Nerdy To Badass Werewolf

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

It has been a full week since we've been back. Things have been chill during the time, we still have

some drama but thats high school for you. Everyone has been getting along great, I've told everyone

that I've forgiven Kyle and everyone understood.

They all knew it was Liam that told Kyle that crap but they also forgave him, although his mate, Mac,

did make him sleep on the couch for a couple days. Me and Cameron have been getting along quite

well, well actually he's gotten along with everyone. Kyle still is sceptic about him, but he's warming up.

Right now, im busy running around my room like a maniac, because I have my first date with Kyle

tonight, and saying I was nervous was a big understatment. The girls were in here trying to calm me

down, Gwen suggested I think of something funny. I thought about how Kyle had asked me to go out

with him, I started to chuckle remembering how he asked and what led to him asking me like he did.


"I was wondering, would you like to go out with me?" Kyle asked me sounding very nervous. I was

about to respond to him, but a human boy came up to us."Hey Sky, I was wondering do you want to

hang out sometime?" He said not knowing what Kyle had just asked me, to be honest I was kind of

scared for him because, Kyle was starting to shake.

"Sorry, but im going to have to pass" I told him truthfully. "Okay, I under..." he was about to finish but

Kyle punched him in the face. He started to punch him repeatedly, I pushed him off the dude and

glared at Kyle. When he noticed what he did he tryed to apologise to me and the dude.

I told him to f*ck off and I also declined his date question. I walked the guy to the nurse then went to

normal classes. When lunch time came around I was sitting with everyone at the table, even Cam sits

with us. While I was eating a sandwich, Kyle came up to me, he tried to apologise to me again but I

was giving him the silent treatment.

"Come on Sky im really sorry, please forgive me and go out with me?" He kept repeating I finally turned

to him. "Sorry Kyle, I cant hear you over this noice!" I said to him, while me and him were discussing

this everyone at the table was watching us intently. Kyle groaned and stood up, I thought he gave up

and was gonna walk away, but boy was I wrong.

He jumped onto a table and yelled out,"Yoh!!! Shut up!!!" I was looking at him like he was freaking

crazy, the same look was on everyone elses face. The cafeteria died down eventually, I swear you

could hear a pin drop because it was so quite.

"Skylar Maine! Would you please forgive the idiot that is me and go out with me!" He yelled out, there

were many 'aaaaws' and I truthfully did one, but mentally. I stood up, and looked him in the eye, I

smirked at him and excepted. He gave me a huge hug and the whole cafeteria cheered. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

End of flashback

"Are you okay now?"asked Gwen. I nodded my head and looked at the outfit the girls had picked out

for me. Kyle said to dress casual. My outfit was a simple light blue, knee length dress that was laced by

my shoulders, and the back showed some skin, it looked casual yet elegant. When I put on the dress

much to my rants about saying I dont like dresses and shit, I put it on.

They first suggested heels with the outfit, but I told them since they made me wear a dress im wearing

my converse. Mac did my hair, straghtning it to perfection. They tried to get me to wear jewellery and

put make up on but I told them that if they even tried with that, that I would use my powers on them, so

the usual threats. When I finally looked at myself in the mirror I was shocked I actually looked beautiful.

"Sky, Kyles here!" Will shouted from downstairs. The girls had left my room already to give me some

alone time. I got a small purse where I put my phone and wallet in.

I took a deep breath and walked out my room towards the stairs, when I started my way down I saw

Kyles back was to me, because he was talking with Cole, I noticed everyone stopped talking and they

were looking at me.

Kyle turned around and looked at me I saw love, adoration and awe in his eyes. When I made it

downstairs, Kyle took my hand and kissed it. "You look beautiful Sky" he said while looking me directly

in the eye. I smiled at him

"You dont look so bad yourself" I said while checking him out and boy did he look yummy right about

now. He was wearing dark jeans, a blue plaided shirt and vans but he made it look so sexy. While

looking at him very bad things were running through my mind but I dismissed them quickly.

He took my hand and we walked out towards his car, he opened the door for me like a real gentleman.

I thanked him and climbed in, he got in and we made our way towards our dsstination.

20 minutes later

"Aaah, how did you know I loved the carnival?!" I squealed at him. He just chuckled at me and told me

source's. "My brothers told you didnt they?" I asked while we got tickets for rides. "Maybe, maybe not"

he said looking so smug with himself.

