Chapter 40
It seemed luck was in her favor, and it didn't begin raining after all. By the time she changed into her pair of leggings and a baggy sweater, the sky was still grey, but the city was dry down to the parking garage. Oscar let them both into
Katrina waited for Kylan to be done with one last phone call, and then she walked with him de the back seat and the drive to the airport was mostly spent in comfortable silence
A few times, she could feel Kylan looking at her, and she would meet his gaze and give him a reassuring smile each time.
Once at the airport, Oscar helped her retrieve her suitcases from the trunk. Kylan insisted on rolling hers at that p he only scowled at her and still grabbed the handle of her suitcase point, and she tried to protest, but
She exchanged a brief hug with Oscar and quickly followed after Kylan. "We're in public. Should we uh, activate the contract?" she whispered to him, trying her best to keep up as he expertly weaved through the crowded airport traffk, "Yes." Kylan replied bluntly, and she nodded, taking the opportunity to slip an arm under his suit jacket and around his waist
Kylan checked in her luggage for her, and she allowed him to take charge. It didn't matter how often she was in an airport, they never ceased to make her anxious. Flying was what really did it, though. It didn't make sense to her, no matter how many articles or videos she read or watched about planes and how safe they are. When it came time to get on one, her stomach was forever on the edge and her mind filled with the worst kind of thoughts.
Kylan knew this about her after traveling with her countless times over the last few years, but he never made a big deal about it, and she tried not to
Thirty minutes later, they were through security and waited at their gate. She pulled her phone from her small purse she didn't check with her suitcase. She sent a quick next to her dad to let him know they were at their gate and the flight was scheduled to depart on time. She watched Kylan wipe down the chair next to her before sitting, but she paid him no mind. Just like he didn't make a big deal about her flight anxiety, she never made a big deal about his excessive need for everything to be clean.
By the time first class was called to board, she was internally freaking out, just as she always was by this point. Planes made her panic. They made her claustrophobic. They made her flight or fight response activate.
She was thankful for how quickly she could get around the world by flying, but that was it. She detested everything else about the strange metal sky tubes
She was grateful that Kylan let her have the window seat, at least. He wiped down his own first-class chair and then sat down next to her, cleansing the seat belt before fastening it. He fiddled with his phone while the remaining passengers shuffled on board, and she fidgeted where she sat "Kate, we've been on countless flights," Kylan reminded her quietly
She was startled by his voice. "I'm fine, Sir, she mumbled back at him. She twisted her hair into a bun and secured it atop her head with an elastic she retrieved from around her wrist.
Kylan sighed heavily. "I'm not Sir right now, Kate. I won't be for the entirety of this vacation," he corrected her lowly.
She nodded at him and Licked her lips, biting her inner cheek for a moment while her eyes darted around the cabin of the plane. When a flight attendant offered them a glass of champagne, she accepted it without a thought, suddenly extremely glad that Kylan insisted she flies first-class with him.
Kylan eyed her wearily while she downed the alcohol in only two gulps. "Christ Come here."
He took the glass from her and handed it to another passing flight attendant. Then, he reached for her hand and took hold of it, pulling her into him as much as the armrest between them would allow. She bit back a squeak at the new proximity, her face fishing when he snaked an arm around her waist.
"Relax, okay? It's a short flight, he murmured into her ear, his breath farming the side of her head.
She cleared her throat and forced herself to take a deep breath. "You're right. I'll be okay. Thank you Kylan" She didn't look at him, but she allowed herself to draw comfort in his arm around her, noticing how he also ran his hand up and down her hip in gentle, soft motions
It was intoxicating if she was honest. Being close to him like this, the smell of mint and pine and Kylan filled her senses. She indulged in being next to him, his strong arm around her, the rhythmic passes of his fingers on her side lulling her into a sense of safety. She stayed like that for the duration of the ninety-minute flight, even going as far as resting her head on his shoulder. She was so close to his neck then, that she considered placing a kiss or two on his skin, but she refrained. There were still boundaries in place, after all.
She watched Kylan work on his laptop with one hand, never complaining about not having access to his other hand.
The turbulence still caused her to tens
'to tense every so often, but Kylan sensed it each time and only pulled her closer to him in response
The fight passed surprisingly quickly and then the flight attendants were calling for them to put their tray tables back in their proper places. She
straightened up, keeping a hand on Kylan's arm as she turned to stare out at the window. She couldn't help but smile.
