Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate

Chapter 291

CHAPTER 291 Put.Her.Down.

Before anyone could stop her Lexi snarled viciously as she broke away from the group and raced towards the doorway where a terrified Ada stood frozen to the spot, her arms wrapped protectively around her swollen stomach.

She could hear the distant shouts of Allen and Greyson, and the deep growl of displeasure from her father but right now, she didn't give a fuck.

This arrogant little bitch was half the cause of all of the problems that her best friend had faced, and the cause of her misery growing up... there was no way that she was going to let her just scurry off back to whatever rat hole she had crawled out of.

Her eyes flared even brighter as she reached for Ada's ragged cloak fastened tightly at her neck and wrenched her violently forward, her face centimeters from Lexi's. Ada whimpered helplessly at the sight of her malevolent grin and wrapped her arms around her belly tighter. "Please..." Ada whispered, swallowing nervously as Lexi tipped her head back and laughed. "Please?" Lexi let loose a cruel, mocking laugh as she narrowed her eyes at her. "You never listened to Ann when she asked you to stop, did you?" she hissed furiously.

She could vividly hear the sobs of Ann pleading with her when they were all children, just to leave her alone, and stop her constant torment. She had given up asking, pleading with her to stop as they reached their mid teens.

She had learned to suffer it all in silence, with Lexi being the only one that had ever seen the raw side of Ann, the silent hiccuping sobs as she clenched her fists angrily at her side, wanting desperately to retaliate but knowing that her father would always, always take Ada's side

And Lexi had hated her for it.

"You don't understand, my mother..." she whimpered.

"Fuck you and your mother, you heartless little whore," Lexi hissed as she grabbed a fistfull of Ada's hair and yanked it back harshly, Ada's yelp of fear eliciting a delicious shiver up Lexi's spine.

"Lexi..." Lord Brarthroroz growled from behind them as Lexi tensed briefly, her smile disappearing for a split second as her blazing eyes dimmed slightly, but then her grin returned as she gripped her even tighter.

A low waming rumble from behind her, which she knew belonged to her father made her sigh heavily and roll her eyes to the ceiling

"She deserves this Papa." Lexi hissed vehemently, not taking her eyes away from Ada's fear

stricken crbs.

"She may... but her child does not," he growled from behind her as Lexi huffed irritably, Put.Her.Down.

"So she can fucking run away and warn them?!" Lexi snarled over her shoulder at him as Ada grasped at the hand gripping her cloak.

"I can help... if you'll let me.." she pleaded desperately, dropping her voice to barely above a whisper, "I don't want to be here. My child...

Lexi turned back to her and practically hissed in Ada's face as her father's arm dropped down firmly on her shoulder, and reluctantly, she uncurled her fingers from the material of her cloak and pushed her away.

"She deserves death Papa, Lexi snapped as she stomped past him furiously

"And it will come to us all, daughter of mine," Lord Brarthroroz snapped as he reached out and pulled her back to face him, "Yet the child she grows within her is not at fault, and you would have the blood of an innocent on your well as it's soul."

A brief silence passed between the two of them as his eyes seemed to bore into her. "And that would change you beyond all recognition, daughter. It is not something that I, nor your mates will be able to take from you, and it will eat you alive until there is only darkness and torment." Lord Brarthroroz hissed ominously, "Eromaug is living proof of one who chose his destiny through anger, and has lived with the consequences ever since."

Lexi blinked up at him in surprise as he released her roughly and tumed towards Ada raising an arm to lay his hand on her shoulder gently, even as she flinched away.

She retreated sullenly to where Allen and Greyson stood a few steps away, unable to hear the conversation that her father was holding with Ada. Neither one of them dared to risk asking if she was okay purely due to the murderous rage on her face and the seething aura that emanated darkly from around her.

Eventually Lord Brarthroroz made his way back to them, with Ada staying slightly behind as she watched them warily, her arms still clasped around her bump.

"The doors behind her lead to Eromaug's chamber. Lord Brarthroroz began before Lexi's disdainful huff interrupted him loudly and his gaze rested on her momentarily.

"And you believe what that witch will tell you so readily? Without question?! How do you know that she isn't lying through her teeth?!" Lexi gritted out suspiciously.NôvelDrama.Org content.

"She does not reek of deception, daughter, that is why I take her words so freely." Lord Brarthroroz explained patiently as Lexi snarled in response.

"You do not know that! Both she and her mother are masters of deception! They tricked the shifters..."

"Enough," Lord Brarthroroz hissed furiously, his eyes flashing dangerously as he narrowed them towards his daughter, "Do you really think that I am no better than these....little shifters? I, who have been in this world centuries longer than any of them? Do you not believe that the wisdom of the centuries I have accumulated does not outstrip that of these young shifters of this realm?"

Lexi swallowed nervously at her fathers words, the fire of fury in her heart diminishing almost instantly at the fury and disappointment in his eyes. She took a steadying breath as both Allen and Greyson laid a hand on her back and she felt their calming influence quench the rage inside of her.

She met her fathers eyes and nodded silently before sending a glare towards Ada, but she

said nothing more.

"As I was saying," Lord Brathroroz said quietly, dragging his eyes from his daughter and glancing at the shifters assembled around them, "The door behind us leads to Eromaug's chamber. He is a state of rest. The door to the left leads further into the coven's quarters, and the door to the right does indeed lead to one of their flesh crafter's workshops." "And what of her whore of a mother?" Lexi hissed, "She is she once was."

When we returned, Eromaug punished her," Ada offered in a tremulous voice as she stepped forwards hesitantly, "He changed her to something between a wraith and...a banshee, I think. She was cold and cruel before, but now?" Ada snorted softly as she shook her head, "Now she holds no emotion whatsoever."

Lord Brarthroroz grunted as a dark look crossed his face.

"Then she will be in his chambers with him somewhere. They exist only to serve. Once killed they will return to the being that owns their souls and after a time, will reappear, ready to serve once more."

"So what you're saying is, the only way to kill her, is to kill Eromaug?" Greyson asked, horrified that this daemon could raise a small army that was simply unkillable.

"Exactly that." Lord Brarthroroz smirked as he turned to face the doors darkly, "I would suggest that you wait out here Ada, I do not expect that we will be long and I will not have your blood on my hands."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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