I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 15


“Are you ready ?” I bang on Rosie and Stefan’s bedroom door .

“Almost !” She yells and I could tell that she was lying .

“We are leaving in five minutes , with or without you !” I bellow as I walk away and I could hear her telling Stefan to get off her .

I grin as I trot down the stairs in light blue skinny jeans , a black cropped long sleeve turtle neck , my hakr cascading down my back in waves with ankle boots .

“Your jacket , my lady .” Aiden grins as he hands me a beautiful white fluffy coat .

“Is she coming ?” He sighs as he leans against the wall with his shoulder , his feet crossed by the ankles .

My eyes glance over his entire black outfit , the black trousers , black button up shirt and coat ?

It’s hot .

“You’re gawking .” He points out the obvious and I shrug , smiling . “Am I not allowed to ?” I c**k my head at him , my hair falling to the side .

“You are , after you answer my questions .” The darkness of his clothes clashing with the white of the wall has me mesmerised , like my brain has taken a picture and framed it .

“What was the question ?” My head tilts to the other side and he rolls his eyes , “Do you need me to open those ears ?” His entire tone is serious , “How ?” I tease , grinning .

“By spanking you , of course .” He doesn’t smile , he doesn’t laugh and he isn’t bluffing .

“Sounds fun .” I shrug .

“Is she coming ?” He repeats his question , emphasizing each word by gritting them out , leaving a pause .

“Yes , if Stefan would allow her to get dressed .” I shrug .

“You’re just like him .” He tuts and I frown , why is he comparing me to a man ?

“Who ?” I ask oblivious .

“Stefan , you also make these dirty jokes .” He shakes his head in disappointment and embarrassment fills me , my cheeks heating up .

“For your information , it wasn’t a joke . It’s a statement .” I scoff before turning around , “I’ll wait outside .” I tut before walking out of the door .

I wait for him to barge out of the house and tell me to wait outside , but he doesn’t .

I start to shiver from the cold , my heart pounding in my chest as I pace up and down to keep myself warm .

The door finally opens after a few minutes and Rosie follows Aiden outside .

What hurts is that he doesn’t even look at me as he strides towards the car that is parked .

He unlocks it and I don’t know where to climb in , in the front next to him ?

Should I climb in the back with Rosie ?

I sigh , heading for the back door , which seems more comfortable , but as I reach for the handle , his hand falls over mine and he swings me , turning me to the front where he pulls the door open and shoves me inside like I’m being kidnaped .He shuts the door and the tension in the car has me feeling nauseous .

“What’s up with him ?” Rosie scoffs , whispering into my ear as she sits behind me .

“No clue .” I mutter before putting my seatbelt on as he rounds the car and we speed off .

The tension is tight in the car , it feels like it’s dragging all of the air out of the moving vehicle and I notice how Aiden’s hands tighten and loosen around the steeringwheel .

Rosie doesn’t even say anything and as much as I want to mind link her and laugh about how awkward this is , he would freak out if I used my old pack’s connection to speak with my best friend sitting right behind me .

I roll the window down an inch to let the cool air circulate the car and he closes it just as fast .

“I’m hot .” I stare at the side of his face and he doesn’t reply , only reaches for the air and turns it to cold .

“I don’t want air conditioning .” I turn it back to heat and open my window .

His jaw tenses as anger radiates off him .

He rolls the window back up from his side and then locks it , making sure I can’t roll it down again .

“What is your problem ?” I snap at him .

“You’re going to get sick .” He grits out and I roll my eyes .

“We’re wolves , we don’t get sick .”

He’s treating me like I’m human .

“Well I don’t care , you can get sick when sometimes bites you . We are driving through the woods , there are poison some places and with this wind , I can think it uses the wind to travel .” He sighs and I hate how he’s right , all of that can happen .

He’s smart , because I would never have thought of that .

We arrive into town and he stops at the mall before we go into several shops , trying on clothes send dresses .

“Not that .” He shakes his head as I stand in ripped skinny jeans .

“Why not ?” I glance down at the holes in my pants at the knees and upper thigh .

“Because it’s stupid and you don’t look good in it .” He shrugs and I swallow the lump in my throat .

