
Chapter Two

Chapter Two


I chased her across town into a posh residential district. Before long she slowed her car. I saw she was

turning into a driveway with a stone wall with an automatic gate. As the gate opened, I couldn’t help but

notice a sign that read: “This estate under constant video surveillance.” When the gate was fully open,

she eased into the compound of a beautiful home. Since it was dark, I couldn’t see all the details as I

followed her in, but I could see this was a beautiful home. To my left, Alexa pulled to the opening door

of her 3-car garage. She pointed to the circle driveway that looped around an ornate water feature

directly in front of the entry double doors. As Alexa entered the drive, I pulled off to the front doors and

parked my truck. Getting out, I looked at the home and was completely awed. The home was all stone

in front and appeared to be an estate. Pillars up in front of a rounded entryway with broad rounded

steps. The steps lead to a generous porch arrayed with chairs, a couch, and a table. The front exterior

had carriage lights that provided a soft, warm inviting light. I was very nervous as I waited for Alexa to

invite me in.

I heard the garage door close and noticed lights coming on in the home. Alexa opened the door with a

big sweet smile on her face. “Welcome to my home James,” she said stepping aside to allow me to

step in. Upon entering the foyer, I noticed the tiled floor was a pink marble. Looking forward It was clear

this home looked smaller from the front as it extended back as far as I could see. To my left, I noticed a

closet presumably for coats and to my right a formal sitting room. Alexa cut my gawking short as she

took me by the arm and ushered me forward. I followed her into the home passing a hall I assumed

went into the garage as we emerged into a beautiful kitchen. A large center island with a dual sink

central, cabinetry all around and to my right a large breakfast nook with a table. The entire kitchen

richly appointed with custom cabinetry and granite. The color scheme was subtle as the dark flecks in

the pink granite counter tops tied the dark mahogany cabinetry in perfectly. I looked towards the back

of the home and saw the large family room open to the kitchen.

Alexa let go of my arm and invited me to help myself to a beer in her refrigerator. “James pour me a

glass of wine too, please. I need to go change and I will be back in a few. Please make yourself at

home.” She left the kitchen headed into the family room and made a sharp left into a hallway. “Ok,

thank you.” I called after her. I opened her refrigerator thrilled to see she had my favorite craft beer. A

Scottish ale. It was not surprising that her favorite wine, Moscato was also in there. I went to her

cabinet and quickly located a wine glass and a bottle opener. As I poured her wine, it occurred to me

that Alexa does not like beer. Why would she have a six-pack of beer? My countenance dropped a bit.

She may very well have a boyfriend. I noticed I was shuffling my feet and gently biting my lip as I

pondered this likely truth.

I was so preoccupied that I didn’t hear her return. As I realized she was back, I tried to straighten up

and smile. She cocked her head and moved towards me and her wineglass. She was wearing a white

satin robe and some cute strappy, flat sandals. The open toes allowed her deep red toes to peek out.

My face broke into a smile and for a moment I forgot about my recent musing.

“James, you are a good boy. You got my wine and found a beer quickly, well done.” She teased as she

closed the distance to me and her wine. I could smell that she applied a tantalizing perfume. She took

her glass in her left hand and placed the other under my chin. Lifting my chin up slightly to look directly

in my eyes, she asked. “What is wrong are you not happy to be here with me?” Oh my gosh my band of

wild butterflies came crashing back. How can I ask her if she has a boyfriend? We were very close in

college, but many years have gone by since then. Besides, I am not the jealous type. Alexa should live

her life any way she sees fit. My insect buddies were making me very tense. I knew if I asked her if she

had a boyfriend, my mouth would betray me.

She was so patient in allowing me to ponder my next question. As I considered telling her a lie about

some problem at work, she dropped her hand to my chest. I looked down thinking perhaps I spilled

some beer or had a little stain on my shirt. Then she gently flicked my nipple with her fingernail, and I

smiled back at her. My butterflies melted under her touch as did my defenses. “James are you going to

tell me what’s wrong or shall I tease it out of you?” “Well I am so glad to see you Alexa and I missed

you so much. You look better than ever and I can’t believe what a beautiful car and home you have.”

