Arranged marriage : Married to an unknown man


Xavier Knight

At that particular moment, I wanted to strangle Daniel’s neck. Damn!!! He didn’t tell me that I’d need a translator. And why he chose an Italian restaurant. Why not any Asian restaurant?

I knew Mr. Nong Sutharak was Thai but I didn’t know he couldn’t speak the language that I understand.

Mr. Sutharak was a steel tycoon of Thailand and was a renowned name in Southeast Asia. We wanted to set up our business in that part of Asia and for that, we’d need raw steel for our product manufacturing. And if we join hands with steel tycoon of that part of Asia itself it’d be a plus point for our business setup.

But to make the deal happen I needed a translator. I knew he came with his own translator who would translate his words to me. But still, a translator should be there with both parties in these kinds of meetings to make sure that there is no misunderstanding. And also, if one has a translator with them, one can know what other party is discussing amongst themselves in their own language.

I could speak a few languages fluently and hell I could even speak a little bit of Japanese but I didn’t know how to speak Thai. I never learned it. I had to do something to make this deal happen. If there will be any kind of hindrance in this deal, I’ll kill daniel with my bare hands.

I was brought out of my thoughts when my P. A. stepped forward. She joined her hands together, bowed her head slightly. What is she doing?

“Swasdi Mr. Sutharak. Chan khux Ariana Jones phu chwy swntaw khxng Mr. Knight..” She said with a broad smile that I never saw before on her face.

Translation: Hello. Mr. Sutharak. I am Ariana Jones, Mr. Knight’s Personal Assistant.

She’s speaking Thai? What?!

Mr. Sutharak smiled broadly and did the same gesture of joining his hands and bowing his head and said,

“Swasdi. Yindi thi di rucak khun Miss Jones…. Khun duhemuxn khn xecheiy”

Translation: Hello. Nice to meet you, Miss Jones… You look like an Asian.

To which she replied with a smile.

“Ch. Khrung xecheiy cring. Phx khxng chan ma cak prathesthiy.”

Translation: Yes. Half Asian actually. My father was from Thailand.

“Thi na tuntatunc. Rusuk di mak thi di phb khnn prathes khxng khun n din dn xun.” Mr. Sutharak replied with an even broader smile.

Translation: That’s amazing. It feels great to meet your own country’s people on another land.

“Ch (yes).” She smiled.

I didn’t get anything that they were talking about. I concluded that they were exchanging pleasantries. I stood there, dumbfounded, watching her speak Thai fluently. I never knew she could speak Thai.

When I came back to my senses I realized we were still standing.

“Mr. Sutharak let’s have a seat first,” I said, gesturing towards the table. He understood the gesture and nodded his head, and sat on the sofa seat with his secretory. I sat on the sofa across them and she sat beside me.

“Let’s have lunch first then we’ll discuss business.” I cajoled.

“Nnxn wa rea ma than xahar klangwan kan kxn” He said as he nodded his head. He understands little English.

Translation: Sure, let’s have lunch first.

We all ordered our food. I ordered the best wine. A waiter arrived with our food and placed it on the table then he started pouring wine in glasses. When the waiter reached for her glass she stopped him.

“No. Not for me.”

Before I could ask her anything, Mr. Sutharak said something to her.

“Khun mi chxb win Miss Jones herx?”

Translation: You don’t like wine, Miss Jones?

To which she replied ” Chan mi dum xlkxhxl”

Translation: I don’t drink alcohol.

Mr. Sutharak nodded his head and started eating his food. But I wanted to know what he said and what she replied to him because I didn’t get a single word they spoke. So I shifted a little towards her which made my arm touch hers. I could sense her body stiffen. I immediately pulled my arm away.

“What was Mr. Sutharak saying?” I whispered lowly, turning my head towards her.

“He was asking if I don’t like wine,” She whispered, turning her head slightly towards me but didn’t look at me.

“So, you don’t?” I asked in a whisper.

“No. I don’t drink alcohol,” she replied.

