Emperor of Wrath: A Dark Mafia Enemies To Lovers Romance

Emperor of Wrath: Chapter 29

Seeing Freya again feels like a homecoming, even though it’s her who came to me. The original plan was for us just to meet up at the Mori estate. But I nixed that plan and insisted instead on going to the airport with Kenzo’s people so I could meet my best friend on the tarmac.

As an added surprise, Kir’s come along too, which is fantastic. He’s also brought Isaak, which makes me realize how much I had missed the big grump. I hug them all fiercely the second they get off the private plane. Then Kir is smart enough to step back and let Freya and I freak out together and scream and yell and do all the insane asylum shit we usually do when we’ve been apart for a while.

When we’re done alarming Kenzo’s security guys and finally get into the cars, Kir Facetimes with Damian, who’s completely on the mend and walking around just fine, thank you—just not quite well enough to be flying to Japan.

Back at the house, the anarchy gets right into full swing. Adding someone like Freya into the mix of me, Hana, and Takeshi is a bit like hurling some fireworks into a bonfire.

“A toast!” Kir smiles as he taps the side of his glass of vodka with a chopstick.

We’ve all just finished eating dinner in one of Kenzo’s gorgeous gardens, and we’re keeping the festive mood going with an impromptu party. Everyone’s here: Kenzo and I, Hana, Takeshi, Kir, Isaak, Sota, and a number of both Sota and Kenzo’s people are all smiling around the table in the garden, drinking and having a blast.

Well, almost everyone. Mal is missing, without much of an explanation aside from a text to Kenzo that he had “business” to attend to.

Party pooper.

Kir taps his glass again as everyone goes quiet. “I know we’re long past the wedding. But any marriage worth its salt is always worth celebrating.” He turns to where I’m standing next to Kenzo, my husband’s arm firmly around my waist and his hand possessively on my hip. “To the daughter I never thought I’d have, who I’ve been lucky enough to call family. And to her husband.” He nods his chin at Kenzo. “It takes a brave man to weather our Annika. And it takes a truly remarkable one to steal her heart.”NôvelDrama.Org content.

I grin widely as Kenzo pulls me tighter to him and Freya turns around to waggle her brows at us.

“To Annika and Kenzo,” Kir growls.

“Annika and Kenzo!” various voices cheer.

“To you, wife,” Kenzo purrs quietly, turning me in his arms and pulling me close as the party music turns back on.

“To us,” I murmur, grinning as he leans down to kiss me softly.

Just then, I yelp as a grinning Freya pulls me away from him. “Sorry, I know you’re married. But technically I’m the first marriage, so, you know…deal with it.”

Kenzo chuckles as Freya and Hana pull me toward the impromptu dance party that’s broken out next to the speakers. Takeshi turns out to have great moves. Kir’s effort is admirable, and even Isaak makes a stoic attempt at “dancing”, if you can call it that.

Hana, Freya, and I get another round of drinks and head back to the dance floor, laughing and having a great time. It feels like I’m drinking straight happiness as I turn to lock eyes with Kenzo across the party before I’m pulled right back into the mayhem.

“How does it feel to know you’re singlehandedly destroying an empire that has endured for over three generations.”

I startle as I turn and come face to face with Tengan. He glares at me, swaying slightly and splashing the drink in his hand on his own shoe. The scent of sake wafts over me strongly.

“Excuse me?” I say curiously as the music and the party rages on around us.

“You’ve ruined everything,” he slurs. “Everything.”

I frown at him. “Tengan, I think you’ve had a bit too much⁠—”

“Just because of some fucking lover’s quarrel,” he continues. “Because you couldn’t stand seeing your fake husband doing business with the man you used to fuck⁠—”

It happens so quickly I almost can’t comprehend it. One second, I’m about to smash my glass of wine into the side of Tengan’s face. The next, a huge shape is barreling into him like a freight train and slamming him back five feet into the side of the house with a roar.

The music goes silent. And suddenly, we’re all staring in shock as Kenzo grips Tengan by the throat, holding the tip of a naked blade to his jugular.

“Do you know what happened to the last man who spoke to my wife like that?” he seethes.

Tengan looks terrified as he stabs his gaze past Kenzo, scanning the crowd.

“Don’t look for Sota,” Kenzo growls. “He won’t help you here.”

Tengan’s throat bobs against Kenzo’s hand.

“The last man who spoke to her like that got his arm removed. Then his tongue. Then his head,” Kenzo hisses, pressing the edge of the knife against Tengan’s throat. “Now, I’m celebrating tonight…and arms and heads leave a lot of blood…so why don’t we start with the tongue and see where the evening takes us⁠—”


It’s not Sota who stops him.

It’s me.

When he feels my touch on his shoulder, it’s like the granite his body had hardened into melts a little. He turns, his expression softening as our eyes lock.

“He’s not worth it.”


“Please,” I say softly. “No more blood over me.”

His jaw grits. But he slowly nods his head, and pulls the knife away from Tengan’s throat.

Sota’s business manager gasps deeply, choking for air as he drops to the ground. Then he’s instantly lurching to his feet again and snarling at Kenzo.

“The fucking gaijin prince, choosing a whore over an empire⁠—”

He goes still as the edge of a sword swishes to a frozen stop a fraction of an inch from his jugular.

…Sota’s sword.

The older man levels a cold, withering look at Tengan .

“It is only at my daughter-in-law’s request that I’m staying my hand. But you will find that that is the extent of my generosity this evening.” He pulls the sword away. “Your services to me and the Yakuza are no longer required. You have one minute to leave this property, and twelve hours to leave this city. If I ever see you in Kyoto again, I will let Kenzo do whatever he wishes to you. Is that understood?”

Tengan balks, his face falling. “Sota-san!”

“Your one minute has already begun.”

Tengan shoots a helpless, glaring look at Kenzo. Then another at me. Finally, he turns tail and runs into the dark gardens in the direction of the front gates.

“Well, that’s that,” Sota clears his throat, smiling as he puts his sword away. “I think we need more music, and more sake.”

Everyone cheers as the music comes back on. Kenzo turns to peer down into my face.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. It’s nothing,” I exhale, waving a hand.


“I’m serious, Kenzo,” I say quietly. “I really am fine.”

His hands slide possessively over my hips and draw me close to him.

The heat of his body throbs against me. The scent of his skin which I now know so well wraps around me like an embrace. His dark eyes pierce into mine, and suddenly, I flush as something pulses in my core.

Jesus, he’s hard.

“What you are, princess,” he murmurs thickly, “is mine.”

He grabs my hand.

“And I’m going to show just you how mine you are right now.”

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