Chapter 9 The new man

“Getting your measurements wasn’t so hard Em and I don’t want to go into details right now, that’s a topic for another day.”

He replied, a smirk still on his lips as they both walked into the mansion.




Emily eyes widened in astonishment and admiration as they made their way into the mansion which was a little crowded.

The outside was nowhere to be compared to the insides of the mansion at all.

While the outside had the old exquisite looking type of house, the insides was the complete opposite!

The wall and even the floor were made with rare expensive tiles which glowed beautifully and Emily could swear she thought it was gold at first sight.

“So beautiful.”

She gawed, earning a chuckle from Niguel.

She never ceases to amaze him.

“Here, this way Em.”

He muttered, directing her towards another part of the mansion.


A man who stood at the dark corner of the mansion couldn’t help but focus his gaze on the man and woman who walked gracefully into the building minutes earlier, but mostly was focused on the woman.

She was a beauty to behold and as she smiled, he saw the face of another lady smiling.

She looked very familiar and there was something odd about her which seemed to make his interest towards her grow stronger.

Looking beside her he could recognize the face of the man walking beside her and without wasting another second made his way towards them.

“Good to see you again Niguel.”

He greeted behind them making the duo turn to face him.

“Good to see you too Lucas.”

Niguel simply replied.

“And who’s the beautiful lady you have with you?”

Lucas asked, his eyes still locked on Emily which of course Niguel didn’t fail to notice.

“Her name is Emily and don’t you think my relationship with her is none of your concern?”Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Niguel sarcastically asked.

“It’s a pleasure meeting you Miss Emily.”

Lucas greeted, totally ignoring the words of Niguel.

“I’m honored Mr Lucas.”

Emily replied accepting his handshake.


Immediately her hands came in contact with mine, I could feel the familiar electric spark. The same feeling I’ve been battling to hide for so long easily made it’s way out and it was because of no one else but the woman whose hands was still entangled with mine.

Her face shone beautiful while her hair glittered in the dark, her mermerizing eyes stared back at me and I could swear I lost the counts of minutes I used staring at her beautiful face.

“The handshake is taking longer than usual Lucas, take your hands off her.”

Niguel ordered, his eyes staring dangerously at Lucas who seemed to get the message as he immediately broke the handshake.

“I’m… I’m so sorry for that.”

Lucas apologized to which Emily only smiled.

“The party’s getting started Niguel, hope to see you around.”

Lucas muttered making his way out of their sight but not without some doubts in his mind.

She couldn’t possibly be the one right?

He asked no one in particular as he finally disappeared from their sight.

“Hope not to see you again Lucas.”

Niguel uttered, dragging Emily behind him as they both made their way towards the hall of the mansion where the party was to be held.




“Hi Miss Emily.”

Emily heard a voice call behind her making her turn back in time just to see Lucas standing behind her with a smile on his lips.

“Hi Mr Lucas, um, I’m sorry but Mr Niguel isn’t here at the moment, he went to the restroom few minutes ago, I believe he’ll soon be here.’

Emily explained, returning back his smile.

“Oh my dear, I’m not here to talk to Niguel, I’m actually here to talk to you Miss Emily.”

Lucas uttered, giving her a glass of drink which she didn’t know he had been holding until he gave it to her.

Ever since his last encounter with her and Niguel, he hasn’t been able to get his eyes off her.

Not like he didn’t want to but the problem was he just couldn’t! He couldn’t get his eyes off her even only for a minute!

She had this strange but familiar aura which kept calling unto him and kept attracting her to him just like magnet but he knew he wouldn’t be able to approach her when she was beside Niguel so all he could do was to keep watching her from afar.

He suddenly had the chance to talk to her alone when he saw Niguel leaving her side and headed elsewhere in the party which he had guessed was the restroom.

“I’m sorry Mr Lucas but I don’t take alcohol.”

Emily muttered earning a chuckle from Lucas.

“This isn’t alcohol miss but actually an ice tea, I know you don’t take alcohol.”

He said still stretching his hand with the drink which of course Emily had no other choice but to accept.

“I know you don’t take alcohol.”

His words replayed in her head and she couldn’t help but to wonder how he knew that.

This was clearly the first time she was seeing him and even talked to him, but him on the other hand talked and acted like he’d knew her for a very long time now.

“That was so thoughtful of you Mr Lucas.”

She finally muttered, acting like nothing strange had happened.

She didn’t want to make the conversation more akward than it already was.

“So tell me Miss Emily, for how long have you been working with Mr Niguel?”

He suddenly asked.

“Um just yesterday Mr Lucas, I got the job yesterday.”

She replied smiling and thereby revealing her complete set of white teeths which seemed to glitter at night.

“Just yesterday? Wow, that’s good, and by the way congratulations on getting the job, hope it’s not too late for that?”

He teased earning a slight chuckle from her.

“Of course it’s not Mr Lucas, thanks.”

“Enough of the formalities now miss, just call me Lucas.”

He muttered.

“Sure Mr, oh I’m sorry, I… I meant Lucas.”

She shuttered making the man standing in front of her let out a slight laugh.

“So naive.”

He whispered to himself.

“I’ll be on my way now miss Emily, hope to see you soon.”

He announced and after bidding her goodbye, tucked the strands of hair on her face behind her ears before he finally left.

“That was close.”

Emily whispered letting out a deep breath and looked around her just to come in contact with a pair of icy blue eyes which starred daggers at her.

Her breath seemed to seize for a second, the world stopped moving and her heart was beating faster than normal in her chest as she continued staring at the blue eyes which was so focused on her.

Calm down Emily! Calm down!

Her inner mind screamed at her.

Finally taking a deep breath, she made up her mind to walk up to him but suddenly halted on her steps as he made his way towards her instead.

His slow and calm steps made her so fu**ing nervous.

“Calm down Emily, calm down.”

She whispered to herself.


After talking to Lucas, I took Emily along with me to another section of the party but suddenly got interuppted by a phonecall from one of the boys.

I excused myself with the excuse of going to the restroom which I actually did so I could pick the phonecall.

“Do you have a death wish?”

I growled angrily immediately I picked the call.

“I’m sorry boss but I got to tell you something very important.”

The fearful voice spoke from the other end of the call.

“Hope this news is worth my time James cos if it doesn’t, then I swear to God, I’ll pluck your eyes out and give it to the birds to feed on.”

I threatened.

“It’s about the research I’ve been working on for the past 2 years boss, I finally got the clip today and watching it discovered she wasn’t in the car by the time of the accident.”

He explained, rushing his words and for the first time in a very long time, I found myself having hope again.

“We’ll talk about this when I get back.”

I announced, and without waiting to hear another word from him ended the call.

“Be alive Jenna, please be alive.”

I muttered, making my way out of the restroom and upon getting back into the party saw a shocking scene.

I saw Lucas standing very close to Emily and even dared to touch her while staring straight at me in the balls.

A smirk played on his lips one more time before making his way out of the room.

I didn’t move, I just continued staring at Emily and it took her long enough before she looked around and finally saw me staring at her.

I saw her shook slightly from shock and soon enough, my legs made their way towards her.


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