He’s very honest , brutally so .

“Okay .” I shrug and the rest of the shopping spree , he didn’t leave a comment about anything , but I could see when he wanted to , but he glared at Rosie every time he didn’t like something .

It was so clear on his face , it annoyed me .

She probably said something and I’m amazed that she had put him in his place .

He’s a stubborn man with a strong personality , an alpha , a leader and for him to shut up , she might have said something not so nice .

As Rosie and I roam the underwear , I clear my throat , “Thank you for whatever you said .” I smile and her eyes widen , “How did you know ?” She asks agape .

“I can see him wanting to say something and then he glares at you .” I scoff , giggling and she shrugs , “Well he shouldn’t be that judge .” She shrugs and I can’t help but smile .

“I actually like the honesty .” I shrug , I mean I don’t like it when he tells me I don’t look good , but having someone honest with me ands telling me that it fits or doesn’t , it’s nice .

I don’t like looking like a weird person with bad taste .Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“So should I apologise and tell him to continue ?” She asks in disappointment and I shake my head , “No way . I can see when he doesn’t like something , so don’t worry .” I wink and we both grab underwear for two weeks of wearing .

I tense as Aiden’s hand rests on my waist and I turn my head to look at him , “I think you should get that .” He nods towards a beautiful lace underwear dress , red and short .

I gulp , glancing at Rosie who was a devilish smile on her face .

“Why ?” I ask and he shrugs , a small smile creeping up his face .

“I’d think you’d look beautiful in it .” His hand trails up my waist and I nod before walking towards it .

I check the price and my eyes widen .

“I think not .” I step back , but my back collides with his front as he’s right behind me again .

“Take it .” He whispers into my ear , his hot breath fanning the shell and I gulp before looking for a size that would fit and take it , tossing it into the basket that’s hooked over my arm .

“Good girl .” He gives my side a squeeze and I know I should be mad at the thought of him speaking to me like I’m a dog , but something about how he said it made a fire start in my belly .

Rosie wiggles her eyebrows at me as we walk to the cashier and Aiden looks at our basket filled with clothes enough for a week .

“Is that all ?” He asks and I glance at the cart of more bags of clothes that we could wear for two weeks .

“Yes , thank you .” Rosie smiles and I could tell that she feels bad , because so I do .

We have spent a lot of Aiden’s money today , but he keeps on pushing us into more stores .

“Shoes , do you girls have shoes ?” She asks and my entire face goes blank .

No , because they’re expensive .

Rosie gives me the same shocked look and I shake my head .

“Okay , there’s a shoe store a few shops down .” He pulls out his wallet and the girl behind the counter rings the items up .

Never had I bought something , but this was a whole new level of spending .

“We just need one pair .” I mutter as I push the cart into the shoe store , well actually I’m just holding the handle because his hand is on the front of the cart , leading Rosie and I into stores .

“Four each , nothing less . I won’t be coming back .” He demands as he finds a chair and sits down , his foot on the pipe of the cart at the bottom , pushing it up and down .

Rosie and I walk and we each get a pair of sneakers , running shoes , a pair of boots and lastly sandals .

We come carrying them stacked in our hands and Aiden’s eyes trail the pictures on the sides .

“Come .” He nods towards the cashier and we put the boxes down , the man behind the counter smiling wide .

“Now go get two pairs of heels , each .” He demands and I already feel awful .

“I don’t know which ones .” I lie and Aiden sighs , grabbing my hands and gives the man a look to follow .

They sort us out within minutes and Aiden pays before adding the boxes to the cart that is now overflowing .

Rosie and I each carry two boxes because it won’t fit and I’m amazed when his car can take everything .

Arriving home , Stefan had made lunch and Aiden and I haven’t spoken since the lace dress thing .

It’s becoming awkward…

“You have to show me everything you bought .” Stefan hugs Rosie from the back and I glance at Aiden frowning at his phone .

I avert my eyes to my sandwich and continue to take small bites .

I only had three bites and I’m already nauseous from the amount of food .

Rosie hasn’t even touched her sandwich yet , she keeps on talking but I know she’s trying to distract Stefan from telling her to eat .

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