Oh no here I go again my mouth is running with no filter. How did I become such a hot mess? Alexa

moved her hand to my left nipple and continued to arouse me. “James, I appreciate the compliments

but are you going to tell me what stole your smile a few moments ago?”

She stood close to me her face just inches from mine. Her nails continued their magic, and I lost all

inhibition. I became putty and to my horror my mouth started back up. “To tell you the truth, my problem

is you have the beer!” “James this doesn’t sound like a problem since you like beer.” “Well that’s a good NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

point but you don’t like beer Alexa!” Alexa cocked her head and smiled her smile. Then sweetly she

said. “That’s why I asked you to pour me wine. I am confused where the problem lies can you be more

direct?” Before I could try to regain my composure, my mouth opened and out flew 800 butterflies. “Do

you keep beer here for your boyfriend? Do you have a boyfriend?”

As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt relieved and foolish. Her nipple attention halted, and I was

sure she would ask me to leave. My countenance fell noticeably. She still wore the curious smile but

her hand slid up to my cheek. “Oh sweetie, I understand now why you were sad. You thought the beer

was for my boyfriend. No, James I do not have a boyfriend. To be honest, the beer is for my girlfriend.”

When she said she didn’t have a boyfriend, my mind felt the fourth of July was beginning and I almost

broke out in dance. Then she finished by admitting the truth and I kept my composure, but I felt

crushed inside.

“Alexa, I never knew of your attraction to girls. I mean, I understand, as we have discussed men can be

such a bore. So great, I am glad you are happy. I can’t wait to meet her.” “Oh, you know her well,

James. But let’s move to dinner I am hungry, and I assume you are too. Does steak, baked potato and

broccoli sound good?” “Sound good?! That sounds great!” At that, Alexa took me by the hand and led

me to the refrigerator. Upon opening the door, she pulled me next to her. Our hips touched, and she

pointed at the drawer. “James, be a dear and grab that stuff in the drawer.” I reached in and grabbed

the food as instructed. She led me back to the island. “Just put the food there for now. I need to grab an

apron.” Said Alexa as she headed to what appeared to be the pantry. I took a moment to sip my beer

and admire the steaks and broccoli.

Alexa spent a minute selecting potatoes and grabbing the apron. I looked at the apron she held as she

moved back towards me. It was powder pink and trimmed in black. It looked super cute. It had writing

on the front, but I could not see it as she had the apron gathered in one hand. I was getting excited to

see how it would look on her. She saw me eyeing the apron. “Its super cute is it not?” I just nodded as

she set down the potatoes near the other food. “I really can’t wait to see how it fits!” I said honestly

paying Alexa close attention. “That’s the spirit James and I too am curious.” She turned the apron and

spread it deftly flipping the strap over my neck. She quickly grabbed the waist ties and hugged me as

she tied the apron on me. She startled me and I just started laughing. She moved her hands near my

armpits and moved them down, smoothing the apron, and then I could read the front as she stepped

back to admire the fit. It fit perfectly and read, “Kitchen Bitch”. She just did a little whistle. “You look cute

in that.” Then she took my hands and gave me a little peck on the lips.

