Fated To Love You Forever

Chapter Sixteen

“You’re sure I’m not underdressed, babe?” Katherine asked for the tenth time since she left Damien’s house that evening, staring up at him with a pout on her face.

She had been worrying nonstop about looking too basic the entire day, and so far as Damien could count, she had already changed three times tonight; twice when he was already dressed and ready, waiting for her makeup artist to finish working on her face and fixing her hair, then the third time when they had driven a short distance from the house.

Something was wrong with the dress, so she had said and she had made him drive back to the house after pleading incessantly.

Though he was irritated and a bit annoyed, he had agreed, taking her back home and waiting for her to change.

The last time though, when she asked about her outfit again in his car, he had simply ignored her, to avoid saying something the both of them would regret.

Now, they stood outside his mother’s large house, and she had just pressed the doorbell when she asked about her dress once more.

Taking a moment to breathe, and building up all the patience he needed for dealing with her tonight, he spat out, trying his hardest to keep his sanity intact, “It’s a family dinner Katherine, not the fucking Met Gala.”

It was evident by the look she gave him, that she was already offended, but as she parted her lips to say something, the door swung open to Damien’s relief, and someone approached him.

He resisted the urge to abandon her at the front door, and instead choosing the easy way out, he begrudgingly intertwined his arm in hers, and walked inside the comfy house.

The first person he saw was his little sister, Layla and grinning widely he said, “Hey, Layla. Look at you, growing taller by the day. You change every time I see you.” He teased, leaning in for a hug she gladly returned.

When they had chatted for a while, Katherine joined in their discussion, feigning a small laughter even though she wasn’t involved in the conversation.

“Hi, Lila. Nice to see you again.”

If Layla was pissed by the interruption, she tried her hardest not to show it and smiling up at Kathrine as if she had just noticed her, she spoke, “Same here. Meanwhile it’s Layla and not Lila.”

Without waiting for Katherine to respond, she walked away, grabbing ahold of her elder brother’s arm and pulling him toward the table, chatting away, “Mom will be out soon, she’s just getting ready. She’s been busy all day making all of your favorites.”

Damien couldn’t help but smile at the memory of when his mother used to make his favorite foods, and lavish him with so much delicacies whenever he came back from working at the mechanic shop.

Back then, the only difference was that they had been unable to afford all they needed and she had to make due with the little she had.

However, she would always scrape up the little she could afford and prepare half a decent meal, for the whole lot of them and it had always been enough for him.


When the woman he was currently thinking of made her entrance into the dining room, a wide smile on her face, his face breaking into a grin, and he stood up from the chair immediately.

Getting up to meet her halfway, he enveloped her in a tight hug, inhaling her motherly scent and basking in her warm embrace as he greeted, “Hola mother, it’s so nice to see you.”

Kissing both his cheeks, and whirling him around she said, “So nice to see you to son. You look dashing, like always.”

Damien heard his sister groan, after his mother made that statement as she blurted out, “Mom, no one says dashing anymore.”

All of them bursting into fits of laughter, as they ignored her speech, Damien stood still as his mother inspected him from head to toe, and she asked him how work was going.

“Hello, Mrs Grace.” Katherine greeted from her chair, when she walked over to the dining table, and as usual Damien watched him mother put on one of her fake smiles that were usually reserved for his girlfriend.

“Hello, Katherine. How are you doing?” She asked surly, the words sounding a bit bitter.

“Well, I’m a little under the weather but I couldn’t let my baby come to the dinner all by himself. So excuse my outfit, I know it’s terribly simple but I was just too tired to pick out something more lavish. I couldn’t disappoint Damien after he had begged me to come along, you know.” She chuckled, taking a sip of her wine although dinner hadn’t even started yet.

Damien and his mother, incidentally attempted to mask the death glares they were both throwing at her at the same time.

As for Damien he quickly controlled himself, offering her a smile, but his mother gave a small laugh that was anything but nice, “How thoughtful of you, Katherine.”

