I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 12


Aiden had put on the air , the cool breeze falling on my back feels like heaven after my back rolled through hell fire .

“You okay ?” His voice is soft , full of care as his fingers drag through my hair .

I haven’t moved , I laid still until the burning slowed and went away and afterwards , I just breathed .

I needed to after I screamed my lungs out .

“I’m okay .” I mutter , forcing a small smile onto my face , I don’t even know if he can see me , but I want him to believe me .

“Are you going to climb in bed with me ?”

I sigh , propping myself up onto my elbows and the pain I expected never comes .

My breasts were pressed into the duvet and I reach for my shirt .

He stares at me as I sit up onto my knees , his blue orbs fixed on my breasts as I tug the shirt over my head .

I tug my hair out of my shirt and my dark locks cascade down my back .

“Come here .” Aiden holds his hand out , he always sound so demanding in a soft way , but I know that even if I didn’t want to , he wouldn’t force me .

I take his hand and crawl closer in my knees before our hands let go of each other and I fall into his arm , my head resting on his shoulder .

“I am so sorry .” He breathes out and I smile , genuinely , “You have no reason to say sorry .” I use his words and he chuckles , his eyes glassed over .

“You can’t use my words .” He sucks in a breath and I swing my arm over his abdomen , cuddling into his side .

“I can .” I argue , my eyes falling shut and I relax as the warmth of his body engulfs me , his spicy scent calming me .

“Let me just turn off the light .” He mutters before shifting from beside me and I sigh , turning over and cuddle into the pillow .

The lights turn off , but the light of the moon shines through the light curtains and I can’t help but stare at the beauty .

I haven’t stared at the moon at night in so long .

I use to catch a glimpse whenever it was my turn to take out the trash at night , but this is a whole other level of appreciation towards the night’s natural light .

The way it lights up everything makes my heart warm .

The bed dips behind me and his bare chest presses to my back , his legs spooning mine as they’re folded , “Are you staring at the moon ?” His lips brushes against the shell of my ear .

I nod and he places a k**s on the crook of my neck , heat spreading down my back to my core .

I try to focus on the beauty on the outside of the window , but with his hand sliding up and down my arms as he places k****s from the crook of my neck up to my jaw .

My head automatically goes to the side , giving him more access .

“You taste divine .” He murmurs against my ear , his hot breath making shivers break out all over my skin .

His hand trails from the outside of my arm to my waist , his fingers snaking underneath my shirt .

The warmth of his hand gliding in between my ribs make my body shiver and it gets worse when his fingers slide down towards the waistband of my pajama shorts .Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

His fingers linger just above the waistband and I suck in a breath , my body flexing , my stomach sucking in .

“Relax .” He breathes out and I want to turn to him , but the way his hard on is pressing into my behind , is erotic .

It makes me want to arch my back , to push my a*s into his groin .

I try to do what he tells me , but I struggle to relax as my breathing speeds up .

His spicy scent engulfs me , my mind hazy as I feel him press into me more .

I chew on my bottom l*p before scooting back , a soft growl escaping his lips as my a*s grinds against his rock hard on .

His hand raises to my h*p and he tugs me even closer to him .

I prop myself up onto my elbow before turning so fast , but his hand slide around my waist as I twist and I climb on top of him .

“Do you want me ?” My bottom l*p pushes out into a pout and his eyes are darker , like the ocean during the storm in the night .

He stares at my lips , his tongue gliding over the top row of his teeth .

He nods and my insides twist in excitement , heat forms in my abdomen and I grin as he uses his hands , that are now resting on my h**s , to rock my h**s back and forth , his hard on making me whimper as the tension between my legs grow .

It’s like a wildfire in my stomach , making my heart race and my body shake .

“I want you so bad .” He grumbles , his voice low and the vibration from his chest makes my chest clench .

“Then have me , I’m right here .” My hands are rested on his abs , my fingers brushing over those sculpted lines .

“I can’t .” He shakes his head and it’s like a bucket of ice water is thrown all over me .

