How My Neighbor Stole Christmas

: Chapter 23

Where did they do it? That question is fair.

In the bed, against the wall, and in the living room chair.

He thrust and thrust, and thrust some more.

He thrust until they wore a hole in the floor.

And now with Aunt Cindy back, they can only send texts,

but that didn’t stop Cole from sending sext after sext.

Cole: Taran didn’t see the hickey I left on your collarbone, did she?

Storee: No, I borrowed a turtleneck from Aunt Cindy. It’s green with mini candy canes. I played it off as a way to show more Kringle spirit when I walked down to Warm Your Spirits for drinks.

Cole: Where’s my picture? I want to see what this turtleneck looks like.

Storee: [Picture]

Cole: That is…something.

Storee: I thought about pairing it with a Christmas vest but didn’t want to make you fully erect with the picture I sent.

Cole: The only way I would have been fully erect is if there were bells hanging from your nipples and you bounced to make them jingle.

Storee: You know, I’m seeing a new side of you I didn’t know existed. I just assumed you were a grump who didn’t really talk all that much. Lo and behold, you’re texting about jingling nipple bells.

Cole: Maybe if you hadn’t stayed away for so long, you would have found out more about me.

Storee: Maybe if you hadn’t acted so shy on the porch all the time, I would have been able to dig deeper into your true personality.

Cole: I wasn’t shy.

Storee: You were, but so was I.

Cole: Not shy anymore.

Storee: I think shyness is out the window after you spanked me.

Cole: You said you liked that.

Storee: More than I expected.

Cole: I did not like it when you said, “Do it again, Snow Daddy.”

Storee: LOL! I thought it was a nice touch.

Cole: It wasn’t.

Storee: Sheesh, and here I thought I could have some fun with you.

Cole: You can have fun with me, just don’t call me Snow Daddy.

Storee: What do you prefer?

Cole: Big Daddy Dick Dong.

Storee: LOLOLOL no, you don’t!

Cole: Ha ha. You’re right, I don’t. Cole works. When you moan it in that raspy tone of yours, that works even better.

Storee: I think that’s something I can arrange.

Cole: I’m assuming tonight is a no-go?

Storee: Yeah, I don’t think I can make it over. Taran has been a beast today about the light display. And I have no excuse to leave the house.

Cole: I understand. But fuck do I wish you were here right now.

Storee: Yeah? What are you doing?

Cole: Just lying in bed. My pillow smells like you.noveldrama

Storee: Is that your subtle way of saying you miss me?

Cole: I don’t think it’s subtle at all. I was really hoping you’d be able to come over tonight.

Storee: I know. Me too. Are you wearing anything?

Cole: [Picture] Just briefs.

Storee: *CRIES* That was not a nice picture to send.

Cole: Why? I thought I look good.

Storee: That’s the problem. You look too good.

Cole: Yeah? Tell me more.

Storee: Are you really digging for compliments?

Cole: I don’t think it would hurt to elaborate on what pleases your eyes when you look at me.

Storee: A weird way to say that, but okay. How about this, I give you a compliment, you give me one.

Cole: Easy. I fucking love your lips. From the moment you first kissed me under the mistletoe, to making out on the porch, to last night, I’m addicted. I need more.

Storee: Um *rolls teeth over lips* that was sweet.

Cole: It’s the truth. Your turn.

Storee: Okay. I really like your hands. I love how large they are, the length of your fingers, the calluses on your palms. I love their grip and how they like to dig into my skin when you’re holding on to me.

Cole: Your eyes captivate me, Storee. And I don’t mean that in a cheesy way. It’s so true—whenever you look at me, I have this really hard time looking away. And when I’m inside of you, and you keep your eyes on me, it sends me reeling.

Storee: Your voice. It commands me in a way I’ve never experienced, especially when you’re deep, pulsing, taking every last ounce of my pleasure.

Cole: Fuck…Storee.

Storee: And your chest. God, I love it so much. It’s thick, sturdy, and the perfect place to land when I’m seeking warmth and comfort. I want nothing more than to curl into your chest right now.

Cole: Then come over.

Storee: And your abs…they’re not human. No one should have a stomach like you, such perfectly individualized sets of muscle. I love running my tongue over them.