Katrina loved living in New York City, but there was something about going home that always made her feel at prace.
The sun had already set, so she only had distant city lights to beckon her, but it was enough. It was enough for her anxiety to dissipate a little more and for a small amount of anticipation to fill its aburner.
The plane safely landed a few minutes later and she grinned with rehef at Kylan. "Thank you. Kylan. I really appreciate her kindness," quietly
"she told him
Kylan nodded at her, grabbing hold of his laptop bag and unbuckling his seat belt as soon as the plane pulled into the gate and the flight attendants let her get off. Kylan reached for her hand, to which she accepted the gesture and followed him out of the plane. She found the signs for baggage claim and secured her luggage. Kylan insisted on pushing them again, and she didn't fight him this time. She linked her arm with his as she walked to a car rental counter.
Thirty y minutes later, she was sitting in the passenger seat of a Volvo that was far too nice for her small town of Portland, Maine. She plugged in the address for the hotel and then looked out the window for the remainder of the car ride.
It felt incredible to be back here. Everything looked entirely the same, and yet so different. She could practically smell the saltiness of the Gulf of Maine, and she shivered against the harsh Arlantic cold seeping into the car. Kylan seemed to have noticed because he turned up the heat in the car a notch. She thanked him and then continued to look outside.
was home.
And she was about to introduce her dad to her fake boyfriend and her boss. -0-0-0-
Katrina was eager to stretch her legs by the time she made it to her hotel. She meticulously combed through several different options before choosing the one she did. Kylan was picky, after all. He had refused to say at hotels in the past if they didn't live up to his high standard
She could only hope that he was okay with this one. It was truthfully a beautiful building made from old, red brick, but kept up nicely. The three-story structure was located near the Waterfront, which gave her easy access to many of the possible tourist attractions that she might be able to talk Kylan into doing
Kylan gave the keys to the rental to a valet, and a bellhop gathered her suitcases for her. Kylan reached for her hand, and she took hold of in following him inside the hotel.
The pictures online did not do the lobby justice.
openly gaped, in complete awe at how beautiful the interior was. It was the perfect mixture between modern and the blend of a seaside town. The various shades of blue, coupled with the contrasting whites, were nice. Compelling Comforting
It was cozy, incredibly so. Upon looking at Kylan, he didn't seem to openly detest what he saw, and she felt herself smile. Good.
She checked in at the front desk and the attendant gave her a key to the premier suite the specifically asked to book
And then she was in the elevator with the bellhop and Rylan alike, and the nerves she had managed to stave off decided it was the right moment for them to rear their ugly head again.
So near they did.
She was going to be sharing a room with Kylan.
Alone with Kylan.
One bed, with Kylan.
Would she both sleep there? Would he take the couch? Should she offer to sleep on th
the couch!
She had no idea.
But then the elevator doors were opening, and she was walking down the hallway, and Kylan was unlocking the door to the suite.
He gestured for her to go in first, and she flashed him a quick half-sale before walking inside.
Motion-censored lights flickered on upon her entrance, and she gasped before she could help herself.
The suite was gorgeous. Unlike the lobby, the color scheme was that of different shades of pearl and cream. There was a loveseat and two armchairs nestled in front of an inviting fireplace that was already lit. Her eyes drifted to a bay window that surely overlooked the Waterfront.
Near that, there sat a table with a few chairs and a vase of fresh perennials, dahlias, and shrub roses al
salike. The shades of color against the white backdrop of the suite were breathtaking. She found herself walking over to the flowers and bending down a bit so she could smell them. The insxture of scents was heavenly, and she felt herself smiling all over again. *TI leave their here for you. Sir, and Madam." The bellhop bowed politely, and she saw Kylan handing him a small roll of money
With that, he left her and Kylan alone. She pushed the window curtains aside and looked out into the night. Even in the dark, she knew she was
ght in that the premier suite did overlook the Waterfront
"Is it warm enough for you?" Rylan's low voice asked from behind her
She turned around, surprised to see how close he was standing to she. She only had to take a few steps, and then she was right in front of him. She hugged him without pausing to question herself, her arms wrapping around his neck tightly.