Looking into my eyes with a sweet smile she asked, “Did you notice the beer is your favorite?” “Yeah, I

meant to tell you it is my favorite. But it’s not available here where did you find this?” “James, I was

expecting you, so I had some shipped from Florida. But we can catch up over dinner. You know where

the food is, get familiar with your kitchen and your grill is out by the pool.” She pointed at the sliding

doors past the spacious living room. “I have a bit of work to do while you cook my dinner, then we

should have the entire evening.” She reached up and tweaked both of my nipples and gave me another

little kiss. Then she walked into the family room to a reclining loveseat and I could see a laptop

computer. I stood there in my apron trying to get my brain around all that she said and did. “Oh sweetie,

fill up my wine and bring it over, please.” Commanded Alexa in a very sexy tone. I walked into the

family room with her wine and set it next to her chair. She looked up at me, smiled and winked. “Alexa,

do you really want me to wear this apron?” “James, are you kidding? You might ruin your work clothes

if you don’t. Besides, I had it made special for you and it looks so cute. Make sure you get a peek in the

mirror.” “Alexa, are you sure?” “Sweetie do you remember our long conversations in college. Have you

forgotten our hard work in the Female Empowerment Movement (FEM)? You asked who the beer was

for I answered honestly, my girlfriend. Did you forget so much? Now please I have some work to

accomplish and I do not want my workload increased by having to find another girlfriend, ok?” With this

she smiled sweetly, and I leaned over for another kiss. “Off ya go James slave in the kitchen cause I’m

hungry!” I smiled and turned to comply, and, in that moment, I got a pat on the ass to hasten my return

to the kitchen and Alexa’s dinner.

I have been a bachelor for many years and like good food, so it was no big deal for me to cook the

meal Alexa requested. Her kitchen was well stocked and organized, but my biggest eye opener was

her back patio. I went back to grill the steaks and was awestruck by the patio area. It had a pool and

full outdoor kitchen. The patio was ready for entertaining a large group and tastefully set up. I became

more and more nervous the further I got into Alexa’s home. She was extremely successful.

I set two places at the kitchen island and called her for dinner. She smiled and set her work and laptop

aside. Sauntering in the kitchen she said, “Oh my, what a lovely meal you prepared, and it smells so

delicious.” Refilling her wineglass, I smiled and sat down beside her. “James, I am so glad you have

warmed up to your apron but perhaps you can take it off while we dine.” “I forgot I was wearing it.

Where shall I put it?” “You can hang your pretty apron up in the pantry for now. I will expect you to wear

it when you clean up after dinner.” “Alrighty then I will be right back.” I said with an ironic smile. We

chatted during dinner laughing and catching up. I cleaned up the kitchen and Alexa went back to her

loveseat and the laptop. Then I walked over and sat next to her. She set aside her laptop with a sweet

smile and started telling me her story.

“When I left Ohio, I found a group of empowered females here in Dallas. They were looking for a strong

woman to promote and groom. Most of the ladies in the Female Leadership Association (FLA) were

widows of wealthy men. Being retired and fabulously wealthy, they formed the association to create

mechanisms for downtrodden and/or battered women. They wanted a young ambitious woman to be

their instrument of change. I interviewed, and they accepted me for the evolving position.” “Did they

hire you for a specific position in the organization?” I asked. “No, they are all of retirement age and

wanted help in figuring out how they could empower women to successful careers. Many of the women

were of the generation where men kept their wives at home barefoot and pregnant. Some had

husbands who cheated or physically abused them.” “Damn why would the ladies put up with such

treatment, it seems so depressing and unfair?” “That is a great question, and I think the answer is

twofold. First, they had nowhere or no one else to go or turn to. Second, they loved their husbands.

Some had educations and skills other not so much.” “Do you think that generation had trouble leaving

their spouses because of the old culture?” “I think that is part of it. In the past, society valued women

less than men. Men found themselves as leaders because life required strength and ruthlessness

before technology evened the playing field. Now I believe woman are making changes for the positive,

but it is a slow process because men are reluctant to give up their positions.”

“You know Alexa, my family was the old school. My father and mother both worked, but Dad never

helped around the house or changed a diaper! He wasn’t an egotistical male by any means, and it

seems Mom enjoys serving him. It’s almost as though society and culture expect women to serve men.

If she was bitter about it, I never really got that vibe.” “People chose independence or dependence and

I assume your Father was the breadwinner.” “Yeah, he made more money than Mom his entire career.

