for believing you, but I never said a word to Xavier" I snarled, managing to climb to my feet and face her in the eyes. "Maybe they're getting more suspicious with the upcoming ceremony" I taunted her as she eyed me for maybe you haven't been as discreet lately Isabelle. Either way, you messed up, not me" I snapped "so go take your temper elsewhere."


It was the wrong thing to say. She immediately let go of my half and I breathed in a sigh of relief, only to double over as she slammed a hand into my stomach, coughing and spluttering, long my breath.

"I never wanted you as a stepsister Regan," she said, as I stared at her, her hands going to her hips, "and I hate that we even have to live in the same house, but if you think you're going to in this for me think again. I will be Luna, she told me, poking me in the chest as I awkwardly straightened up "and you" she shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips "will be gone. I don't care what it takes, what I have to do. I will make sure you don't remain here where I have to constantly lay eyes on you" she spat.noveldrama

Good luck with that I thought miserably, remembering the paperwork the Alpha twins had signed. It wasn't going to be as easy as Isabelle thought, trying to get rid of me now. I sensed Isabelle's eyes on me, filled with misgiving. I could feel my hand, painfully throbbing, along with the sick churning in my gut from Isabelle's blow. As usual, my stepmother Heather and my father remained oblivious to what Isabelle was doing to the or didn't care. I thought about striking back but the thought of being whipped again, my back still sore, caused me to hesitate. Another lashing could kill me. It would certainly prevent me from going back to the packhouse and cause the Alpha and Lana to ask questions. One would think that was a good thing but, in my case, it would only cause further problem Isabelle flipped her hair over her shoulder and then said something that chilled me to the core and caused me to stiffen in disbelief. I had never thought she would go this far or be this cruel but it was something I should have anticipated, or perhaps even expected.

"I am going to make sure that your mate if they are in this pack, whoever they happen to be, rejects you. I will personally make sure it happens" she promised, looking at me scornfully. Not that anyone would want to be mates with a murderer anyway but how do you suppose it will feel when you're rejected I've heard it can be quite painful" she mused.

I stared at her, my mouth going dry. "Isabelle you can't force somebody to reject me I began incredulously, and she laughed in my face.

"If the choice was to reject you or be banished from the pack, what do you think your mate is going to choose? I doubt they would keep you anyway" she added with a roll of her eyes "Oh so hope you find your mate now" she added gleefully as my shoulders began to slump "I can only imagine the devastation on your face. I guess that's enough punishment for now" she added, glancing at me and smiling coldly "Now let's make sure there aren't any further problems when it comes to me and my chosen mates, shall we? I would hate to have Xavier come and accuse me of something else" she added pointedly, before stepping backwards and turning on her heel, leaving the room and me staring blankly at the doorway.

A feeling of despair began to take over. If my mate rejected me, what would I have left to live for? Isabelle would have taken the last thing I had left for living or remaining in this pack. I wasn't naive to believe they might be able to save me from my family, but I had hoped that maybe, a mate, might show me the love and affection that had been missing my entire life. Now I realized how stupid and naive I had been. My mate would never accept me. Not if they came from this pack. I was well and truly alone and would be, forever.


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