“Oh! You want anything else?” I asked.

“No. I am good,” she replied. I just nodded my head which I knew she didn’t notice and I started eating my food.

After finishing our food we started discussing business. She translated my words to him. Basically, Kris, Mr. Sutharak’s secretory was sitting silent because she was also translating Mr. Sutharak’s words to me. Because Mr. Sutharak was mostly speaking while looking at her. I had no idea why he had been doing that. Maybe because she was able to understand his language?

In the end, the meeting was successful. We signed the deal and I was beyond happy. Finally, took one more step ahead in setting the company in Asia. We all stood up from our seats.

“It’s a pleasure doing business with you,” I said shaking Mr. Sutharak’s hand.

“Pen khwam yindi sahrab chan chen kan Mr. Knight,” he said while shaking hand with me.

Translation: It’s a pleasure for me too, Mr. Knight.

Kris translated Mr. Sutharak’s words to which I nodded my head.

“Rea khwr xxk txn ni rea mi theiyw bin thi ca cab” Mr. Sutharak said and Kris translated his words.

Translation: We should leave now, we have a flight to catch.

“Oh. Sure, Mr. Sutharak.” I replied nodding my head. Then he faced her.

“Man penkar prachum thi di sahrab khun Miss Jones,” he said while bowing his head slightly.

Translation: It was nice meeting you, Miss Jones.

“Khx khxbkhun. Yindi thi di rucak chen kan” She replied while bowing her head too.

Translation: Thank you. It’s nice to meet you as well.

After bidding goodbye, Mr. Sutharak and his secretory left the place. I paid the bill and faced her. I thought of thanking her for helping me out. The deal was possible without any hindrance just because of her. She did a commendable job.

I opened my mouth and said, “Let’s go”. Shit, why didn’t Thank you came out of my mouth? Damn!!

She nodded her head and collected her belongings. We then made our way towards the VIP elevator. I pushed the button but it didn’t work.

“Sir, due to sensor failure this elevator is not working. It’s under maintenance right now.” One of the staff members said while approaching us.

Shit! It was working when we arrived here.

“Sir, it will take time to repair,” he said.

But I had to attend another meeting.

“We’ll take the other elevator then,” I replied.

“Sir, it’s a regular elevator, not the VIP one.” He replied nervously.

“It’s okay, in the end they serve the same purpose.” I pushed the button of the elevator and entered. The elevator was empty. I stood at the back since I knew other people would enter the elevator. She stood beside me. I took out my phone and started checking the emails.

The elevator stopped on the next floor and many people entered the elevator. Shit!! Can’t they wait for a little more? They knew space was less but still, they entered. I shifted little back to make space for myself, my back touched the elevator’s back wall. I sighed and again began reading my emails on the phone.

Suddenly someone pushed into me which made me stumble a little. I looked at the person only to find that it was her.

“Can’t you stand still?” I whispered irritatingly.

“S.. sorry.” She stammered. I again diverted my attention back to my phone. Just in a few more seconds, she again pushed into me. What’s her problem? Everyone is standing still can’t she do that too?

“What is the problem with you? Can’t you stay still for a few minutes?” I whisper-yelled.

“S. s.. sorry.” She stammered again but she flinched and again pushed into me. I looked at the other side only to see a man standing there whose hand was touching hers which was making her uncomfortable. Knowingly or unknowingly that man again brushed his hand with hers. Damn him!!

“Come to this side.” I made some space for her so that she could stand where I was standing. I stood between her and that man.

But again someone from front stepped back, pushing into her which made her gasp. I clenched my jaw and softly pushed her against the wall of the elevator, and placed my hands on either side of her head trapping her in between me and the wall, securing her from other people’s touch but I kept distance between us. She pressed the file she was holding against her chest tightly.

A whiff of sweet flowers reached my nostrils, there was not doubt that it was coming from her.. she smells so good…The smell was not strong but sweet that has the capability to capture any man’s attention. Totally alluring and addicting.