Cole: Storee, seriously…

Storee: And then there’s your cock. I’m getting wet just thinking about it. You fill me up, Cole. I’ve never felt anything like it before. The only comparison to what gives me the same pleasure is your tongue…

Cole: Jesus. Come over here. Now. Come sit on my goddamn face. I want to eat that cunt.

Storee: God, I wish. I’d ride your tongue until I’m coming all over your mouth.

Cole: Do it then. Stop teasing me. Come over here.

Storee: You know I can’t. But now I’m so turned on.

Cole: So then touch yourself.

Storee: Are you touching yourself?

Cole: [Picture] What does it look like?

Storee: Oh my God, Cole. Your dick is so huge. I want it in my mouth.

Cole: I’d fuck the smile right off your face. I’d listen to the way you gag as you take me all the way to your throat. And I’d watch those beautiful eyes widen as I pull out, only to slam to the back of your throat again.

Storee: I’m so wet.

Cole: Are you touching yourself?

Storee: Yes.

Cole: Are you thinking about me?

Storee: Yes.

Cole: Picture me sucking on your tits, tugging on your nipples, nipping my teeth around them.

Storee: I love your mouth. I can practically feel you playing with them. It makes me wetter. How hard are you?

Cole: Stretched up my stomach. Precum. Balls tightening.

Storee: You’re close. Me too. Fuck, I’m moving my hand faster.

Cole: Rub your clit, Storee. I want to know you’re getting everything I’d give you.

Storee: Cole…I’m so close.

Cole: Me too. Fuck.

Storee: God…Cole, I came. I so wish it were you instead of my hand.

Cole: Trust me, I wish the same thing.

Cole: Good morning, beautiful.

Storee: [Picture] Good morning.

Cole: Shit…did you really have to send me a picture of you all rumpled in bed without me?

Storee: Just pretend I’m right there next to you, curled into your chest.

Cole: I don’t want to pretend. Come over today.

Storee: I’ll see what I can do, but I have a feeling Taran is going to commandeer my time again.

Cole: Does the light display really need that much attention from you?

Storee: You saw it. She’s determined. What are you up to? I don’t see your truck in the driveway.

Cole: I’m at the farm right now. Just finished feeding the reindeer. Now taking a break before I start putting their bridles and reins on. We have three reindeer walks today. We add more during the season.

Storee: What does a reindeer walk entail?

Cole: Come visit me and I’ll show you.

Storee: I would, but Taran has me going over a song list today and possible dance routines for the Christmas caroling competition. I am dreading it more than anything. Why does Bob Krampus think people need to sing in order to win?

Cole: It’s part of the joy of Christmas.

Storee: Aren’t you nervous about singing at the Caroling Café?

Cole: Not really.

Storee: If you come barreling in with a voice like an angel, I’m going to be mad at you.

Cole: LOL. Nothing to worry about. I think after I thrust at the crowd while decked out in green paint and lederhosen, nothing really fazes me at this point.

Storee: That is very true. I can still remember how the ground rumbled after that air humping.

Cole: I got some powerful hips, something you know a lot about.

Storee: I wouldn’t say a lot…we had one night.

Cole: One night where we got no sleep. Must I remind you about how we fucked in my bed twice? In the shower, against the wall…in the living room chair the next morning, and then when I bent you over the stairs on the way up to the shower?

Storee: To name a few. Sheesh. You make me sound like a loose woman.

Cole: Loose? No. Desired? Without question.

Storee: You sure know how to make a girl blush.

Cole: Hopefully it propels you to come see me.

Storee: I’ll try. When I say Taran is being psychotic, I’m not kidding. It’s like she came back from Golden a different person. I think she must have been talking to Aunt Cindy about the competition because she’s in full panic mode with Christmas Eve being twelve days away.

Cole: Is she worried about the candy cane competition?

Storee: No, but she’s been asking me what my plans are and if I need to practice. I told her I was good and that I’ll be fine, even though I feel like maybe I should practice. But what am I going to do with all those candy canes?

Cole: I can think of a few things you can do with them.

Storee: Are you always this horny? Tell me now so I can prepare myself for when we see each other again.

