Divorce to Destiny: Reclaiming My CEO Husband

Chapter 30

30 My Baby Daddy (Ashlyn)

"This is exactly the break we needed. He'll see how much he loves you now and wants to be a family with you." Judy paces her reception room floor in her mansion as she speaks

"Of course, Ashlyn, the baby is Jayden's?" Her eyes bore into mine.

I swallow my nerves down. "Of course." I feel my palms damp with sweat.

Judy gets up closer to me now. "You're sure?"

I feel the heat in my face. "I'm sure." I lied.

She walks off again. "Good. Winona says her kid isn't Jayden's. Phillip is named legally as the father. So, she has no claim to any of the Brennan fortune and assets. So, if this baby is Jayden's, then we have nothing to worry about."

I breathe out. The chances that this baby isn't Jayden's is low. I'd had sex with one other man at a time! was distraught and felt rejected: Finding out about Jayden being with Winona after he was drugged made me crazy. Things just happened and it felt good to have someone really want me, even if it was just sex. The constant battle with Jayden really became tiring. Why does everything have to be so hard? It was all going so well until she came back. I love Jayden so much. I know deep down he loves me too. He's just temporarily confused. His mind has him off-kilter.

But it seems Winona has made her decision to be with someone else and they have a baby. Jayden will soon have that with me. I'm not sure when to tell him. Right now, we're on a break but I haven't canceled any wedding plans. Judy insists we'll fix it all. "When are you going to tell him?" Judy asks.

"Soon, I guess. He's been very preoccupied lately. Maybe I can invite him for dinner one night this week,"

"Perfect. Don't mess this up."

"Mr. Jayden Brennan, Ma'am." Judy's butler announces from the doorway and Jayden comes striding past him.

My blood is racing through my veins so fast. We weren't expecting him here.

"I should have known you two would be together," he snaps. "Concocting up more stories to tell me?"


"Darling! What a lovely surprise." Judy remains calm with her face. "What brings you here?"

"I'm here because I've remembered something about my past. A past you two have been deliberately keeping from me," he accuses, anger flashing through his eyes.

I look down to the floor.

"Now, Jayden, I'm sure you think it's a memory but

"Stop, Mother!" he roars. "Don't try and tell me what is in my own head."

"But..." Judy continues unphased, "the specialist did say things would make you confused for a while.

30 My Baby Daddy

That maybe you'd never know what was real and what sn't."

"Stop patronizing me." He stalks right up to her, and I take a step back instead of her.


Jayden continues his tirade. "I know what's real. I know you've been manipulating things so I don't remember what Winona and I shared. The fact that we lost a baby. The fact that I wanted to be a father. That all we wanted was to build our own family and I could be a dad my child would be proud of. I remember how I loved Winona."

My heart sinks. The day I dreaded is finally here. But wait, he'd just admitted he wanted to be a father. This can work in my favor.

"Manipulating is a strong word, dear. I've merely acted in your best interests. To protect what your father built for you."

He laughs now. "Built for me? Bull. Shit. That man never did anything for anyone but himself. How can you defend him after the way he treated you? I doubt either of us were ever left Brennan Industries by that bastard. No doubt you fixed that up as well?" Judy glances at me and then back at her son. "Let's discuss this in private."

What the hell? Judy never said she had relationship troubles or business troubles.

According to her, her and Jayden's father loved each other deeply and successfully ran the business until he had a heart attack and died. What else has she lied to me about for her own gain?

"Maybe we can discuss it in Father's office?" Jayden demands.

Judy is wide-eyed now. "Ashlyn, you may leave. I'll have my driver take you home."

For the first time I feel like Judy Brennan's confidence and poise has been breached. I'd been waiting for a moment like this to get out from under her control and start calling my own shots again. I step towards Jayden and away from Judy.

"I don't want her telling me what to do anymore. Help me, Jayden. I never wanted to lie to you, but she made me."

Jayden glares at me. "Why should I believe anything you say now?"

"Because I truly love you, I've always loved you. I was willing to walk away if you wanted to be happy with Winona. But you chose me. I know you love me. I'd do anything for you. For us. We are so good together, and you know that." His determined look faltered for a second and I knew I had him thinking twice.

"Your mother didn't want me to tell you, but I want to. I have to." Tears roll down my face as I grab his

hand in mine and smile.

"Jayden, we're going to have a baby."

He just stares at me and I think he's going to explode. Then he turns and leaves. I ran after him, not wanting to be alone with Judy.

"Jayden? We need to talk about this."

"I'm done talking for the day," he says and as the butler approaches in the hallway, "see a driver takes


30 My Baby Daly

Ashlyn home right away. I'm leaving."

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