My eyes met her now wide eyes. For the first time, I saw her eyes from this close. Her eyes were dark black, holding twinkle in them, like the way stars twinkle in the night sky. Her black eyes seemed like holding some secret deep inside them. I couldn’t help but get mesmerized by her tantalizing black eyes. Before I knew it, my heart started picking up the race. I swear that her eyes were the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen in my life.

She averted her eyes and looked down. I moved my eyes from her eyes to her nose and then to her lips. Her pink lips looked soft. I wonder what her lips taste like and what it feels to kiss them. Just a mere thought made an unknown sensation ran through my body which made my heart drum at a fast rate.

Why’s that happening to me? That’s the same kind of sensation which I experienced when I kissed her hand on the day of the wedding.

My hand unknowingly reached up and touched her cheek. She tensed under my touch, but I ignored the tension that developed in her body. I caressed my thumb over her cheek. So soft…She wasn’t wearing even a single layer of makeup. I could feel that in my touch. Goodness.. she is a natural beauty. And I always thought she wore tons of makeup. And the blush that crawled on her spotless skin made her look so cute.

Wait.??… cute?? What was I doing?

The elevator stopped, bringing me come back to my senses. And only then I realized, we were standing in an awkward position in the presence of many people. Shit!!

I pulled my hands back from the wall of the elevator immediately and stood straight. I averted my eyes.

That was the first time I stood this close to her. When all other people moved out of the elevator, I also exited with her walking behind me.

Fuck! What was I thinking? I hope no media person was there in the elevator otherwise that will be in the newspaper and magazine the next day.

Taking my car keys from the valet I sat on the driver’s seat. She sat on the passenger seat beside me.

I started driving my car. There was an awkward silence in the car. I glance towards her to see her looking outside the window.

I wanted to ask a question that was swirling in my head since the meeting with Mr. Sutharak. So to break the silence I asked.

“How do you know the Thai language.” Fuck.. seriously.. how??.. Anyone can learn any language they have an interest in. Why are stupid words coming out of my mouth?

“I mean people generally learn to speak German, Italian, Russian, French, etc. etc,” I said, masking my stupid question. My eyes were on the road.

She glanced at me, I saw that from the corner of my eyes.

“Um…My father.. my bi.. biological father was Asian, he was Thai. He used to teach me to speak that language before he.. he.. d.. died.” She stuttered. My head immediately turned towards her. She was looking down, fidgeting her fingers. I never knew this.

“After that, I learned the language online. So um.. basically I am half Asian.” She said and looked out of the window again. I again directed my attention towards the road.

“I am sorry…about your father..” I trailed off.

“It’s okay.” She said politely.

I sighed silently. I knew she was Andrew’s stepdaughter but I never knew she was half Asian and that too Thai. No doubt why Mr. Sutharak was impressed by her.

“And that explains her beautiful eyes,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Huh? You said something?” She asked looking at me.

“No. Nothing,” I said without looking at her.

Mumbling ‘okay’ she diverted her attention back to the window.

And only then I realized that I didn’t know anything about her. Though I didn’t need to, I felt like I should know her more.

I stopped the car when we reached the office building. She unlocked the door and was about to get out when I stopped her.

“Wait!” she stopped and looked at me questioningly.

“Err…Thanks for your help back there. Mr. Sutharak was an important client.” I said, glancing towards her while drumming my fingers on the steering wheel. Well, she indeed did a great job back there. And I am not the person who doesn’t appreciate good work.

Her eyes went wide for a second before she averted them.

“It’s okay. That was part of my work.” She replied softly with a hint of a cute smile on her face.Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

Shit!! What’s happening to me. Why Am I referring to her as cute? I should not do this. I took a deep breath and turned my attention back to the road.

“You can go now. I have another meeting to attend.” I said firmly. I saw her smile fading slowly. Saying okay she stepped out of the car.

Suddenly I realized something…that was the first-ever normal conversation I made to her.

I shook my head. I should stop this. I started my car and drove to my next destination.

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