Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius)

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Chapter 20


Both Dorothy and I stood motionless, rooted to the spot and gazing at Johan’s back as he disappeared

into the shadows beyond the glow of the porch light. The icy air blew in through the open door and set

the fire crac kling loudly..

I snapped out of my shock and moved to shut the door. Dorothy was shivering again and I put my arms

around her, guiding her to sit before the fire to warm up. Neither of

spoke. What was there to say after all of that?


Johan’s words were a mystery to me; “You won”.

Won what?

I turned the phrase over and over in my head as I sat down behind Dorothy and rubbed her hands to

bring some life back into her cold fingers. She leaned back against my chest. My jacket around her

shoulders was much too big on her. She looked like she was drowning in it- her redhead poking out of

the collar like a buoy floating in the ocean.

It was Dorothy who finally broke the tense silence. “Do you think Mavis was right? Do you think this

was all my fault?”

I cupped her fingers in my hands and blew hot breath onto them.

“No, of course not. That relationship was set to implode long before you got involved.”

Dorothy turned her head to stare into the flames. The logs popped and cracked as the fire licked along

the bark. The glow reflected and danced in her eyes like her mind. inside was aflame too.

“But Johan… What’s going to happen to him?”

I watched the fireplace with her. I had never been a fan of flames. Something about fire seemed too

vicious to me. Too wildly unpredictable. I had always been more comfortable in the bone-chilling cold

waters of the Northern sea.

“Johan will be okay.” Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I was lying and she knew it. I’didn’t know what would become of Johan after losing both his mate and

his partner in such a short space of time. In my heart, I hoped for the best. Hoped that he would find

someone else. Or learn that he liked being alone and move


The alternative was unthinkable.


Chapter 20

“He’ll be fine.”

I was reassuring myself more than her at that point. His parting words turned in my head once more.

“He’s jealous of you, you know.” Dorothy’s voice was small and reserved, her mind. rolling around in

dark places. “That’s what he meant when he told you that you’ve won. He’s jealous of you. I think he

always has been.”

“How did you know I was-”


Of course. I was no longer used to closing my thoughts around someone who could read them. It had

been so long since I’d had someone else in my head besides me and my wolf.

I didn’t understand what she meant though. If Johan had ever garnered any jealousy or resentment

towards me, he hadn’t shown it. But It made sense. In his eyes and his father’s – I was probably the

Alpha he knew he could never be. The one holding his initial true mate in that very moment.

I saw the situation from Johan’s eyes and it left a bitter taste on my tongue. It would seem that, even

when doing what is good for one person, you might still be unintentionally hurting another.



“Why do you think we have it? This link between us. It shouldn’t be possible.”

She took her time responding. I could almost see the cogs and gears turning in her head as she gazed

at the flames. “I don’t know. But It doesn’t feel like a bad thing to me. What do you think?”

“I don’t think it’s a bad thing either,” I smiled wryly. “I mean, it helps with handling dramatic situations

like that one.”

She laughed at the dark humor, at the absurdity of it all.

“I spend my whole life with nothing out of the ordinary ever occurring and suddenly I land myself in

three days of absolute chaos.”

“Surely you got something good out of all of it?”

“I got you, Ignatius. For that, it was worth it.”


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Chapter 201

I had no words for that.



She turned to face me, leaning against my chest as I cradled her in my arms, cupping her face with one

gentle hand. Our lips were almost touching as she stared into my eyes, probing my soul and making

herself at home in there.

Her eyes widened, “Hot,” she said.

“Well yeah, we are right next to a fire.”

“No,” she pulled away from me, “It’s hot, down there. My heat. It’s not over.”

“Oh,” I said, not hearing her at first as Tor pushed for me to pull her back into my arms. Then I

understood. “Oh!”

“What do you need?”

I half wished she would throw her arms around me as she had before. To tell me that it was me that

she needed. But Dorothy seemed more in control this time. She wasn’t a frantic mess this time but she

scratched her nails against her jeans and pressed her legs. together.


“Maybe a bath?” she he healer said that it helps. I wanted medicine but she wouldn’t give me anything.

She said that taking it in my first heat could make me infertile.”

“On it.”

I got up

up and hustled to the bathroom. I set the water running and rushed back to Dorothy as she lay flat on

her back next to the fireplace. She had pulled my jacket tightly around her and was inhaling my scent

that perpetually clung to it from years of taking it with me everywhere.

I lay down next to her and she rolled herself against my chest. There was something I needed to ask

her, but I wasn’t quite sure if it was the best time to be bringing it up.

“You can ask,” she murmured, pushing her hips against me like she couldn’t help it.

Go dda mn mind-link.

“It would be easier to just let you climb into my head at this point,” I joked.

Dorothy kept quiet, waiting for my question. The fire was burning low now, casting dim orange light

around us. The shadows in the corners pressed the room smaller. We were cocooned in our own little

cozy nest.

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Chapter 20

“Dorothy. Do you still want how do you feel towards Johan now?”

“Sad,” she answered immediately, curling my shirt in her fingers. “I feel sad for Johan. But I feel no pull

towards him anymore.”

Taking care to close my mind, I wondered how she felt towards me. What was I to Dorothy? If anything

at all.

