Chapter Twenty-four

“So what did he say?”

Katrina asked as they settled on the plane, on the flight to Arizona.

“He asked about the company and that’s it,”

“Is that why you have been smiling? I doubt that’s the reason,”

“Hmm, let’s just say, I have won the old man over,”

“How do you know that?”

She inquired, looking through her bag, her phone was beeping but she couldn’t find it.

“I just know, what are you looking for?”

“My phone, aha found it, my mom sent me a text,”

“Hmm, okay,”

Her mom hardly call or text so she wondered what it was about, the text read.

‘A package arrived at the house for you, come and pick it up when you can.’

“A package? From where?”

She voiced out as she dialed her mom’s number.

“What’s going on?”

He asked.

“Nothing much, my mom said a package was sent to the house for me, I don’t remember ordering anything and even if I did order, it can’t be sent to my parent’s house,”

She replied.

“Mom, are you sure the package is for me?”

Katrina asked as soon as her mom picked up.

“And how are you too young lady?”

Her mom responded.

“Sorry, mom forgive my manners, I am on a plane and you know how anxious I get,”

“Oh, yeah, hope you have someone with you?”

She asked her voice shifting to one of concern.

“Yes Mom, so how do you know the stuff is mine, I didn’t order anything.”

“It’s not an order though, it looks more like a gift, and it has your name boldly written on it, and it address you as his love, you never told me you had a boyfriend,”

Katrina got the creepy feeling all over again, she frowned.

“Mom, I don’t have a boyfriend and I am not expecting a gift from anyone, can you please open the box and snap the contents for me?” As she said that she looked over at Lucas who was busy on his phone. “Gets your acts together girl, what were you expecting?”

She mentally scolded herself.

“Oh, and I was happy you are finally in a relationship, okay don’t worry I will send it,”

“Thanks, Mom,”

She said and ended the call.

“What’s that about?”

Lucas asked.

“I think whoever, it was that have been sending those creepy messages sent a gift to my parent’s house,”

She explained wondering how the person knew her parent’s house, apart from her old friends no one else knew where her parents lived.

“Then it might be someone you know,”

“I have no idea who it could be, I didn’t have that many male friends,”

“No, one said it a guy,”

“What? I didn’t think of that, but then again the only female friends I have are from the office, so no, it can’t be any one of them, I got a call a few days ago but the person on the other end of the call didn’t say a word and hung up after a few seconds,”

She explained.

“This might be serious than we think, I will get someone to investigate the number, forward it to me,”


“Now come over here, let me hold you,”

“Hmm, I am okay, don’t worry,”

Katrina said, she needed to remember that whatever they had, no matter how sweet it is, would only be for this trip, she needed to keep that in mind, this whole thing would end as soon as they board this plane again, so she would do her best to keep her emotions in check, she didn’t want to make the mistake of falling even deeper for him, he already stated his stand and she agreed to it.

“Are you sure? I am just going to hold your hands,”

“I am okay,”

She repeated looking away from him.

The flight to Arizona was a short one, and by one pm they arrived at the airport, they were picked up by a car his family sent, they were met with a warm welcome on their arrival, Lucas family have always been nice to her, so she didn’t feel left out.

The mansion would be perfectly described as small heaven, her family house could fit in the open space, her favorite place is the pool it was a beach-like pool with decors that gave it a much beach-like appearance.

“Katrina darling, it’s so good to see you again, it’s been a while we met in person,” his mom said hugging her, she hugged her back, smiling brightly.

“Same here ma’am,”

She greeted his dad who hugged her too, the old man was like an older version of Lucas.

She took turns hugging everyone, when she got to Lilac, she hugged her tight.

“Thank you for agreeing to do it even on such short notice, my best friend betray me by giving birth two weeks before my wedding day,”

Katrina laughed at words.

“You are welcome Lilac,”

“Uncle Luca!!!”

His niece and nephew screamed as they ran to him, Katrina smiled at the sight before her, the big uncle folding his two tiny niblings in his arms, for a moment she pictured something that would never be possible.

“It so good to have you guys here, finally,”

Leah’s husband Steven said as he walked in, going over to hold his wife, Katrina was thankful for the distraction, she didn’t like the part her mind chose to wonder.

“Katrina, you look even more pretty than before,”

Leah complimented her, she always gives compliments, and Kat was used to her already, this whole family was nice which goes to show not all rich people are mean.

“Thanks, Lea, you look pretty too,”

“Are you kidding me? I look like a whale,”

“No, baby you look perfect,”

Her husband said and they burst out laughing, the kids ran back inside to continue whatever they were doing.

“Okay, if y’all are done exchanging pleasantries, can we go inside now? I am hungry and am sure Kat is too,”

Lucas announced.

“Ohhhhh, Kat? Since when?”

Leah asked, she was heavily pregnant and had the pretty pregnancy glow with her.

“Since, I am not going to tell you,”

Lucas replied, walking away with his mom who told him she already prepared his favorite food.

Lucas was different with his family, around them, he lets his guard down and the Lucas most people do not know about takes over, like he is a whole different person with his family.

“He such a pain in the ass, I don’t know how you can stay with him,”

Lilac said dragging Katrina along, she smiled.

“He is easy to adapt to,”

“Only you can say that Katrina, only you, any way you can eat and rest for today, we have a lot to do tomorrow,”

She said.

“Okay, I am at your service,”Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

She responded as they joined the others in the dining room, after eating, she excused herself and went to the room she uses when she is at the mansion, it’s been months since she last came here but it still felt familiar to her, she checked her phone and found the pictures her mom had sent, the contents of the box were nothing weird like she thought, just normal flowers and perfume and a note that didn’t have a name, all it said was “from your love” and that was the weird part, whoever it is might not mean any harm but it still didn’t sit well with her.

she lay on the bed tired from all the stress of the past few days, not to mention she didn’t sleep much last night, she smiled at the memory and slept off.

Later that evening as she went for a walk in the pool area, she found Lucas there, having some alone time, they have not spoken since they arrived, she wanted to head back inside without disturbing him but he saw her and beckoned on her to come over.

“Were you going to slip off without saying goodnight Kat?”

“No, not that, I didn’t want to disturb you.”

She said sitting two seats away from him.

He stood up and closed the distance between them.

“I told you we will enjoy these three weeks to the fullest, are you trying to avoid me?”

He asked stroking her hair.

“No, I am not,”

“I thought you were,”

“You thought wrong,”

She replied.

He bent over and claimed her lips with his, she sighted against him melting and enjoying every moment, it soon became heated and she pulled off to catch her breath.

“We should stop, what if someone sees us?”

She said licking her lips.

“So? We are both adults and don’t worry no one will come this way, they are all probably sleeping already,”

He said pulling her back to him and kissing her again.

Yeah, they were both adults but she didn’t want his family finding out about their affair, not when it won’t lead to anything but like he said they will all be sleeping already so she let herself enjoy these moments that she will cherish for a long time to come…

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