In fact, if Mom had ambition, I never really saw that either. She was a demure and beautiful woman in

her care of him and us kids.” “Did you ever consider that society never gave her better options than

menial positions with low pay? In that culture, society only views women as glorified servants to their

husbands, so why would an employer risk an important position to a woman. Imagine a key employee

comes to you one day and announces her pregnancy. Now you wonder if her husband will allow her to

come back to work!”

“Holy crap I never thought about that! It would also be hard to come back to work and manage taking

care of a baby.” I added. “Exactly, without childcare, the family may find itself in a difficult financial

position. Also, in that culture masculinity finds it impossible to admit if the woman is better suited to be

the provider. So, the macho man may insist his wife stay home and rear the baby. I admit men of that

culture were not trained to be domestic, but it’s a big problem.” “Are the ladies of FLA trying to address

this cultural issue?” I asked. “Yes, in part, we need to reinvent men and provide support to women who

need equipping for success. However, our mission includes providing real support to emotionally and

physically abused women. They laid out their vision, and it excited me they chose me to lead their

philanthropic endeavors. In fact, I recruited Tiffany, and she has provided great insights into reinventing

men. I started a company with FLA support called Distinctive Developments. It’s funny that people

know us as Double D now. I think because Tiff and I have generous bodice, this is a male way of trying

to downplay our success. We are successful and we have designed and built many large-scale

projects. One of our projects is the Center for Women.” Intrigued I asked, “What is the Center for


Alexa smiled huge and I could tell she was glad I asked the question. “It was my first real project. We

bought several acres of land outside Dallas and constructed buildings. There are dorm rooms,

classrooms, social rooms, playgrounds and exercise rooms. We designed the complex to be an oasis

for women and their children victimized by men. Not only do we offer a place for them to live but they

receive college type classes and/or technical trade style training. We encourage them to better

themselves and are welcome to stay until they can get a career type job capable of supporting

themselves and their children.” She sat back and took a sip of wine with a very satisfied look on her

face. “So, you said they can stay until they get the education necessary to rejoin the working world?” I

inquired. “Yes, and depending upon the path they chose, it can be a four-year degree, so some stay for

4 years. We have our first crop of women with a bachelor’s degree ready to graduate next spring.”

“This coming spring marks the first group to leave the Center for Women?” I asked, astonished. “No,

we have had some attrition and also some who got certificates and left to pursue their independence.”

“Wow, Alexa, that is amazing. You have really been busy since we parted ways in Ohio. I have a

question though.” “Shoot.” “This facility could not have been cheap and teachers, food, utilities, etc.,

can’t be cheap.” “Your question is, who pays for all of this? Great question one we are still looking for

an answer to.” “You must kid the Center for Women is borrowing money to survive?” “No heavens no,

we teach our charges to never go into debt. Most just left a life of oppression, and we want them to be

free and independent. The answer is the FLA. The association considers this an investment into the

future of womankind.” “If the FLA has deep enough pockets to fund such a venture and is willing why

did you say you are still looking for the answer to funding?” “Because my pretty James the cost of this

venture is staggering and about to become more so. We have far too many women who need help and

far too little space. In addition, the FLA are fabulously wealthy as a group, but their wealth is not infinite.

Our goal is to use the Amway model in a way. Our model is to create a community and develop the

community. We hope to create a base of independent women and help them land great careers. We

want them to be so successful that they will gladly give back a small amount of their income to the

Women’s Center. The FLA is patient, but they too would like to scale back their contributions to match

those of the graduates. I hope to pay back their initial investments in time.”