I just rolled my eyes at him. We got onto the first ride which was a roller coaster, it was awesome. We

were on a couple of rides before Kyle suggested we go eat something. We got some nachos to share

and they were so yummy.

After we ate we played a couple games, I kept telling Kyle I was gonna whip his ass but he thought I

couldnt so we made a little deal. If I win, he has to buy me lunch for a whole week at school but if he

wins I have to give him a kiss. We just finished our last game and I was pouting. "Oh come, on your not

that big of a sore loser are you?" Kyle said while chuckling.

"You cheated!" I said to him. "I'm sorry if I rock at everything" he said while smirking, man that smirk

made my knees want to go limp. I decided that it was my turn to pick a ride, I wanted something calm.

I dragged him to the ferris wheel and we climbed in. "Its beautiful dont you think?" I asked him while

admiring the sunset. "Yes, it sure is an amazing, beautiful site to see" I turned to look at him and found

that he was staring at me, I felt a blush creep up on my face and I smiled at him.

He started to lean in and I found myself leaning in as well. Our lips were just barelly a few millimetres

away when we suddenly heard a scream. We both stopped and looked around we knew the scream

came from the woods, we got off the ferris wheel and made our way into the woods.

I sniffed the air and realised what the scent or should I say scents was. It was rouges. We started to

run in the direction of the smell. When we got close enough I saw a girl around my age on the floor

crying. She had blood on her face and her body from what I could see was badly bruised. There were

about 15 wolves surrounding her and stalking her like she was their prey. Kyle instantly shredded his

clothes and shifted into his big, midnight black, wolf.

I would've just shifted if it werent for the fact they would see my real wolf then. I quickly shifted behind

the tree then shifted into the silver wolf form. I made a mad dash towards the rouges. Kyle had them

shifted to human form already. He looked over at me and gave me a confused look. I shrugged it off

and looked at the girl, she had passed out. "What are you doing on my land!" Kyle yelled at the rouges,

using his alpha voice.

I tried to ignore the fact that he was standing naked infront of me, but Moona was loving it, shes such a

pervert.'You have to admit he looks so good right now' I shut her out and looked towards the rouges.

"We came here unitentionally, she ran from us and we needed to get her, so we chased after her and

thats how we wound up here, now if you let us take her we will be on our way" the one rouge said.

I growled at him while he tried to take her, I knew if they take her nothing good would come out of it.

They stopped dead in their tracks and looked at me. 'Ask them what do they want with her' I minlinked

Kyle. "What do you want with her?"he repeated my question. "Our leader wants her dead, she denied

letting him touch her and she ran away" he hissed at us.

I growled again, this time Kyle had his own question."Who's your leader?" "The Rouge King!"oh dear

lord and he's someone I need to talk to for help, when the war comes. "You may not take her, if he has

a problem with that he can come here himself and we will talk about it!" Kyle was only using his alpha

voice. "No! We are taking her whether you like it or not!" yelled one of the rouges. They advanced and

so did we.

I took on about 3 at a time, but I knew this was not suppose to happen. I shifted infront of everyone and

yelled "Enough! "I had so much authority in my voice, it made them stop and bow their heads down,

even Kyle couldn't stop from bowing his head. He realised I was naked and found one of the rouges

shirts and gave it to me, I put it on and glared at everyone.

"How did you do that, not even the King can do that to us?" One of the rouges asked. "It doesn't matter

how, like he said, your King can come meet with us then we will discuss about her!"I still used the voice

that had control over them. They nodded their heads, Kyle picked the girl up and we started to make

our way back home.

Kyle was in front of me and I started to read the leader of the packs mind. 'Theres no way she could

have done that to us unless, unless... no it can't be... can she be the next Moon Goddess? I could tell

he was thinking this by himself.

I stiffened when I heard his conclusion. We got into the car and finally returned home. Before Kyle

picked the girl up he turned to me. "Im sorry our date didnt turn out how we thought it would" he said

while looking at the floor.

I walked up to him and gave his cheek a quick peck. He looked up at me with a shocked expression.

"What was that for?" He asked while a smile was tugging on his lips. "You won the bet remember" I

stated to him. With that I made my way towards the house with Kyle holding the girl a few feet behind


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