I’m not turned on anymore , I’m not flushed , I’m not excited in the inside anymore .

“Why ?” I frown and I try to drop to his side , to get off his hard on pressing against my clit through this thin fabric .

“Because .” His hand raises from my h*p upward to my waist , all under my shirt .

“It’s not good enough .” I shake my head , my eyes glasssing over with unshed tears .

“Don’t cry .” He shakes his head , his voice stern , his body tensing under me .

“Then let me off .” I croak out , feeling like I’m being used .

Maybe all these alpha’s are the same .

Heartless .

“I like where you are right now .” He grins , but this isn’t funny .

I shake my head , a hot tear rolling down my cheek and his jaw tenses , his fingers digging into my waist as anger radiates off him .

“If you don’t want me , don’t say you do .” I swat his hands off me before I drop to his side , rolling and I turn my back to him .

The anger grows more and more and the tension in the room makes me wish the bed would swallow me whole .

“Don’t be mad…” his hand comes snaking around my waist and with one swift motion , he tugs me against him .

“I am .” I grit out , the need in my heart is more than the need between my thighs .

“Because I won’t f**k you ?” He grits out and my cheeks heat at his straightforwardness .

“Or because I act like I don’t want you ?” He asks when I don’t answer his stupid question .

Of course I am mad about it , he’s my mate . He shouldn’t be able to keep his hands off me and his groin out of me .

I shrug , refusing to answer him and he sighs , his body pulling back from mine , yet still close .

His head appears next to mine and he stares down at me , his ocean orbs boring into the side of my face .

“I don’t want you right now , because when I make love to you the first time…” he inches closer , resting his chin on my shoulder , “I am going to sink my canines right into the crook of your neck .” He blows a breath into my neck , his hot breath fanning the specific space where he would mark me .

“And I will mark you and f**k you intil you see stars and pass out , I want you , but under the full moon in three days .” He whispers , his hard on pressing into my bum .

It takes everything , every ounce of power not to jump his bone right now .

I nod , focusing my gaze on the moon , that’s almost full , but not quite yet .

” So don’t be mad .” His nose nudges my shoulder and I sigh , “Can we just sleep ?” I plead in a soft whisper .

“Are you still mad ?”

“No .” I tell the truth .

I can wait for three days , I can enjoy the few days I have before I become his mate , before I become his Luna and I can spend it with my best friend , my rock , my soldier .

He snuggles into my back and I don’t know how long I stare at the moon , but Aiden’s body relaxes , light snores escaping his mouth and it feels like it’s four am when I fall asleep .

Two hours , two hours I wake up , jolting up in fear as I think I’m late for work but as I turn my head , Aiden is fast asleep , laying with his one arm above his head , his other hand resting on his lower abdomen , his one leg bent , foot to his calf of the straight leg .

I inhale deep breaths , letting it out slowly as I calm myself and my pulse slows down as I calm down .

I head to the bathroom , doing my business before I head out of the room , glancing over my shoulder at sleeping Aiden .

His hair is a mess , his plump lips parted .

I walk out of the room , down the stairs and it feels criminal .

I am not use to being in this house , I feel like I’m still a guest , but I have only been here a day and it’s still weird .

Trotting down the steps , I bump into Stefan on the way down as he comes up .

“Sorry .” I jolt back and his hands grab my arms as he holds me upright .

“Careful , I don’t want Aiden’s wrath for breaking one of your bones .” He chuckles and I roll my eyes , “I don’t break that easy .” I scoff and his hands let go of me .

“Are you hungry ? Need water or something to drink ?” He offers and I shrug , “I’m not hungry .” I confess .

I didn’t eat everyday , I am use to feeling empty on the inside and he nods , “Just don’t leave the house . No one knows you yet .” He warns and I nod before continuing down the stairs .

I find the kitchen and grab a cup from the see through cupboards and fill it with tap water .

I gulp down the liquid , my insides praising me for drinking water and refill again and drink the cup empty .

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