“I think I’ve fallen for someone else,” she whispered it ever so quietly.



No more words needed to be spoken. We turned our faces towards one another and sparks ignited as

our lips touched.

The fire had sunk to a smoldering red haze and the snow began to fall gently outside once again.


From the moment Johan had walked out the door I had taken care to close my mind off from Ignatius.

door into

I ran everything over in my head at a lightning speed. Gazing out of the open the black night that lay

just outside of the porch light. The dark itself felt like a beast, waiting outside the door to swallow whole

anyone who dared step out there.

My heart ached for Johan and I knew that I was partially to blame for his loss. No matter how

unintentional it had been, the guilt of my involvement weighed heavy on my heart.

As much as I liked to believe I was above petty vengeance, seeing Mavis caught in the spotlight of her

own disgraceful behavior had made my soul soar. I had always told myself, through all of the bullying

and harassment, that Mavis’s reckoning was coming.

I had never thought I would be there to witness it. Even so, I felt bad for her true mate – he seemed like

a nice enough guy. And I was sure that even Mavis, in her own twisted way, had her reasons for doing

what she did.

And Ignatius. Somewhere, somehow, in the chaos of it all, we had found each other. And now that I

had him with me. Now that I had his hand in mine, I was not prepared to let him go.

Laying there in the dim light as the fire sent shadows bouncing on the walls around us and my heat

bloomed hot and heavy between my legs, I couldn’t hide it from him any longer. I had to believe that he

felt it too.


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Chapter 20

Ignatius’s lips were cold and soft against mine. Our mouths met like it was the very first. time they did

so. I felt the electricity sparking through my b*dy and heat pooling at my core. But this was more than

lust, more than the effects of my heat. This was love. It had always been there, I just hadn’t found him


As much as I wanted to mount him, mark him and beg him to claim me, I wanted to stay very still –

enveloped in his arms and pressed to his chest like two stone statues in a forgotten garden.

Ignatius k*ssed his way down my neck, tilting me onto my back as he lay beside me. His hands began

their exploring slowly, gently. In our small little infinity, we had all the time in the world. I slid my cold

fingers under his shirt and trailed my hands over his abdomen. Ignatius wasn’t brawny, but his muscles

were starkly defined under his cool. pale skin.

He brushed loose tendrils of hair from my face as he planted soft k*sses and gentle nips over every

area of bare skin. White wavy locks of his hair hung in his eyes and he gazed. at me intently through

the wispy tendrils.

I murmured his name as he moved his mouth lower, trailing down my chest and lifting my shirt to run

his tongue down the length of my stomach, drawing a line of fire straight to my burning core as he did


I kicked my boots off and wiggled my feet out of my socks. Ignatius tugged at the top of my jeans and

they slid down easily over my narrow hips – I had never properly fit into any of

my clothes.

He was taking his time, not animalistic like our previous accidental session. He trailed a finger up my

thigh that shone paler than ever in the dim light of the dying embers.

A shiver ran through my b*dy and I was well aware that I was already wet. Ignatius could sense it too

and it seemed to spur him on.

The hand trailing my thigh suddenly moved higher to cup my dripping slit through my thin panties. I

inhaled sharply at the sudden arousal this brought on. A need so intense. It was almost an ache. Albeit

not an unpleasant one.

Ignatius lowered himself between my legs, his teeth grazing my thighs as he blew hot breath against

my core. I gasped, arching my back and rolling my hips to meet his mouth, desperate for more.

He was slow, teasing, nipping at my inner thighs as I squirmed in his grasp.

“Ignatius,” I was moaning, whining. “Please.”

This made him smile at me in the dark, the dim light glinting off of his fangs as he took pleasure in

hearing me beg.


Chapter 20

He drew my dripping underwear to the side and ran a finger along my wet folds. I pounded a fist on the

ground, begging him for more, whining at him for tormenting me like this.

Finally, he lifted my hips and removed my underwear entirely, tossing them to the side before gripping

my thighs and pushing his face between my legs. I buckled against his mouth and he held my hips still

with a grip like iron. Ignatius licked slowly at my burning core, building me up to my climax as he teased

at my overly sensitive cli t.

I knotted a hand in his hair and a deep, growl of pleasure from him reverberated through my entire

being. His tongue probed deeper, ravaging my core as I writhed in his grasp. My sighs and moans

seemed to drive him wild, I felt his suddenly sharp nails. digging into my skin..

The rhythmic motion of his tongue at my core had me coming undone in his hands. My whines built into

a loud cry as I reached my climax and thrust my hips against his lips, riding out my org asm against his

mouth while Ignatius lapped at my juices like it was ambrosia to him.

When I was finally done, unraveled entirely, my arched back relaxed and I collapsed. onto the floor. My

legs twitched slightly and my heart was fluttering in my chest as I came back to my senses. Ignatius

licked his lips and lay down with his head on my stomach, his arms still gripping around my soft thighs

that looked so tiny in his hands.

I lay, panting on my back while Ignatius’s head rose and fell against my stomach with my labored

breathing. He hadn’t claimed me yet. But we rested assured in mutual understanding that we had time.

Eventually, Ignatius lifted his head to gaze at me. “So, how about that bath?”


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