“Anything for my baby.” She giggled placing her long manicured nails on Damien’s shoulders and rubbing him gently.

As his mother gave another forced smile to his girlfriend, Damien didn’t hold back his sneer and slight disappointment at Katherine’s lack of manners.

Also he didn’t need to be told that Kathrine wasn’t exactly a favorite in his family, and although his mother and sister tried their best to put up with her for his sake, he just couldn’t understand Katherine sometimes either.

She always felt the need to put up that fake, nonchalant appearance, and she never gave the respect as to when due.

Swallowing down a lump, and clearing his throat, he decided to say nothing as he sat upright in his chair, as his mother began to share the food.

They ate in silence for a while, the clinking of cutleries the only sounds to be heard in the room, when all of a sudden Mrs Grace looked up at Damien as though she had just remembered something.

Chewing on a cherry fruit, she cleared her throat, and then said the sentence that had Damien’s fury instantly rising.

“That reminds me, son… I was looking through a magazine last week, and guess whose picture I saw? Madison’s.”

His hands freezing halfway to this mouth, and petrified, he dropped his fork gently on his plate, as his mother said again, “It was such a weird photo and she was in a somewhat strange circumstance, but it was nice to see her.”

He cursed mentally.

He had completely forgotten that those stupid pictures were everywhere, and he had not even practiced his speech back at home, should in case this came up.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He looked at his mother wishing he could somehow communicate to her that the last thing he wanted to talk about was Madison, but she didn’t seem to get him.

It was not only that he didn’t even want to talk about her at all… he just didn’t think about her. And also why had she picked now of all times to bring this up?

“Oh my god, Mom, that’s true. I had completely forgotten about that as well.” Layla squealed looking in her brother’s direction, as she started blabbing, “Have you seen her yet? I think she’s in New York now. She seemed a bit different, but I could recognize her by her pretty signature strawberry blonde hair I used to like back when I was small. Have you guys talked? Are you getting back together? It’s been so long since I saw her, I really miss…”

“Will you fucking shut your mouth, Layla.” Damien warned angrily, glaring at his sister hoping the conversation would be bright to an end, but it was too late.

Katherine had picked interest already, and frowning scooping some frozen yoghurt in her mouth as he watched, she asked softly, “Who’s Madison?” She frowned, scooping some frozen yogurt in her mouth.

Instead of answering, Damien took her left hand in his and squeezed gently, smiling briefly at her before continuing his meal.

Why couldn’t he just have one decent meal now, without a dose of drama in the form of a lady called Madison?

“Is she a family friend?” Kathrine asked again, directing her question at Layla, but Layla lowered her head to face her food, not daring to speak as Damien’s glare burned through her.

They ate in awkward silence for a while, and then Damien wiped the corner of his lips with a napkin and stood.

Fixing his eyes on his mother, he announced. “Mother, can I talk to you for a second?” She nodded, immediately wiping her lips, and following him out of the room.

He turned to Katherine, kissing her lightly on the forehead and rubbing her shoulders, he whispered, “I’ll only be a few minute. Enjoy your food, okay?”

Ignoring the confused expression on her face, he walked out of the dining room, with his mother hot on his heels.


Madison slumped down on her tiny motel bed, exhausted as fuck.

Work had been as hectic as ever, and what she needed right now was a cold shower and some hot plate of food. Her bones hurt as she got up, stretching and pulling off her work clothes.

As she was starting to learn, two jobs was definitely not a child’s play, but she had to keep up with them, because it would be worth it in the end.

She had already begun to scrape up some money, and even though it wasn’t a lot, Madison was proud of her hard work and effort nonetheless.

As she pulled her hair into a ponytail, a knock at her door resounded, making her pause in the middle of taking off her shirt.

Her chest started to pound as she pulled her shirt back down. Questions ran through in her head, as she wondered who could possibly be at her door?

It wasn’t too late, but with the latest events in her life she was scared nonetheless. The memory of the last time someone had knocked at her door in a motel made her even more hesitant, and recalling how she had been lured and disgraced, a chill ran down her spine.

