Falling In Love With The Billionaire Twins


I stood there, utterly dumbfounded, my mouth agape as I tried to process the words that had just been thrown at me. Ace and Alex, the two people who had become such integral parts of my life, had just dropped a bombshell. “No,” they had said, as if it were the simplest thing in the world. But how could it be? This was my decision, my heart, my life. And yet, here they were, casually denying me that agency.

“What do you mean, no?” I retorted, my hands finding their way to my hips in a mixture of disbelief and frustration. Their gazes locked with each other’s before settling on me, a steely resolve in their eyes. “No,” Alex repeated, his voice firm, unwavering. “You belong to one of us. You need to choose, Lily.”

A humorless laugh bubbled up within me, a bitter expression of how utterly absurd this situation was. These two boys, who I had come to care for in their own complicated ways, were suggesting that I was their property, some prize to be claimed. “I don’t belong to either of you,” I declared, my voice laced with a mix of defiance and exasperation. “How many times do I need to say that?”

Ace’s lips curled into a knowing smirk, as if he had anticipated my reaction. “That’s the thing, Lily,” he chimed in, his tone oddly soothing despite the unsettling nature of his words. “You don’t have a say in this. We tell you to choose, so you choose.”

The absurdity of it all threatened to overwhelm me. I wanted to laugh, to scoff at the sheer audacity of their assertion. But as I looked into their eyes, I knew that they were dead serious. This wasn’t a game to them; it was a demand, a command that brooked no negotiation.

My frustration morphed into a different kind of emotion-a mix of confusion, sadness, and the tiniest flicker of desperation. Why did I have to choose? These two brothers had burrowed their way into my heart, each leaving their own unique mark. Alex’s gentle kindness and quiet understanding, juxtaposed against Ace’s bold charisma and unwavering protection. How could I possibly choose between them?

“I cannot choose,” I finally spoke, my voice softer now, my gaze cast downward as I peeked up at them through my long lashes. “It’s not fair to me.”

The tension in the room seemed to ratchet up, as if the very air were thickening with unresolved emotions. Alex couldn’t help but laugh-a bitter, ironic sound that spoke of his disbelief at my assertion. “But it’s fair to us?” he countered, a bitter edge to his voice that hinted at the turmoil churning beneath the surface. “Come on, Lily, we both know I’m the better brother.”

The sting of his words was palpable, but before I could even process it, Ace interjected, a smug grin playing on his lips. “Lily, we both know I’m the better brother with the better dick.” His words earned him a swift slap from Alex, a motion so familiar it was almost comical, a bizarre testament to the intricate dynamic they shared.

“No, not the slap again,” I muttered under my breath, my incredulity only deepening as I witnessed their antics in the midst of such a grave conversation.

Alex’s glare at Ace could have burned a hole through steel, the sheer intensity of it making my skin prickle. “I cannot choose, guys,” I reiterated, my voice firmer now, laced with a stubborn resolve that mirrored their own. “You both deserve better.”

The room fell into a tense silence, their eyes locked onto mine, each pair brimming with emotions that I couldn’t fully comprehend. And then, as if orchestrated by some unseen force, they spoke in unison, their words overlapping with a fervor that sent shivers down my spine. “But we want you!”

In those four simple words, the complexity of our situation crystallized. This wasn’t just about ownership or rivalry; it was about emotions, about the raw, messy tangle of feelings that had woven itself between us.

“And what if I can’t choose?!” My voice rang out, louder this time, the frustration and desperation palpable in every word. It was as if I had hit a wall, an impasse in this strange and unnerving situation. My mind raced, desperately seeking a way out, a solution that would satisfy everyone involved, even though I knew deep down that such a solution might not exist.

There was a heavy silence that followed, a silence that held a weight I couldn’t quite fathom. The boys looked at me, their gazes unwavering, and then exchanged a quick glance with each other. That look in their eyes-it was something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. It sent a shiver down my spine, a creeping sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach. I was lowkey scared, uncertain of what might be brewing in their minds.

“What’s going on in your heads?” I blurted out, my voice shaky. I needed to know, needed some clarity in the midst of this chaotic emotional storm. But the response I received only heightened my anxiety. “We’re just having a conversation,” Ace replied, his finger tapping his temple, then gesturing to his brother. “A silent conversation.”

The mention of a “silent conversation” sent a chill down my spine. Were they really communicating telepathically? Was this some form of twin telepathy I’d heard about? The idea that they might be sharing thoughts and decisions without involving me left me feeling even more out of control, more vulnerable.

“Why are you guys looking at each other like that?” I stammered, my heart racing as I struggled to keep my composure. The situation had spiraled into a realm I couldn’t comprehend, and the uncertainty gnawed at my sanity.

Their eyes met mine again, their expressions now shifting to a mischievous grin that set my nerves on edge. This wasn’t the playful banter I was used to; it was something more calculated, more intense. “Since you can’t choose, we will choose for you,” Alex declared, his voice carrying a note of finality that sent a shiver down my spine.

Dread pooled within me as I realized the magnitude of their words. The decision that I had been wrestling with, the choice that felt impossible to make, was being taken out of my hands. My pulse quickened, my breath hitched, and I clutched my hands together, my fingers trembling with a mix of anticipation and fear.

“And what did you choose?” I managed to utter, my voice barely above a whisper. My heart pounded so loudly in my ears that it threatened to drown out their response. The seconds stretched into eternity as I waited for their answer, the tension in the room becoming almost suffocating.Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

“You belong to me,” Ace’s voice was unwavering, his tone resolute as he asserted his claim over me. His words were like a weighty pronouncement, a decree that resonated in the air and reverberated within my chest.

“And me,” Alex chimed in, his voice carrying a blend of determination and possessiveness. The finality in his words was like a verdict, a declaration that sent shockwaves through my senses.

What the fuck.

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