"This is wonderful, Kylan. Thank you" she breathed, carefully avoiding doing so right into his neck.
Kylan was stiff under her for only a moment, and then he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her back. "You're the one who chose the hotel," he quietly reminded her.
She laughed and pulled away a bit so she could see his face. "I know I did. Even so, thank you for coming with me." She dropped her arms and stepped away from him, realizing how inappropriate her actions were in the first place.
She looked behind Kylan and at the door leading into what was no doubt the bedroom. She took a deep breath and decided it was now or never She walked over to the door and opened it, stepping inside and being blown away once more at the beauty which awaited
It was perfect, just like everything else. There was one king-size bed in the center of the room, a nightstand on either side of it with a small lamp on each one. The white, overly fluffy duvet beckoned her to flop right onto it, but she resisted the urge in favor of appearing more put together in front of Kylan.
Another small table sat near what appeared to be a balcony, and she couldn't wait to step outside onto it in the morning
Other than that, there was a decent sized dresser, a walk-in closet, and a door leading into an equally grand bathroom. A large, jetted tub and a shower with three cascading showerheads greeted her. A vanity with two porcelain sinks adorned the opposite wall of the room, and heavenly- Jooking white towels hung over a warmer
It was easily the nicest suite she had ever stayed in, by far.
She turned back to the bedroom, only to find Kylan walking the expanse of the room, brushing his fingers on the different surfaces that he came by. She already knew he was checking for dust.
She smirked in the bathroom doorway, folding her arms, and watching his careful inspection. "Is it up to par, Kylan?" she asked him, amusement openly coating her tone.
"It will do, yes." Kylan hummed and went to retrieve both of their suitcases from the front room.
He came back a moment later and she sat on the edge of the bed, watching as he now unpacked the entire contents of his case and put the various articles of clothing in both the dresser and closet.
She didn't question how he chose to operate, but she did aven her eyes when he pulled out what looked like boxers
"Take the side by the window if that's alright." Kylan said to her from inside the closer.
She was thankful he didn't see her eyes widen at his declaration. So, he intended on sharing a bed for sure. Okay. Okay. She could do that. It was a king-size bed, after all. She would most likely not be aware of each other the entire night.
"That's. Okay, yeah. That's fine," she responded back to him, nervously looking behind her at the bed in question. She internally chastised herself. She was a twenty-nine-year-old woman, for fuck's sake. She could share a bed with a thirty-two-year-old man. Even if the man was her boss. Her boss who was an exceptionally great kisser.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.
"Do I have time to take a shower?" Kylan appeared in the doorway of the closet, and she checked the time on her phone.
"Yes, that should be fine. We're meeting my dad at a restaurant just down the road at the Waterfront. We don't need to leave for a half hour" she informed him.
He nodded, seemingly pleased. "Thanks then. I need to get these plane germs off me. He took off his suit jacket and hung it up in the closet behind. him. Then he stared to undo the buttons of his shirt and she gaped at him,
"I can. I'll give you some privacy," she practically squeaked out; her voice entirely too high to sound normal.
Kylan rolled his eyes at her. "I'm not going to fully undress in front of you, Katrina" He narrowed his eyes at her, continuing to slide his buttons
"R-right. Of course not." She did her best to look at anything except Kylan.
From the corner of her eye, she saw him slide both his burton-down and his undershirt away from his body. She couldn't help it. She'd probably blame it on travel exhaustion if someone asked her. But she snuck a glance at him, very nearly gasping again when she saw him.
He was nothing short of beautiful. A perfectly sculpted, milky white chest laced with all the right kind of muscles and ripples that seemed to invite her to touch him. Apart from that, she noticed a small, black tattoo across has ribcage
Chupter 40
She wouldn't have pegged Kylan as someone to have a tattoo, but hell, it worked for him. She couldn't see it clearly with the way he was moving around the room and gathering new clothes and his toiletries. But it looked like it was some sort of symbol. She thought she could see letterings, maybe.
"I won't be long." Kylan told her, walking into the bathroom and ignoring if he saw her ogling him.
She took a moment to steady herself after he was obscured from view when he closed the door. She ran her hands over her face, groaning quiety and shaking her head.
She needed to get a hold of herself
This was Kylan. Her boss. Her fake fiance who was soon to be her fake husband.
Where was that freaking tightrope?