Different thoughts sped through her head – Was it the paparazzi again, or the police maybe. What if Damien’s girlfriend had finally decided to have her arrested for taking too long to pay for the dress?

She was overthinking, she thought to herself, clutching at her arms, knowing she couldn’t avoid the door forever.

As the knocking persisted, resounding again Madison swallowed, walking to the door and unlocking it with shaky hands.

She peeped from the door, and a gasp dropped from her face when her eyes landed on Alvarez’s huge bulky form standing in front of her room.

The gasp was quickly followed by a sigh of relief, and placing a hand over her forehead, she instantly remembered that had given him the address of her new motel some days back when she’d moved in, after he had called to inquire.

“What’s wrong?” He asked when he saw the look on her face.

“I’m just surprised to see you, that’s all.” She blurted out, taking a step back as she said, “Come on in.”

Madison knew that all Alvarez would do was worry about her, and probably convince her to move back to his house if she told him she was paranoid about the paparazzi or the police, and so she kept that bit of information to herself.

Alvarez’s eyes roamed around the room, and Madison felt shrews as she waited for his honest review.

If he disapproved of her new place, he didn’t say it, instead he smiled, handing her the plastic bag he had brought with him, and with a smile on his face he said, “My wife wanted me to get this specially to you.”

Madison sniffed the bag instantly, and as the scent of homemade food attacked her nostrils, she mumbled her gratitude.

Just exactly what she needed, and she couldn’t be more happy. She was so famished, and gladly accepting the bag from him, she thanked him and extended her greetings to his wife.

“Have you made any progress? Job wise, I mean.”

Madison nodded happily, facing him as she plopped down next to him on the bed, “I found two actually. One at this bar downtown, and another at a pastry shop a few blocks from here. The paycheck isn’t huge, but I’ll be able to pay off the debt from the dress in maybe two weeks depending on how hard I work.” She finished, grinning.

“Wow that’s nice, Madison. And in such a short while, you would be freed from the shackles holding you back here.” He said looking surprised, and laughing, rubbing her forehead and smiling she muttered, “I know right? I couldn’t even believe it myself. Let’s say, I guess I just got lucky.”

“Well that’s a lot of luck.”

They both burst out laughing.

After a few moments, Alvarez observed her. “How are you though?”

She knew he wasn’t just asking that as a casual question, and so she tried to be as honest as possible.

“It’s still really difficult. Sometimes it feels like I’m dreaming and I’m going to wake up anytime now and see myself back at London in my small cottage…” She laughed bitterly, a sad look in her eyes, “But I’m not doing as terribly as I was some days back, or week rather. Time seems to be flying, and at least I have a job now.”

Alvarez nodded in understanding, reaching out to squeeze her hand.

Madison tried to wave off the sad atmosphere by talking about other lighter stuff, and soon they were so lost in conversation that he didn’t know when time flew past again.

“Shoot!” He exclaimed, standing when he noticed staring at his wristwatch, “I have to start heading home, it’s getting late.”

“Of course.” Madison agreed, apologizing for keeping him this long, which of course he waved away.

“Wait, wait..” She stopped him, walking toward her drawer and taking something out, “These are for Ivy.” She smiled, placing the sweet snacks and chocolate she had gotten earlier today for herself.

Since she had some homemade food, she might as well give his little daughter this.

Thanking her, Madison proceeded to escort him out of the dingy motel, walking with him to his car, talking all the way.

“Take care of yourself, Maddie.” Alvarez smiled, pulling her in for a bear hug and patting her head, “You’re doing great, and I’m so proud of you.”

“You too, Alvarez you too. Thank you so much.” Madison whispered, holding back the tears that pricked the back of her eyes.

As she waved him goodbye, watching him drive off, her chest tightened painfully as little memories resurfaced in her head.

Tears still stinging the back of her eyes, Madison sighed and slowly walked back to her room.

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