“Alexa, I know we talked of ways to empower women in college, but this is much grander than I could

have conceived. You really are amazing and know no bounds.” “I wish I could take all the credit James

but it’s really a beautiful team effort. The FLA made it possible and they are women of distinction. Their

lives were opulent mostly but unfulfilling because they did not have relationships with their husbands

that were healthy. Now that their husbands passed, they want to provide a path of wealthy

independence for any woman who wants to work for it.” “Do some women get kicked out of the

Center?” “Yes, but very few. Our highly motivated staff work diligently. Unfortunately, there are some

women who just don’t want to work for their future.” “Well it appears you have done rather well for

yourself at Double D.” “James make no mistake Tiff and I have high expectations from the board of

directors. They are all FLA and do not want to waste their money. If Tiff or I do not meet their

expectations, they could easily replace us.” “Wow they sound ruthless!” Alexa stiffened, and I noticed

her eyes narrowed in extreme concentration. “They are not ruthless in any way; In fact, they are

extremely nurturing. That is why I believe we are so successful. In our approach to business and life,

we have eradicated all toxic masculinity and refuse to get ahead using the dog eat dog tactics that men

commonly use. We do not sabotage one another to gain an edge.” “Alexa, I didn’t mean to imply a

negative…. It just sounded like they were ruthless if they would turn over a star like yourself.” Alexa

relaxed a little and took a breath. “James, I didn’t mean to lecture you. I know you are a feminist and I

should give you the benefit of the doubt. I still remember your boundless enthusiasm and energy at the

Female Empowerment Movement (FEM) meetings in college. Did you know I fell in love with you? Your

courage in the sexist’s face’s, deluded men and women was inspiring. I have missed you so much!” I

slumped a little as she reminded me of our college days and the innocence of wanting to change the

world. I didn’t spend much thought on Female Empowerment over the last few years. My face must

have turned red as I wondered to myself if my enthusiasm was more about Alexa and less about the


Alexa may have picked up on my unspoken personal rebuke as she said. “James don’t worry about the

past, let’s concentrate on the present and our future. I know that you have a good heart and

tremendous self-confidence and courage. I told you, I fell in love with you and I never lost that feeling!”

Alexa watched me carefully waiting for a response, but I didn’t know how to respond. She rose to the

occasion. “I know this, and I can overwhelm, and you will have lots of decisions to make. You will need

all of your courage if we will work. But I promise the rewards will be so delicious if you trust me.” “Alexa,

I trust you because I know your character. But I am still curious about what you meant when you said

they could replace you or Tiff.”

“Let me give you an example. The FLA is bidding a new bigger better Center for Women. They could

easily have just handed Double D the contract, but they are making us compete.” “Did you win the

competition?” “We don’t know yet. We are one of the two finalists. Tiff and I are meeting with the FLA

and our last competitor Monday morning. You know how much I hate to lose! Here I would lose to a

sexist man named Bert. So, I think we need to set aside business and move to what I really need.” “Ok

sounds great. What do you really need?” “I need to get laid! Do you know anyone who might help?” I

just about fell off the loveseat. “Yes, I could probably find hundreds but choose me.” I nearly squealed

raising my hand high and bobbing on the love seat. Alexa took my raised hand and moved closer,

locking her lips on mine. Her tongue penetrated my mouth and gently explored. I returned her kiss,

making little moaning noises. She leaned me back and continued to drive me crazy with her

unorthodox kissing style. I was swooning never had she or any other woman made me feel so


She pulled away from my lips and looked me deep in the eyes. I could see the smoldering lust and felt

like a hunted animal. Oddly enough, I was afraid to move and break this incredible spell. She snickered

at my obvious confusion and moved her lips to my neck. She began kissing my neck gently. Her hand

moved to my crotch, and she gave me a little squeeze. My penis was fully erect, and she made a noise

similar to a growl. She quit kissing me and looked me straight in the eyes and stated factually. “I will

own this!” Once again, she gave my very erect penis a squeeze to ensure I understood her statement.

Then she stood up and said, “I need you to take a shower you had a long day and taste salty. I like

salty ok, but you may remember I prefer sweet.” “Sounds great!” I followed her to the hall that led to the

bedroom. I was disappointed because she had my temperature near red line and now, I would have to


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