Cole: Who’s to say that was a horny comment?

Storee: Oh my God, Cole, I could taste the horniness from here.

Cole: Taste, huh? *waggles eyebrows*

Storee: Dear God.

Storee: I told Taran I was going for a walk, aka walk straight into your house, and she now has me practicing my sewing skills instead.

Cole: Noooooooooo. Seriously? I got some ingredients for a hot cocoa bar that I was hoping to use on your body. Like chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and cherries.

Storee: Stop, did you really?

Cole: Yes. I had to get them when Max was with me, and he was giving me the side-eye the entire time.

Storee: Maybe use them on yourself?

Cole: Oh, should I paint my nipples with chocolate syrup and try to lick it off?

Storee: I’d be really impressed if your spine lets you bend like that.

Cole: Hell, I’d be impressed too. Seriously, you can’t come over?

Storee: Not looking like it. Do you hate me?

Cole: No, but I’m going to sulk.

Storee: You won’t be the only one sulking. I was looking forward to spending some time with you.

Cole: You were?

Storee: Yeah, not just because of…the copulating…but because I have things I want to talk about.

Cole: Don’t say copulating, and what kind of things do you want to talk about?

Storee: Like…what is your favorite kind of Christmas cookie?

Cole: Ah, the hard-hitting kind of questions. All right, well, I’m up for some questions if you are. But be warned, I’m not going to hold back. I have every intention of getting to know you even better.

Storee: That’s fair. So…favorite Christmas cookie?

Cole: That would have to be my mom’s butter cookies. She’d cut them in circles, cover them in green icing, and then put a small red heart on the side. She called them Grinch Cookies.

Storee: I love that.

Cole: Haven’t had them in a while, but they’ll always be my favorite. Okay, my turn…what’s your favorite Christmas decoration?

Storee: Aunt Cindy’s Happy Days nativity scene. I can’t get over the Fonz as baby Jesus.

Cole: What? Happy Days nativity? How come I’ve never seen this?

Storee: Have you spent much time in Aunt Cindy’s house?

Cole: Uh…not enough to notice a Happy Days nativity set. I’m missing out.

Storee: You are. Okay, first girl you ever kissed, like a real make-out kiss? And was it good?

Cole: Well, it was good for me. Not sure if it was good for her. Her name was Harriet. Her dad got a job out in Aspen so they moved away, but we made out behind the Polar Freeze after sharing a banana sundae. It was the first time I felt a real boob. I got hard as shit.

Storee: Behind the Polar Freeze, ahh, good times. LOL!

Cole: It was. Who was the first person you made out with?

Storee: His name was Renny Bottom—legit that was his name—and it was at prom. We made out under a table so we wouldn’t get caught. He touched my breast and got scared that he touched it too hard.

Cole: Did he?

Storee: I wish he’d touched it harder.

Cole: LOL!

Storee: Okay, favorite Christmas movie?

Cole: “Home Alone.” Kevin is a badass. I thought I’d booby-trap our house once, ended up gluing my pillow’s stuffing to my dad’s bare chest. Mom had to shave him to get it off. He complained about his nips being cold all winter.

Storee: LOLOL! Oh my God. That’s amazing.

Cole: What’s your favorite Christmas movie?

Storee: Ugh, tough pick. Hmm, I think I’m going to go with “The Year Without a Santa Claus.”

Cole: What’s that?

Storee: Seriously? It’s one of those puppet stop-motion movies. It’s about a year when the world stopped caring about Santa, so he went to a small town to see if people believed in him. It’s where we get the wonderful characters of Snow Miser and Heat Miser and their beautiful mother, Mother Nature.

Cole: You know what, sounds familiar.

Storee: So good. Music is on point, the puppets are weird, and Santa is skinny the whole movie until Christmas Eve when he eats something and fills out. My mom will still give my dad his dinner and say, “Eat, Papa, eat.”

Cole: Oh shit, I do know what you’re talking about. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that movie.

Storee: Well, that needs to be fixed.

Cole: Only can be fixed if you come over here.

Storee: Working on it. Don’t worry. It will happen.

Cole: I’ll believe it when I see it.

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